Chapter 444

Although Gorbachev has visited Canada before, the significance of his visit to Britain is much higher than that of Canada.

This is determined by Britain's position in the Western camp. Britain has always been in the second place in this camp. If Gorbachev has talked to the British Prime Minister about something, then the United States will be clear about it.

Since the outbreak of the war in Afghanistan, the friendly relationship between the two camps has deteriorated. The supreme leaders of the two superpowers broke off contact with each other. Several times, out of misjudgment of NATO's actions, Soviet strategic bombers have taken off with nuclear warheads. The world has fallen into the most dangerous moment more than once.

Gorbachev hoped to use the words of the British to tell the US leaders that the Soviet Union was willing to ease the situation with the US. Gorbachev's visit represents the future policy of the Soviet government, which is one of the reasons why the Political Bureau has been fighting for the opportunity to visit Britain.

In fact, in this situation, the people who can act as the communication ambassadors between the East and the West are absolutely VIP in the eyes of the Soviet government and the US government. Because they can communicate with each other through informal channels at critical moments. Among these people, the most powerful is Comrade hammer, who is the most important messenger in the eyes of China, the United States and the Soviet Union. It is precisely by this transcendent position that hammer has gained unparalleled international space. Even in the era of McCarthyism, comrade hammer still did not receive any criticism from the government.

Now, shagliaosha's status in Britain is a bit similar to that of Comrade hammer. He not only became a foreign member of the association of bankers, but also a guest of many British entrepreneurs and officials. He is also Gorbachev's most trusted trade representative. It is because of his similar background with Comrade hammer that he can come and go freely in the upper class of the British society.

Early the next morning, Dennis, the husband of the prime minister who stayed in London, called and regretfully said to seryosha, "the people of MI6 have refused my invitation to you. They are too stubborn!"

"Never mind, Dennis! I know you've done your best! " Xie liaosha comforted in the phone.

"I'm sorry, seryosa, but I have a private house outside London. I'd like to invite Mr. Gorbachev here if I can!" Dennis suggested on the phone.

"Thank you for your kindness, Dennis! I think I'll ask Secretary Gorbachev and give you an answer! " Xie liaosha replied.

After hanging up the phone, seryosha immediately explained it to Gorbachev! Gorbachev doesn't have to worry about it too much. He seems to be more satisfied with Dennis's alternative. After all, if we can accept the private invitation of the prime minister's husband, the publicity effect will be better for the outside world.

So after getting Gorbachev's consent, seryosha immediately told Dennis the news here.

After these things, Xie liaosha called Yakovlev aside and asked in a low voice, "what instructions does the general secretary have for the merger of the Mediterranean trading company by the foreign trade bank?"

Yakovlev turned to look at Gorbachev in the room, pulled seryov to one side alone, and then whispered, "seryov, Secretary Gorbachev has agreed to this! However, Xie liaosha, the rulav Liaofu, is not a good friend. When Brezhnev's son Yuri was the first deputy minister of foreign trade and economic cooperation, rulav Liaofu didn't give up power like Xiao luokov of the Ministry of the interior! Do you think he can let you into the foreign trade bank so easily? "

"Well... To tell you the truth, since I came to the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, I don't have many opportunities to meet the minister. He has always done his job, and I have done mine! I really don't see that the minister is the kind of person you said Xie liaosha said to Yakovlev truthfully.

"That's because the more achievements you make, the more benefits he gets! If you do well, he has good leadership. If you don't, you don't work hard! Do you still need me to teach you this? " Yakovlev said painstakingly.

"Then what do you say? If I am not allowed to participate in the work of foreign trade bank, I am afraid it will affect our business of exchanging resources for food." Xie liaosha asked for advice.

"Don't worry, Gorbachev also hopes you can hold the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation in your hand, but you are too young! Secretary Gorbachev means to transfer zhulavrov from the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation. We can send him to the Republic of Moldavia as Deputy Secretary! But you still can't be a minister. You have to find someone who can be controlled by you to be your boss! Do you understand what I mean? " Yakovlev said in a low voice, staring at seryotha.

"You mean let me find a puppet to be my boss?" Xie liaosha asked in surprise.

"Pa!" Yakovlev patted on the forehead of shariosha, pretended to be angry and said, "what are you talking about? Just know for yourself! "

"You have a choice?" Xie liaosha asked.

"No! What the Secretary means is that you decide the candidate! We are only responsible for helping you with the organizational process! " Yakovlev said.

As soon as Xie liaosha thought about it, he immediately had a suitable candidate. So he immediately said: "when I was in Gorky, Nikonov, the first deputy secretary of Gorky state, was kind to me. Anyway, he was about to retire, and he was always engaged in party affairs! For the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, there is no more layman and more suitable minister! "

Just now, the first thing Xie liaosha remembered was Boris's girlfriend, Lilia's father, who was the deputy secretary in Gorky. The old man's official career has come to an end, and there is almost no possibility of promotion. Anyway, the Minister of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation is also a puppet, just let Nikonov stand in this position for himself! By the way, he can also improve himself. This is the best of both worlds!

"Well, now that you've decided, let's arrange it like this! But it will be after the National Congress in February at the earliest. Another thing, Xie liaosha, you'd better continue to work in the Communist Youth League system. After all, the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation is not the principal! There are a lot of things that you can't get involved in unless you make an exception. Secretary Gorbachev would like to ask if you are willing to be the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League at the same time! You should know that the Communist Youth League is the cradle of training cadres for the party, and it is a key position! As long as you come out, no one can fight with you! " Yakovlev asked finally.

"Dean, I'm trained by the Youth League Committee. I'm willing to shoulder the burden of the Youth League Committee and be a good family!" Xie liaosha replied solemnly.