Chapter 112

With the roar of four Kuznetsov propeller engines, an-22's huge body began to accelerate, gradually leaving the ground and flying into the sky. At this time, the five guerrillas disguised as Afghan postal workers on the plane were in trouble. The explosives originally scheduled to be delivered before the plane took off did not arrive as expected. There must be something wrong. They can't be sure what will happen when they arrive in Kandahar. The original plan can't be carried out, so they decided to take action in advance.

When they took part in the operation, the five guerrillas were determined to die. They had planned to transport the bomb to the plane, and then coerced the pilot to drive the plane to bakista. There are still a few Russians on the plane, and these guys are the first ones to be solved. The five men discussed in Pashto, and the Russians on the plane couldn't understand what they were saying, so they only knew how to drink.

The five guerrillas who had planned stood up and walked slowly to the three Russian soldiers who were responsible for escorting weapons. The three Russians were drinking happily. They were surprised to see the guys from the post office coming. A guerrilla, smiling at them, made a drinking move.

"You want to drink, too? But don't you drink? " Said the leading Russian.

The guerrilla continued to drink, then gave them a big thumbs up, with a bright smile on his face.

The Russians would never refuse to join the Wine Bureau. They took out five more glasses, poured the wine and handed them to the Afghans. Then they raised their glasses and said, "for friendship!" At the end of the speech, three Russians were suddenly covered by these Afghans from behind. These Afghans thrust their screwdrivers into the Russian's throat cleanly. Because they were covered, the Russians could not make any sound. They struggled in the arms of the enemy and finally fell down powerlessly.

The guerrillas took their weapons in their hands and went to the cockpit of the plane. It's a pity that they didn't know that the plane was loaded with white phosphorus bombs, otherwise they wouldn't have had a lot of trouble to transport the explosives. The guerrillas opened the cockpit door with pistols, and the two pilots inside rushed in before they could react. One of the guerrillas said in stiff Russian:

"You have been hijacked. I order you to fly to Pakistan!"

The pilot of the plane was shot in the head when he hesitated. Now there is only one pilot left. Although he was pointed at the head with a gun, he doesn't want to be at the mercy of these people. This an-22 transport plane is an important transport plane of the Soviet Red Army, and there are few in the country. It bears important responsibilities and can never be destroyed.

At the moment, Anton, the pilot in charge of the an-22, has been thinking about how to prevent the plane from being destroyed. He can't let the plane fly to Pakistan. He must find a place to make a forced landing. Although the an-22 is not the latest type of aircraft in the Soviet Union, it is definitely the most compact. One of its great advantages is that it can take off and land on a simple runway. Anton stealthily opens the oil drain valve when the enemy doesn't pay attention, and the oil on the plane pours out from the sky. Unfortunately, the people in the plane can't see it. At the same time, he changed the course of the plane again, and the plane flew in the opposite direction to Pakistan. Anton did all this secretly, and the enemy didn't find out at all. Anton is worried too much. Those guys don't know how to fly airplanes.

The radar, which has been monitoring the plane, soon found something wrong with the an-22. The dispatcher contacted the pilot immediately, but no matter how he called, the pilot refused. Under the crisis, the dispatcher had to report the abnormality here.

Less than five minutes later, the plane's fuel alarm rang, and the five guerrillas immediately understood that something was wrong. He quickly put the gun on Anton's head and threatened to ask“ What's the matter? Are you playing tricks? "

"I played tricks. I let out all the oil on the plane. I'm sorry, we have to land." As soon as the words were finished, the roar of the huge propeller stopped, and the plane began to fall, floating in the wind like a kite.

The guerrillas did not expect that the pilots had been playing with them, but as the plane descended, the dense buildings below told them that this was the city of Kabul. If the plane fell in such a place, I don't know how many people would die, then they are the criminals in Afghanistan. And the biggest problem is that none of them can fly a plane. Now we have to rely on this Soviet pilot. So they said:

"Don't let the plane fall in the city, or we'll kill you now!"

Anton knows that his plan is successful, and the plane will land soon. Next we will see Anton's performance. However, there is a big problem, that is, the plane has lost its power, and the descent speed is very fast. Anton must find a forced landing place as soon as possible.

The objects on the ground are more and more clear. Anton controls the plane and keeps avoiding the crowded places. Soon the front becomes clear. There are fewer and fewer houses, and there are large open spaces. This makes Anton happy, the location is just right. Anton quickly adjusts the attitude of the plane, and the landing gear of the plane begins to be lowered, slowly approaching the ground.

"Dong!" After a shock, the plane finally landed, but still did not stop taxiing forward. Anton suddenly finds many colorful things in front of him. But he doesn't care. He wants to stop the plane as soon as possible. The plane slowed down and finally stopped. Anton was quickly controlled by the Afghans. When he got off the plane, he finally knew what the colorful things he had just seen were. They were the dry cloth. The place where he landed just now was a dirt road, surrounded by dyeing workshops, and the broad road naturally became a sun drying yard. Before Anton could see more, a black cloth hood was put on his head.

The signs of the aircraft on the radar finally disappeared, and the air dispatchers hurried to the Soviet embassy and the Red Army headquarters to inform the situation. Soon, the plane dropped off and the helicopter was in charge of search and rescue. The head of the Soviet army in Kabul gasped at the sight of the place name.


In the cave, hafizola, who was reading a book, was interrupted by his men who came in in panic. He had to stop what he was doing.

"General, there's something wrong with our plan," he said breathlessly

Hafizola comforted his opponent: "failed? It doesn't matter. The original hope is very slim! "

"No! They brought the plane back and stopped on our territory! " Hands at a loss said.

Hafizola was surprised, but he soon responded, smiling confidently and saying, "this is better, so we can have a good time with the Soviet Union!"