Chapter 118

"Teacher, despite our dissuasion, hafizola insists on uniting with hazai people..." after the phone is connected, Jalal reports the situation here to his most trusted teacher. Although Jalal is only in his twenties, he has been friends with his teacher for almost ten years. When jaral was 10 years old, he immigrated to the United States with his family from Egypt. Rebellious, he was soon sent to a military school by his family, but he didn't stay there for long. Soon he was expelled from the school because of violence. That year, he was 16 years old. Just when he was confused about his future, he met his teacher.

Under the teacher's instruction, the rebellious Jalal gradually became modest and polite. However, jaral's teacher has an unknown secret. He came to the United States after being expelled from his motherland. He has always dreamed of establishing a country that strictly abides by the YSL rules and eliminating all acts that do not conform to the will of God. Jalal, who went to the military academy, was gradually valued by his teachers. He was sent to a special forces school to learn more military knowledge and combat skills. After the outbreak of the war in Afghanistan, Jalal was sent here by his own teachers. Along with him came other members of the same organization. On the surface, they were never masked, but actually they all obeyed Jalal's teachers. Jalal was naturally the spokesman of teachers here. He wanted to ensure that hafizola's armed forces became the faithful executor of teachers' ideals, But now it seems that hafizola is drifting away from them.

"It seems that we are wrong. Hafizola is really capable and talented. Unfortunately, he is not a qualified MSL. Now he has become a stumbling block in our career. I think we need to take some actions, Jalal."

"Yes, teacher, I am willing to do anything for your ideal." Jalal on this side of the phone, put his hand on his chest, devoutly said.


Hafizola sits in a shady place of his residence, accompanied by a pot of strong tea with Afghan characteristics, which is hafizola's only hobby and the hobby of most Afghans. Unfortunately, now hafizola is more and more busy. It's a luxury to spend the afternoon drinking tea like this. However, today's hafizola has a difficult thing in his heart. That is the five people he found in his brother's portrait among the Soviet prisoners.

If only hafizola had killed them in the past, but now he is not only a simple soldier. He is also a hero against the Soviet Union in the hearts of Afghans. He is also a political figure concerned by the United States and the international community. Political figures can't fight against them casually. They can't just promise to abide by the Geneva Conventions and kill their prisoners. In this way, not only do Americans refuse, but even their allies will feel distrust.

Just when hafizola was in a dilemma for these guys, his bodyguard suddenly came up to him and said to him, "general, there is a girl who says you have her husband. He wants to see you."

Hafizola is a little strange, why do you want to find yourself in such a little thing? He looks at the door doubtfully, and a thin girl slowly comes over. She wears a traditional robe and covers her head to foot. Even so, you can still see that she is a gorgeous beauty.

"Who are you?" Hafizo stretched out his hand to stop the girl from approaching him. He worried that if it was an assassin, he would be more careful.

"It's me, Mr. hafizola!" The girl untied her veil and showed her gorgeous face. Hafizola saw that she could not help but stand up and respectfully saluted. The reason why he did this was to pay tribute to his childhood idol, President Amin, who he respected most, because standing in front of her was the only relative of President Amin, who died at the gunpoint of the Soviet Union, and the youngest daughter of the president, Karim Amin.

"You seem to recognize me. I didn't expect you to remember me!" Karim said with a smile.

"How can I forget you? After all, you are the only relative of President Amin." Hafizola replied excitedly.

"I want to ask you something this time. I want you to let my husband go in front of my father. He was arrested by you." Karim's expression was melancholy. Hafizola was shocked by his words. Unexpectedly, Karim got married and arrested her husband. What's the matter?

"When did you get married and who is your husband?" Hafizola asked with a confused face.

"My husband is a Soviet. We met a month ago. Now I think he should be locked up with your prisoners of war." Karim said with some embarrassment.

Hafizola felt that his world was going to collapse. What's the matter? The relatives of President Amin, who was killed by the Soviets, married the Soviets. Hafizola asked in disbelief, "what's going on here?"

"It's too much to say!" "It's really hard to say," Karim said. Since her father was killed, Karim had to live in hiding in order to avoid the pursuit of the Soviet Union. Relying on a few loyal bodyguards, Karim originally wanted to seek refuge in Pakistan. Unfortunately, on the way, they met Sheng fighters, who were half soldiers and half bandits. Karim and his bodyguards were separated and finally fell into the hands of human traffickers. Later, Karim tried to escape and was sent to the execution ground in Kabul. Later, he met seryosha, The attack on the market was that her bodyguard wanted to rescue her, but when he saw that Xie liaosha was desperate, he was moved. The man was the best to her except her father, so she changed her mind and stayed.

"Before I tell you my details, can you let me see my husband first?" Karim asked in embarrassment.

Hafizola happily agreed, Kalim's arrival surprised hafizola. This is the only bone and blood of President Amin, and pagman is the hometown of President Amin, where everyone knows the name of Amin, and many children are inspired by the deeds of President Amin to enter the school gate. There is no doubt that Kalim's arrival will inspire the pagamans. She will inherit the influence of Amin, pagaman's son. Pagamans will project all their love for the former president on this little girl. If he is allowed to marry a Sheng fighter, such as Jalal, hafizola will not think about the later things.