Chapter 85

The speed of Toyota pickup truck, which was carrying Xie liaosha and they survived, began to slow down until it stopped completely. Yakov tried to restart the car, but in vain. The fuel gauge light has been on for a long time. Since then, the car may break down at any time. In fact, everyone has been prepared.

There was no spare fuel on board, just weapons, food and water. Commander Vasili lay peacefully in the car with his hands folded in front of him. He died to protect shaeliosha and was shot three times. By the time Xie liaosha found out, it was too late.

Yakov tried to start the car three times in a row, but failed. Everyone completely gave up and left the car one after another. Seryosha carried the body of commander Vasili on his back, while the rest of the people took the rest of the food and water, AK-47 and enough bullets, and continued to walk south. According to the guidance on the map, the city of Kabul is just south of sheriosha. According to the analysis on the map, if those Sheng fighters who are after them want to catch up with them, they have to bypass the whole Canyon, which will take at least half a day.

In front of them is a rugged mountain area. There are no villages. There are only some herdsmen and Sheng fighters. Xie liaosha should be alert to meet them. Although their military boots are hard, they still scratch their feet on the gravel road. As the sun gradually sets, the surroundings begin to get cold. Although they have been walking for a long time, the road ahead is still long. Five people are driving like robots.


Hafizola Qasim Wardak had driven everyone out, and he was alone in the cave where the guerrillas were hiding. In the middle of the cave is a long table, on which lies his brother Abdel.

One by one, hafizola kassim waldak takes off his clothes for his brother. His movements are very gentle. The clothes he takes off are carefully folded together by hafizola kassim waldak. Twenty minutes later, there was no bondage on Abdel. Hafizola Qasim Wardak picked up the white cotton cloth and dipped it in water to do the final cleaning for him. He wiped the blood on Abdel's face, and the bullet holes on his temples were so ferocious.

By the time hafizola Qasim Wardak had cleaned his head, a basin of water had turned completely blood red. Hafizola kassim waldak gave an order, and the men who had been waiting outside came in tremblingly, and soon prepared another basin of water for hafizola kassim waldak. Hafizola kassim Wardak once again drove out with his hand and continued to wash his brother's body in it alone.

Hafizola kassim Wardak did it carefully and gently, and he didn't finish it until two hours later. Hafizola kassim Wardak was not the only one to do the next thing. He called in his most trusted deputy, and the two cooperated to wrap the body of Abdel with pure white cotton cloth, which was called Kefan.

Wrapped in cotton cloth, Abdel was carried to the outside of the cave. At this time, it was night, and a bright moon was hanging in the sky. From time to time, the call of wild animals came from the open and silent wilderness. The guerrillas outside the cave hold torches in their hands, and the open space nearby is covered with white curtains.

Hafizola Qasim waldak alone picked up the body of Abdel and went into the curtain. The rest of the people were guarding outside. In the curtain, in addition to hafizola Qasim waldak and Abdel, the deceased, there was a respected Imam who came specially to preside over the funeral for Abdel. In the holy prayer of Imam, Abdel's body was slowly placed in the tomb, the body was placed on the right side, face to the west, all in accordance with the tradition of muslin.

Dust slowly covered the body of Abdel, dust returned to dust, outside the guerrillas coincidentally put the AK-47 muzzle in their hands to the sky, and then press the trigger, with the sound of gunfire for their warriors to see off.

In the sound of the gunshot, hafizola kassim Wardak left the curtain and strode toward the cave. He had no expression and didn't pay attention to anyone. He didn't look back. Tonight, he just wanted to be alone. Back in the cave, hafizola kassim waldak poured himself a cup of tea, then closed his eyes and fell on the chair. His mind can not stop the emergence of images of Abdel when he was alive, from Abdel's childhood to Abdel and himself against the Soviets, all the images are so clear, just like a movie.

Hafizola kassim waldak was immersed in his own memories, but was suddenly interrupted. A guerrilla broke into hafizola Qasim waldak's cave and nearly drew his gun.

Hafizola kassim waldak stares at the guy coldly and says in a colder voice, "what's the matter?"

"Chief, I found something when I was sorting out their relics. I think I should show it to you." With that, the guerrillas respectfully put their hands on the table beside hafizola Qasim Wardak, and then turned away.

Hafizola Qasim Wardak stared at the guerrilla until he came out of here. Hafizola kassim Wardak glanced at the things on the table. There were several pictures. The top one was just Abdel. In the photo, Abdel happily leans on a stone and smokes. He carries an RPG-7 on his back and a destroyed Soviet armored car is parked next to him.

In this picture, hafizola kassim Wardak has an impression that they attacked the Soviet armored transport convoy together. The battle was very smooth and they seized a lot of materials. At that time, they were very happy. Abdel took this picture specially. Hafizola Qasim waldak then looks at the photos behind. Almost every one of them has an impression. These photos are arranged in chronological order, and each one brings great comfort to hafizola Qasim waldak until he turns to the last one. In this photo, hafizola kassim Wardak is not impressed at all. In the photo, five Soviets are knocked down and look at the camera with fear on their faces, while Abdel steps on one of them and laughs happily.

Hafizola kassim waldakmon got up from his chair and all the photos fell to the ground, except the last one in his hand. Hafizola kassim Wardak clenched his back teeth and said: "Abdel, you have a spirit in heaven. Brother will catch these people to avenge you!"