Chapter 570

"I want to say to those guerrillas and drug gangs who are against the government that your good days are over. As long as I am president of Vargas for one day, you will not have a good day. I swear in the name of God that I will send Escobar to prison and extradite him to our closest partner, the United States, for justice, and I will treat you as well as the drug traffickers who rely on drug trafficking for money, Your only home is prison... "Vargas' passionate inaugural speech spread to thousands of families through TV signal, and Escobar is also sitting in front of the TV at the moment, silently watching the elated Vargas.

From the moment Vargas was elected president, Escobar knew that his situation was more dangerous. A president who is obedient to Americans is definitely not what Escobar wants to see. At the moment, Escobar looked at the face of Vargas in the TV, thinking more and more angrily. He picked up a valuable Crystal Whisky Glass and threw it at the TV.

"MD, asshole! If you want to catch me, I'll kill you first! " The crystal cup fell to the ground and fell to pieces, while the TV only cracked a little, and still can play the picture. Escobar angrily picked up his favorite golden pistol from the wine table at hand, and shot at the head of Vargas on the TV.

"Bang!" After a gunshot, the imported TV worth tens of thousands of dollars stopped working completely. Escoval put down his beloved golden pistol, picked up the satellite phone, and then skillfully pressed the phone of Yuri, an old friend of Gorky brotherhood. Before long, the phone was dialed.

"Hey, Yuri, my brother!" Escobar said hello to Yuri in a different tone.

"Pablo, you have to realize that I don't live in America anymore. I live in Switzerland now. You have to know that we have time difference!" The sleepy Yuri complained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, brother! I really don't realize that. " Escobar quickly said sorry.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Yuri quickly gets up and leaves the bedroom, because gergina is still asleep. Yuri doesn't want to wake her. In recent days, Yuri and gergina have been very happy in Switzerland. Apart from making occasional phone calls to talk business with clients in Mexico and Colombia, they spend most of their time skiing, horseback riding and seaside holidays. Yuri is now planning to hold a wedding with gergina, and the location is temporarily set in Austria. Yuri no longer plans to return to the United States. Although the U.S. government has released his wanted, Yuri is still worried. He plans to settle down in Switzerland in the future and help Yakov take care of things in Italy. His brother Mikhail naturally took over all Yuri's business in the United States.

"Man, our president, Vargas, he's not very popular! As soon as he came to power, he took catching me as his political commitment. I don't like his attitude towards me! " Escobar said angrily.

"So what do you want to do, order a few more ships of ammunition and get to Bogota?" Yuri asked, rubbing his tired eyes and yawning.

"No, brother! I want to find a capable killer to help me kill Vargas! " Escobar said, gritting his teeth.

"Can't you do it yourself? Why are you looking for me? " Yuri asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, brother! My biggest wish is to let me and my people enjoy their wealth legally in their lifetime. If a Colombian kills Vargas, then I must be the biggest suspect. If a killer can be sent from Europe, then my suspicion is much smaller, because this matter can be pushed to Cuba or even the Soviet Union! " Escobar explained to Yuri.

"Pablo, it seems that you are still determined. Have you forgotten the final result of your plan to repay the foreign debt with the government of Colombia? I tell you, politicians who come to power by vote have few words to believe! How long will their commitment last, and what will happen if there is a new president in four years Yuri's advice was painstaking.

"Brother, I want to try after all!" Escobar pleaded.

"Well, I can promise you this time. Listen, this time!" Yuri warned.

Yuri hung up and went straight back to bed. Until during the day, he estimated that Xie liaosha should have got up, so he dialed Xie liaosha's phone and told him all about it.

"Yuri, I agree with your plan in principle. This Vargas is an American dog. He wants to ban the import of Soviet cars. If he does, how can I explain to Gorbachev?" Xie liaosha also said discontentedly.

"Then, Xie liaosha, do you agree with this matter?" Yuri felt surprised and asked. Originally, he was ready to persuade Xie liaosha. Now it seems that this statement is useless.

"Yes, I agree! Ask Yakov to send the most capable people under his command. Remember, if you can get it done, you can get it done. If you can't get it done, you can come back as soon as possible. Don't let the Colombian government and the CIA find us! " Xie liaosha asked again, and finally hung up the phone. All the things that should be explained are finished. Let Yuri arrange the rest.

After getting the authorization from seryosa, Yuri said goodbye to gergina temporarily. He flew to Naples to find Yakov in his business plane overnight. When he arrived in Naples, Yuri told Yakov about it, Yakov immediately found his capable general Rubik.

"You want me to take out the newly elected president of Colombia?" Rubik asked in surprise.

"It's the customer's request. We need to send someone to show our attitude. It's settled by Nikolay. When you get to Colombia, look at the opportunity. If you have the opportunity, kill him. If you really can't, don't force him. " Said Yuri.

"OK, boss, give me a day and I'll pack up and start!" Rubik replied cleanly.

"Are you alone? I'm not going to bring a helper! " Yakov asked with concern.

"I'd like to take Chebyshev back from Africa. He's very smart. He's more to my taste?" Rubik said without thinking.

"Chebyshev, why don't I remember?" Yakov asked curiously.

"The one who used to be the head of fraternity Africa Foundation in Mogadishu..." Rubik replied.