Chapter 111

Yusuf finally chose to confess to hafizola, who not only forgave him, but also gave him the greatest trust. In order to repay hafizola's friendship, Yusuf put forward a crazy plan based on his working experience in Kabul airport.

"You want to destroy the Soviet transport? Does it really work? " These people sitting around hafizola were full of doubts as soon as they heard this sentence.

"This is not an ordinary transport aircraft. It is a long-range heavy military transport aircraft of the Soviet people. The Soviet people have produced 85, of which only three are deployed in Kabul. They are responsible for most of the material transportation of the Soviet people. Now the land transportation of the Soviet people is often destroyed by us, and the transport aircraft is very important to them. If we can destroy them

"So the Russians in Kabul are going to starve?" Someone added involuntarily.

"That's not true, but they do have supply difficulties!" Yusuf finally added that it was a challenge for those who had not attended military academy to understand the importance of long-range heavy military transport aircraft to the Soviet army. Fortunately, Yusuf did a good job.

"Just do it! Send a big gift to the Soviet Union Hafizola made the final decision.


"Zhi ~ ~!" With the sound of brakes, a car stopped at the entrance of the Kabul airport, and a group of Soviet soldiers skillfully began to check rationally. Sitting on one side, Xie liaosha pointed out at any time the irregularities in the inspection of these soldiers. Ever since the video incident broke out, and seeing the credit he got, he was sent to do the airport security work at the Kabul airport. To be honest, Xie liaosha used to inspect cross-border transport vehicles on the border in his last life. Now he has a feeling of returning to his old business. Xie liaosha is always able to pay attention to some places that others don't notice, such as the spare tire, bumper and the interlayer of the roof. Xie liaosha didn't know how many contraband articles he found in these places. Of course, most of them were hailuoyin.

One by one, cars passing through the security check enter the cargo area of the airport from seliosha. The goods they carry are loaded on different planes and transported to all parts of the world. Seryosha was just about to have a cup of coffee when a car with the Afghan postal logo slowly drove into the inspection area. Xie liaosha thinks it's strange that the car is very slow, just like the speed of people walking, and even if there are any obstacles in front, the car should try to avoid them.

The car stopped steadily in front of Xie liaosha. There were a lot of parcels in the car, but they were not overloaded because the tires were not flat. There is a spare tire at the bottom of the back of the car, which is tightly tied by the iron chain, probably for the purpose of anti-theft, but the chain is very loose, tied carelessly, and it's all dragging the floor. The car is very new. At first glance, it's a new car. There shouldn't be any problems. This makes Xie liaosha a little confused.

While the soldiers are checking, Xie liaosha goes to the driver and asks“ Is your car broken? " This sentence was quickly translated by the Afghan military and police who worked with shagliaosha. The driver shook his head. However, when Xie liaosha looked back, he found that all the people in the car were looking at him.

"Yes, sir. No problem." Xie liaosha's soldiers report to Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha thinks that he may be thinking too much. The soldiers are very strict in inspection, and the trained police dogs and explosive detectors are tested. After all, this is the car of the Afghan government department, which should be more reliable. So Xie liaosha waved the car over.

Xie liaosha reaches for his coffee cup. Suddenly, his fingers are electrified by static electricity. It's a common thing in dry Afghanistan, but at the moment, Xie liaosha suddenly feels like a flash of lightning across the dark cloud.

"Static electricity!"

"Static electricity!"

The purpose of iron chain is to prevent static electricity. Why should we prevent static electricity? Why should we avoid obstacles? Why should we drive so slowly? Because there is something on it that must be transported in this way, that is explosives.

Xieliaosha immediately threw away the cup, got into the car, and then said: "Yakov, drive to chase the car just now, the rest of the people blockade here."

"Boss, what's the matter?" Yakov ran after him without saying a word, but he didn't know why.

"Which car has explosives on it!" Xie liaosha said anxiously.

Hearing the dynamite, Yakov quickly ran after them. The car with dynamite couldn't run fast, and seliosha soon caught up with them. The people in the car knew that the car was not going fast, so they jumped out of the car and ran, but Xie liaosha knew that they had no weapons, otherwise they would be stopped at the gate.

Without much effort, Xie liaosha and his men caught all the people in the car. Xie liaosha got under the car and carefully took off the chain locked spare tire. He took out the parachute knife and cut the tire. Soon he saw what was inside. This is the common C4 plastic explosive in later generations, but now it is a new thing worthy of the name. No wonder the police dog and explosive detector do not respond.

Xie liaosha took these people to the interrogation room at the airport. On the way to the interrogation room again, Xie liaosha thinks that there must be something else to do. The breakthrough lies in these people. He must ask them quickly. After closing the door of the interrogation room, Xie liaosha didn't have the patience to fight with them at all. He picked up the chair and smashed it at the driver's knee just now.

"Say, what are you going to do?" Xie liaosha asked fiercely. He knew that the driver's knee must have been broken.

The three prisoners were silent. Only the driver was groaning with his legs in his arms. The interpreter looked at Xie liaosha angrily. Xie liaosha doesn't care about the perspective of translation at all. He has gone through life and death several times, which makes Xie liaosha understand that this is not Gorky, this is the battlefield, and all the people who come here come to kill people. The enemy will not let you go because of your kindness. In Golgi, when you fight with other gangs and governments, those people only want interests, not your life. People here are different. They just want your life.

Xie liaosha won't stop. If one can't ask, he will ask the next. He treats the remaining two people in the same way. Xie liaosha tortures these guys like a devil. In the interrogation room, there are only Xie liaosha's roar and the groans of the prisoners. The translator can't see it anymore, opens the door and leaves here.

Half an hour later, Xie liaosha breathlessly looked at the three prisoners who were beaten but still did not speak. He felt helpless. And the three men have been staring at the clock behind Xie liaosha.


On the runway of Kabul airport, an an-22 transport plane has started taxiing on the runway, which is loaded with white phosphorus bombs urgently needed in Kandahar. These things that violate the United Nations weapons convention are extremely cruel. When they touch an object, they will continue to burn until they are extinguished. In order to save flights, the plane also carried mail from Afghanistan post and five staff members.