Chapter 445

Under the arrangement of seliosha, Gorbachev and seliosha come to Dennis's house together. It was a non political gathering. The guests and the host had a pleasant and relaxed golf game, and then had dinner together. And the common topic of everyone at dinner is probably only some experiences during World War II.

These topics are not familiar to shario Sha, who has finished all his work in the UK and plans to return home with Gorbachev. Xie liaosha contacted his subordinates by telephone in advance and inquired about the progress of the handover of the new town. Now it seems that everything can end before Christmas. As for the National Housing Bank, I'm afraid it will be delayed until after the meat Festival.

Shortly after his visit to Thatcher's house, he returned home with Gorbachev on his special plane. When getting off the plane, Xie liaosha was in a good mood. At least there's not a lot of work waiting for him. What's more, a large amount of money from the workers' new town project has been added to the Mediterranean trading company's book, even though it is a credit asset owned on the Mediterranean trading company's book. Therefore, the money could only be circulated among enterprises in the Soviet Union.

The first thing Xie liaosha did when he returned to China was to visit his father and son, Petrov. Xie liaosha's business is getting bigger and bigger now. Almost all the brothers left in China are Boris. This makes this year's new year very cold.

Father Petrov has been dealing with some personnel matters for a long time. Some of the old ministers in the gang need to leave the Golgi Gang because of their personal ability and age. However, this kind of thing is inevitable for any gang. Although some of them are not affectionate, it is necessary.

The Gorky brothers are not short of money now, so it's more human to do this kind of thing. Father Petrov is an experienced man. He knows that if he gives the money to these guys who are used to it all at once, they will spend it all. So it's better to find some decent living for them.

Father Petrov asked these people to open a small restaurant, tavern or coffee shop in their hometown. As a place for them to settle down after retirement, in addition, Petrov will pay them a pension every month. Although there is not much money, they have more than enough to live. Dad wants this to be an institutional way for the Gorky brothers to settle their old members.

When Xie liaosha came home, his father was dealing with these things. Xie liaosha is now inconvenient to show up inside the gang, so he quickly walked into the study and wanted to have a rest for a while. When my father's work is done, he will come to him.

Many of the books in the study are read by the cadres. Since Xie liaosha went to England, no one has been here for a long time. When Xie liaosha saw a book called American notes on the desk, he picked it up.

In fact, this book is the work of the current general secretary Chernenko. It is a theoretical study material within the Party issued by the organization. Turning to the first page, Chernenko's photos when he was young were printed on it. It looks very handsome. Xie liaosha glanced at the catalog and lost interest in reading. The whole book is about ideology.

"After taking over as the first Secretary of the Communist Youth League, there must be two brushes in theory! Some of these theoretical works still need to be known! "

When Xie liaosha thought of this, he opened the preface and intended to have a general understanding of the main content of the book. From the preface, this book reminds cadres to prevent bourgeois liberalization from corrupting the Soviet Union. What's more, the purpose of this book is to know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle. This is also the origin of the name "American notes".

"Seryosa, you are back. I thought you were going to stay in England!" Father Petrov opened the door and joked.

"Why, Daddy! I miss your craft every day in England Xie liaosha put down his book, stood up and answered back and forth.

"That's just right. Let's have a good meal in the evening! I've come up with some new dishes recently. I just want you to try them for me! " Dad hugged Xie liaosha, patted him on the back and said.

During the meal, Xie liaosha asked casually, "Dad, how are you doing with the placement of your old subordinates?"

"Xie liaosha, I always think it's not reliable to open a restaurant or a pub for them! Look at the long line in front of the butcher's shop. How hard it is to buy some meat. To open a Steakhouse, you can't do it unless you buy expensive meat on the black market! Do you think you want to solve it? " Dad replied, chewing the steak.

"Daddy, these people can't even use a container in a month when they open stores, and these small stores are scattered all over the country! It's unnecessary for Mediterranean trading company to be a supplier! If they don't go to open a shop, but change their business, maybe I can help them! " Xie liaosha pointed out the problem to the point.

"What's your idea? Let's hear it." Dad asked curiously.

Xie liaosha forked up the cherry fruit used as a side dish beside the steak, pointed to it and said to Dad, "Dad, how about letting them open a fruit farm? Most of the fresh vegetables and fruits in our country are imported, but the price is not cheap!"

"That's because it's winter and it's snowy. That is to say, only cadres like you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Ordinary people live on beets and potatoes for the winter! " He said, shaking his head.

"No, Daddy! In fact, in foreign countries, we can produce fresh fruits and vegetables all year round by scientific means! It's a good business. There are not many people who know about it in China. Besides, the government has no money and can't find enough labor force! That's why we didn't promote it! The Ministry of agriculture has support funds. If they have such a wish, I can say hello to the old members of the Ministry of agriculture! " Xie liaosha raised his glass and touched his father, then drank it all.

"You have many ways, but I can tell you that these people are used to swords and guns. It's not easy for them to farm honestly." He added with some uneasiness.

"They can recruit a few workers as employees. As long as things are produced, they don't have to worry about sales at all!" Xie liaosha patted his chest and assured.