Chapter 117

Hafizola watched triumphantly as the surrendering Soviet soldiers came out of the house one by one. Their weapons were seized, their heads were put on black cloth covers, and they were quickly put into the car. Different from those despondent comrades in arms, Xie liaosha has been constantly feeling the surrounding environment. With the darkness in front of him, Xie liaosha feels a little familiar, just like when he was in ruyanka.

Sitting in the bumpy car, Xie liaosha pricks up his ears and listens to everything around him. He silently estimates the route of the car. Every time he makes a turn, stops and accelerates, Xie liaosha takes notes carefully. About an hour later, Xie liaosha's ears suddenly heard the sound of running water, and he smelled a pungent smell in his nose.

With a "squeak", Xie liaosha's car finally stops. One by one, they are taken outside, and then their hoods are removed. Xie liaosha's eyes suddenly transition from the dark to the bright environment. He feels very uncomfortable, but he still forces himself to open his eyes and carefully observe the surrounding environment.

The first thing you see is a huge plane. You can see that it is the hijacked an-22 heavy transport plane. Xie liaosha's eyes did not stay too much on it. He looked around at things outside the plane. He saw a winding river flowing into the distance. In the distance, it was colorful and looked like a piece of cloth to be dried. Combined with the pungent smell in the air, Xie liaosha was sure that it must be a cloth dyeing workshop.

As soon as Xie liaosha wants to take a look at the surrounding environment, those Sheng fighters who are in charge of their custody begin to drive them to the plane. Xie liaosha thinks that it's a bit unexpected. Why are you locked up in such a place. With a lot of questions, Xie liaosha first boarded the plane. Unexpectedly, the plane was not empty. A young blonde dressed as a pilot was sitting in it.

More than 100 prisoners were soon driven into the plane. Everyone looked at the pilot in silence. The pilot stood up awkwardly and said to himself, "my name is Anton. I'm the pilot of this plane. I'm the same as you ~ ~" Anton swallowed the second half of the sentence in everyone's angry eyes.

"It seems to be spacious enough for so many of us to live together!" As he spoke, Xie liaosha walked towards Anton. He reached out and took Anton's hand. Then he said, "nice to meet you. My name is Xie liaosha!"

Anton is moved by Xie liaosha's enthusiasm and tears come to his eyes. In recent days, he has been afraid that he will die here, that he will never return to his hometown, and that he will never see his beloved lover again. He began to greet everyone enthusiastically and said, "I'm glad to meet you. I'm just trying my best. I'm a little excited and I don't mean any harm. I..."

"Can you tell me something about the neighborhood? You'd better tell me what you know! Why do they keep us here? " Xie liaosha doesn't have time to listen to Anton's nagging. He knows everything here as soon as possible.

"As far as I know, they are afraid that our air force will suddenly attack and blow up this aircraft. After all, there are less than 100 aircraft in the world, and many people are interested in it. Even the disassembled parts can be sold at a good price!" Many of Anton's words are his guesses. He doesn't know that the guerrillas actually think the same way. It is true that some people are interested in the plane. Maybe the Americans are not. But Pakistanis, Iranians and Chinese are bidding more and more for hafizola. If he is willing, he can sell it at a good price.

Xie liaosha thinks Anton's analysis is very reasonable, but he sees that there are some things with dangerous chemical signs on the plane, which are neatly placed in the middle of the fuselage and covered with canvas. So Xie liaosha asked, "what's that over there?"

"Those are white phosphorus bombs that are transported to the front line. Unfortunately, they also fell into the hands of the enemy this time!" Anton replied.

"White phosphorus bullet? Why don't the guerrillas get rid of it? " Xie liaosha asked.

"This kind of thing is very powerful. It's just a bomb used on the plane, so the guerrillas can't use it. But these white phosphorus bombs are expensive. I think they may want to smuggle them to Pakistan and sell them for a good price." Anton said this because the guerrillas asked about the cost of these things. Anton's answer at that time was about 20000 rubles. There are almost 100 pieces here, which is more than 2 million rubles. This is not a small sum of money.

The principle of white phosphorus bomb is very simple. When it is dropped by air, it will disintegrate and explode in the air. The white phosphorus in the bomb will be evenly spread into the air, and once it meets the air, it will burn violently and burn everything it touches. When Xie liaosha saw Boris smoking a cigarette, he suddenly put out his cigarette. Locked up with such a dangerous thing, Xie liaosha thinks that the guerrillas are not afraid that they will detonate these white phosphorus bombs. If they want to die, they will not surrender. On the contrary, they will watch these bombs carefully. These Sheng fighters are really good at calculating.


Now hafizola is warmly welcoming his new allies, hazai and Tajik, compared with the helpless state of mind of seliosha. The first time the three tribes joined hands, they won such a great victory, which was unexpected. Now hafizola's reputation has been heard all over the land of Afghanistan, even in Pakistan, many people know him. He has become the leader of essentially three tribal coalition forces.

What's more, hafizola also captured a Soviet heavy transport plane, more than 100 Soviet prisoners, and defeated the armored forces in the Kabul theater. All this is beyond the reach of other Sheng fighters. However, hafizola is also facing a new problem, that is, he has no money. Under the background of the three tribes forming a coalition, hafizola can not arm his soldiers only with the weapons assisted by the Americans. Now his defense area is bigger and his responsibility is heavier. He also needs more money to exchange for better weapons from the Americans. Just like the air defense missiles and anti tank missiles that are so powerful this time, they are the killing weapons of the guerrillas.

At the banquet, all the people were full of hope for the liberation of Afghanistan and full of confidence in the prospects of the coalition forces. Only Jalal was a little depressed. He felt sick when he saw the hazayees, these damned pagans. Jalal left the banquet alone, regardless of the eyes of the people around him. Then he went straight back to the cave where he lived. He took out a satellite phone from his luggage when he left home. There was only one number on it. It was not his parents and relatives, but a person whom Jalal regarded as a life mentor, a YSL scholar who was expelled by his motherland because of jdsx, A great prophet who dreams of building a kingdom of God in Afghanistan.