Chapter 84

"I can't help it. Take a gamble." Sitting in the driver's seat, Yakov seemed to cheer himself up, but his voice was very small, and he seemed to lack confidence.

"What did you say?" Yuri, sitting in the co pilot's seat, didn't hear what Yakov was saying, so he quickly asked.

"I said, I can't help it. Make a bet!" Yakov repeated what he had just said in a loud voice, this time in a firm tone, as if determined. He shifted the gear to reverse, slammed on the accelerator, and the car began to go backwards quickly.

"What do you want to do?" Yuri was surprised by Yakov's behavior. He didn't know what happened to Yakov. In the back of the car, commander Vasili and shaeliosha were also confused by the sudden retrogression of the car.

"All seated, fasten your seat belt, I'm going to fly over here!" Yakov yelled loudly. In fact, he didn't have to remind us that we had already sat down. Just now, the car had been driving at high speed. If we didn't fix ourselves, we would have been hit by a bump.

"We'll fall and die, you lunatic!" Yuri looks at Yakov in fear, but he doesn't stop Yakov. Because even if Yakov doesn't, they're dead.

The rapidly retrogressive cars are getting closer to the guerrillas. Seeing the cars coming towards them retrogressively, the Sheng fighters who have been chasing them all the time point all their guns at them, and the bullets come like raindrops. Commander Vasili kept seryosha under his body.

Yakov looked in the rearview mirror and in the front. He was estimating the distance. It's not the first time he's done this. He did it the last time he was followed by Popov's men in Gorky. Just as the car was getting closer to the guerrillas behind, Yakov finally stepped on the brake, and the car began to slow down until it stopped completely. Yakov changed gears again, and the car began to accelerate forward. Soon the speedometer pointer reached the maximum speed.

Yakov now has no time to control those enemies, his eyes are only the place where the bridge is broken. As the speed gets faster and faster, the steering wheel in Yakov's hand becomes more and more difficult to control. This car can't compare with the Volga that seryosa gave him. It has no steering power. The steering wheel is very heavy. Yakov wanted to make sure that he would not roll over at high speed. The car galloped over the bumpy road and finally came to the bridge deck. The car began to go uphill, which slowed him down. The distance from the gap is getting closer and closer, Yakov has closed his eyes. His heart was flying out of his chest. Yuri, who was sitting next to him, covered his head and shrunk into a ball.

When the car arrived at the end of the road, Yakov bravely opened his eyes. He wanted to verify his luck with his own eyes. The car began to take off. Yakov felt himself thrown into the air. He watched with his own eyes as the front of the car began to fall, but there was still a little distance from the other side of the bridge.

"Are you going to fall?"

"Is it really going to fall?"

Yakov's heart involuntarily repeated this sentence over and over again“ Bang With a loud noise, the car fell heavily on the other side of the bridge. Yakov controlled the direction and kicked the brake madly. He did not dare to step on the brake all at once. If he did this, he would definitely roll over.

All the people in the car couldn't believe it was true. They cheered and celebrated the joy of the rest of their lives. No one in Afghanistan who was chasing after them dared to fly over the other side of the bridge like them.

Xie liaosha also stood up. He wanted to celebrate with commander Vasili. When he stood up from under commander Vasili, he saw his blood. Commander Vasili fell to one side without any reaction.


When the morning sun just rose from the horizon the next day, grachov, sitting on the helicopter, slowly saw the city of Kabul bathed in the morning light. In just one day, grachov felt as if he had been a year. He couldn't believe he was still alive.

The strategy that Grachev came up with really worked. The Tajik and Pashtun tribes did not have any mutual trust mechanism. When Grachev led the defeated soldiers with little resistance to retreat along the border of the two tribes, neither tribe did anything to them. As Grachev thought, Pashtuns dare not shoot at Tajik territory, and Tajiks also dare not shoot at Pashtuns territory. Two allies who lacked mutual trust released their common enemy.

Although the circle, but to avoid more casualties, until they gradually out of danger after they met the belated rescue forces. Finally relieved, until all his men got on the plane, he stepped into the cabin.

The plane had begun to land, and Grachev saw ambulances all around the airport. This time, the heroic red army suffered heavy losses. Almost all the dead soldiers' bodies were thrown to the enemy, and not a few were injured.

The plane finally returned to the ground safely, the medical staff immediately ran over, and the dejected soldiers came out of the plane. Grachev helped the medical staff carry the wounded from the plane to the ambulance. It wasn't until everyone left the plane that he began to walk slowly back.

The pilot of the helicopter code named Firebird 2 has been sitting in his seat since landing on the ground. Almost all the people on the plane left. Only the flight mechanic who was on the same plane with him could see that something was wrong with him and was still persuading him: "Andre, you are just carrying out the order."

"Thank you, Nikolay. I just want to be quiet!" The pilot, Andre, replied.

"All right! Don't take too long, go back and have a rest early! " Nikolay, the flight mechanic, turned and left the space for Andre.

Most of the people have left the plane and grachov has gone back. Andre took out everything in his pocket on the plane and put it neatly on the bridge. He took off his flying helmet, gave a kiss and put it on the seat. He slowly got off the plane, walked a few steps forward, then stopped, pulled out his gun from his waist and slowly raised it to his temple.

"Bang!" The sound of a gun shocked grachov, who was walking back. He turned around, threw away his coat, and ran to the place where the gun rang. By the time he got there, there were a lot of people around him, and grachov pushed away the people in front of him and slowly squeezed in. When he finally got to the front, he felt a little sad about the corpse of a pilot who fell in the blood. The pilot held a gun in his right hand, and there was a hole in his temple, from which blood slowly gushed. The dead pilot's eyes were still open. Grachov squatted down slowly and closed his eyes with his hands.