Chapter 489

On the way back, Xie liaosha kept thinking about what happened in the department store today. The old comrade who came to reflect on the problem was a retired bus driver in Moscow. I've worked hard all my life for this country, but when I get old, I can't live on my pension. On the contrary, it is state cadres like Valeri who wantonly seek self-interest by relying on their own rights.

Xie liaosha didn't punish waleri, because he and waleri are the same kind of people. There is no problem for him to criticize waleri. In addition, waleri is not a cadre in the MOFTEC system, and Xie liaosha cannot and does not want to punish him beyond his authority.

Old comrades let waleri handle the affairs on his own. Xie liaosha believes that waleri will not be perfunctory for his own future. But today's event suddenly made Xie liaosha feel a sense of guilt for the country.

These days, Xie liaosha has been busy raising funds for the Japanese plan. He asked the cadres of the Communist Youth League, such as Khodorkovsky, to help them to get the foreign exchange of the country. Now think about it, this kind of behavior is harmful to the country but not beneficial. Over the years, most of what Xie liaosha has done is worthy of this country. Whether it was the Mutual Aid Association of that year or the new worker's village later, Xie liaosha made a fortune and at the same time provided help to the local people. So why can't Japan do this?

Thinking of this, Xie liaosha had a new idea. He said to his driver, "don't go back to the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, go to the Kremlin!"

After the driver answered, he quickly changed his direction. Nasjia, who was sitting next to Xie liaosha, contacted the staff of Gorbachev's office by car phone and asked the general secretary if he had time. After getting a positive reply, nasjia told Xie liaosha of Gorbachev's office's reply to the meeting.

Gil 41047, shailyusha's car, came all the way to the Kremlin. After repeated inspections, Xie liaosha finally met General Secretary Gorbachev.

"Xie liaosha, I haven't been here for a long time. Why did he suddenly come here today?" Gorbachev gave seryosa a big hug.

"General secretary, I'm here today to make an application to you. I hope that in the next few months I can authorize any use of foreign exchange reserves of foreign trade banks!" Xie liaosha put forward his idea directly.

"How did you come up with the idea of foreign exchange? Do you have any good plans to make?" Gorbachev asked in surprise and curiosity.

"General secretary, the prices of some resource products we export now, such as oil, coal and electrolytic aluminum, are continuously falling in the international market. If this situation continues, our foreign exchange income will be less. Considering this situation, I hope our foreign trade bank can use part of foreign exchange to speculate in the international futures market, Reduce our losses by hedging futures and cash. If it is operated properly, it is possible to make a big profit! " Xie liaosha answers with firm eyes.

"Hedging with foreign exchange reserves? What does that mean? " Gorbachev asked curiously.

"General secretary, to put it simply, we should use part of the foreign exchange to control the price within a certain period of time. Take oil as an example. A considerable part of our exports are not long-term contracts, but are purchased by some international traders on the spot. They rely on the price of crude oil in the New York or London markets. If we can raise the price in the transaction, then we will get more income... "Xie liaosha said.

"Is there any risk in doing so? In addition, how much foreign exchange is needed? As you know, Xie liaosha, our economic reform has just been on the right track. The country is building everywhere, and it is in urgent need of importing a large number of industrial equipment from abroad... "Gorbachev asked with some worry.

"General secretary, please rest assured that all our actions are short-term, and we can use leverage to trade in the foreign exchange market. If there is any danger, I will know the position immediately. But if we can maintain the price of oil futures, then we can take the initiative in oil export! " Xie liaosha went on to explain that the reason why he really worked hard to promote this matter was not to keep the price of oil. At present, most of the oil in the Soviet Union is represented by Glencore. Because of the barter trade, it has lost its relevance with the US dollar. Instead, it is associated with imported agricultural products such as grain. The real reason why Xie liaosha wants to use foreign exchange is actually to long yen in the international foreign exchange market.

"Xie liaosha, are you sure about this? It won't cause any great loss to the country, will it? What's more, are we short of relevant talents? " Gorbachev still asked with some uneasiness.

"There are no such talents in China, but there are mature markets and service agencies abroad to help us operate this business! As for me? General secretary, I have sufficient confidence and preparation for this matter! " Seryosa explained to Gorbachev.

Over the years, he has made countless contributions to the country, and Gorbachev is very confident about his ability. Now Xie liaosha comes to Gorbachev to seek the power to use foreign exchange. Gorbachev, without much consideration, happily agrees to Xie liaosha's request.

It was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening when he left the Kremlin. After discussing the business, Gorbachev specially stayed in xieliaosha for a dinner in the Kremlin. Xie liaosha gets into the car. After inquiring about Xie liaosha's next destination, the driver heads for Xie liaosha's official residence.

Xie liaosha looks at the beautiful scenery around the red square outside the car window and feels very happy. He has decided that this time he will use the foreign exchange reserves of the foreign trade bank to carry out the Japanese plan, and part of the proceeds will be handed over to the state treasury. The reason why he did so was mainly for his conscience and also to repay Gorbachev's trust in himself.

Xie liaosha remembered what happened in the department store today. He said to nasjia, "nasjia, make arrangements for the Communist Youth League to set up a large comprehensive market in each district of Moscow. Refer to the supermarket models in the United States and Europe. If prices continue to rise like this, how can people survive?"