Chapter 490

Cape Town, South Africa, not far from the South African Department of energy in a high-end office building. The offices of Glencore and Mediterranean trading company are set up here.

Not long ago, Glencore's senior partner green and the South African government finalized a trade agreement on oil and agricultural products, which opened the door of a golden country. It has brought new trade channels to a country that has been widely sanctioned by the international community because of apartheid.

As a rare rich country in Africa, South Africa has a strong ability to pay. They use gold instead of dollars to buy important livelihood goods from Canon, such as oil from the Soviet Union and Iran, which are also under sanctions, and wheat from Latin America. In exchange, Glencore will harvest spot gold, which will be sold to the Mediterranean trading company downstairs and shipped back to the Soviet Union.

Gold, as an important hedge, will play an important role in Japan's action in the near future. Because shortly after the signing of the Plaza Accord, the US dollar will take the initiative to seek depreciation to ease the decline of US economic growth, and gold will become a hot spot in the market. It is precisely because of the expectation that the US dollar is about to fall that all the subsidiaries under Xie liaosha are trying to spend the US dollar as much as possible. However, cash gold is very troublesome. This kind of thing is not suitable for Glencore, which has a very fast turnover speed. On the contrary, it is more useful as a national asset reserve. Therefore, Xie liaosha is using his power to help foreign trade banks adjust their asset structure. In a month's time, foreign trade banks have successively collected and stored up to 20 billion US dollars of gold.

This also means that 20 billion US dollars have flowed into Glencore's hands. Seliosha left only the necessary liquidity for Glencore, and the rest has been sent to the Bank of Tokyo's foreign exchange account through the channel of Bank of Columbia.

There is still more than a month to go before September, and there is not much time left for Xie liaosha. Because he realized that the crazy arbitrage of the Communist Youth League cadres did great harm to the country, but the gain was not worth the loss, so Xie liaosha took the initiative to stop his actions. Instead, he used the name of oil hedging to cheat Gorbachev into allowing him to freely control the foreign exchange reserves in the foreign trade bank account. Now, there are two things to be done in front of Sheila. The first is to let Mikhail hold 100 billion US dollars of yen assets before the Plaza Agreement is announced. The second is to transfer the remaining one trillion US dollars of foreign trade banks to the financial market of the United Kingdom.

Mikhail has only about $40 billion worth of yen assets in his hands. At the current exchange rate of 250:1, the total is about 1 trillion yen. The first thing Mikhail did when he became president of the Bank of Columbia branch in Japan was to apply to the Tokyo Stock Exchange for a seat as a primary market dealer. This seat can be directly traded in bulk stocks without going through securities dealers like Nomura Securities.

The Bank of Columbia, with a large amount of cash in hand, immediately became the target of Japanese companies. The financial department of Tibet province paid more attention to Mikhail and even awarded him an honorary certificate from the Japanese government to thank him for his trust in the Japanese economy. Mikhail happily accepted the honor. He also hung it on the wall of his office. Every time a Japanese guest came to visit, Mikhail took the initiative to introduce it to the other party.

Unfortunately, no matter how enthusiastic these big Japanese companies are, Mikhail has never taken out the real money to take practical action. Instead, he put forward suggestions to the financial department to improve the market trading mechanism of subprime mortgage products.

Mikhail took the initiative to come to the financial department to apply for the establishment of a short mechanism for subprime products. For this man holding trillion yen assets, the financial department naturally dare not take it lightly. Many senior executives have come to see Mikhail in person. As Kuroda, who has been in charge of Columbia bank, naturally has the honor to be one of them.

"Short subprime products? Mr. grachov, you are the president of the first financial company in Japan to engage in subprime product trading! Would you tolerate others shorting your subprime products? " The finance department's second minister Noda asked suspiciously.

"Mr. sub minister, as you said, I certainly don't want the sub-prime products issued by myself to be sniped! But as a responsible financier, I hope subprime products can have a better and sound trading system. Although the concept of subprime mortgage has been popular all over the world not long after Mr. ulyanov proposed it, Japan is certainly the biggest beneficiary. However, the trading mechanism of only long but not short is not sound. " Mikhail replied with Noda.

"Short subprime financial products, will anyone buy this kind of thing?" Another official sitting next to Noda asked with disdain. How hot the real estate market in Japan is now! Short subprime mortgage is to short Japan's roof property and personal credit market. Unless you are a fool, who doesn't know that Japanese people are the richest consumer group in the world.

"The important thing is not whether someone buys it, but to establish and improve an open trading system! Everybody, the fluctuation of financial market itself comes from different people's different judgments of economic development! We should bring in financiers with different views at the same time! " Mikhail stressed again.

"Well, Mr. Grachev! We have understood what you mean. We will discuss with Nomura Securities and Tokyo Stock Exchange to launch financial products that can short subprime derivatives as soon as possible. However, you know, if the issue is not ideal, we will cancel it at any time! " Noda disdains to say that grachov is forcing regulators to issue such products now. Is it because he has lost confidence in Japan's economy? He really can't understand what these foreigners are thinking.

After seeing Mikhail off, Noda called the person in charge of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Nomura Securities to communicate on Mikhail's proposal.

"Mr. Noda, I think maybe what I said to him is that I just hope the transaction mechanism of subprime mortgage will be more complete! I don't believe anyone will invest in this kind of product now! " The head of the Tokyo Stock Exchange replied cautiously.

"Yes! If CBS really does. I'm sure he'll lose as much as he can buy out. Our real estate boom has just begun. Our overseas real estate investment has bought 90% of the land in Hawaii. We'll also buy New York, Los Angeles, Chicago... The next thing we do against our Japanese economy is perish! " The person in charge of Noda Securities said arrogantly.