Chapter 668

The wind is cold and the snowflakes are floating.

When Su Lu came out of Xiao's house, it was already late. The lanterns hanging on the gatehouse fluttered in the cold wind and snowflakes, illuminating an inch of land in front of the door.

The marine commander, the guard, pulled the carriage and wanted to invite Su Lu to mount the horse.

Su Lu waved his hand and refused:

"I'll walk along the long street. Let's go back to the Palace first. I haven't walked on the long street for a long time. The capital has changed so much that I can't recognize it."

On both sides of the long street, restaurants and restaurants are scattered, and hanging lanterns illuminate the nearby streets and half the sky.

Although it is snowy winter, there is still an endless stream of people at the door of restaurants in the streets.

The snow has accumulated quite a thick layer, and the creaking sound can be heard on the road.

The land war gave a few orders, turned around and chased up with several guards. The Lord wants to patrol the capital at night. Naturally, he should be well prepared and can't let anything wrong with the Lord's safety.

The sound of drinking and banquet came from the roadside restaurant, and the forthright toast came one after another, which made the cold winter night warm.

Su Lu asked the land war nearby and said:

"I remember that although the former capital was busy, there were not so many restaurants, and there were not so many people in the restaurants."

The marine nodded:

"Yes, the capital has been prosperous for more than ten years. It's all your credit, Lord."

The guards nearby also said in a stack:

"Yes, it's all the credit of the Lord. The stone track line was opened, but many people made money."

"The sea route is open. I heard that the ships from Fuxiang and hengtaichang have all gone to inter Malaga, carrying out a full ship of porcelain and silk and returning a full ship of gold and silver."

The guards said with envy in their tone.

Su Lu only feels comfortable and tight in his heart. He opened the stone track line and opened the sea route to promote business development, make the country rich and the people strong, and make the people live a healthy life. Now this scene is just what he wants.

"Why, did you see the ship full of gold and silver?"

Su Lu asked and slapped the snow on his body.

The business of merchants is essential, but it should not be too much. Otherwise, it will restrain farmers and workers and have an adverse impact on the country. Like the saying of a ship full of gold and silver, it should be banned.

There is no problem making money secretly, but a ship full of gold and silver will naturally be charged.

The bodyguard who spoke just now blushed and said excitedly:

"Really, Lord, there is a boy in our village who is coming to Fuxiang to be everyone's plan. He saw with his own eyes the boat full of gold and silver."

Gao Dabao also shouted:

"My boss left the army and went to laifuxiang. When he was the leader of a sea boat team, he ran to Malaga several times. When he came back, he told me that shopkeeper Su didn't do business. He used a boat to pull silver."

Su Lu frowned at the news. The etiquette department didn't pay attention to such news. Didn't he Qian Qianyi know what kind of trend such rumors would bring among the people.

At that time, the people of the whole country will go to sea trade. No one is willing to farm. The Ministry of household can't receive food, and the Ministry of war can't recruit sergeants. The Minister Qian Qianyi should be dismissed.


In the snow ahead, a startled voice suddenly sounded.

Su Lu looked up and saw that Qian Qianyi and Dong Chengzheng, wrapped like cotton balls, were coming face to face. Behind them, they were scattered with several bodyguards. When they saw Su Lu, they walked quickly in front of Su Lu.

Su Lu waved his hand, stopped them from saluting, and asked:

"Qian Gong, Dong Gong, why are you interested in shopping in the middle of the night?"

Qian Qianyi was stopped from saluting. He was laughing. When he heard Su Lu's question, his face began to look sad.

"To be honest with the Lord, there are quite a lot of merchants in the capital, which has brought a lot of influence to court officials and school students. One after another, officials quit their posts to do business, and students studied and sailed. This atmosphere really worries me."

Dong Cheng also said:

"The army is also quite unstable. Many school captains have left the army and turned to be martial arts teachers in commercial firms in order to earn more money. If this trend continues to expand, I'm afraid it will be dangerous for Han * * yuan."

"Qian Shangshu and I have been visiting all over Beijing these days, but we have limited knowledge and short-sighted. We can't find a solution to the problem."

Qian Qianyi pinched his beard, and the lantern light of the restaurant hit his face, which was quite gloomy.

"I'm stupid. I really can't find a way to remedy it. I don't understand why even the sages can leave behind just for those blocking things."

Su Lu pointed to the restaurant and said with a smile:

"In that case, let's go in and have a meal to see why the restaurant has such good business."

The marine took a few quick steps, went up the steps, grabbed the bartender and whispered a few words.

The bartender is also a clever ghost. He knows it's not easy to see the three people's costumes. With 12 points of care, he led the three people to the elegant seat on the second floor and ordered them to come up with hot soup and tea.

"We have yulouchun, a good wine from Chu, and double headed Abalone with seafood from Qi. I don't know what the three masters want to use. Please tell me. I'll tell the back kitchen to arrange it now."

Su Lu smiled and asked:

"Nowadays, sea trade is popular. Waiter, your restaurant is so big. What food comes from overseas?"

The waiter shook his head like a rattle and said with a smile:

"Let me know that overseas is a place of barbarians, and there are some gold and silver, but this food is not as rich as that of China's Han Dynasty. You can taste fresh, but you can't eat."

Qian Qianyi smiled and scolded:

"Just go and serve some of your best dishes. By the way, arrange a table for my companions. Just come up."

The waiter promised and went happily.

Su Lu looked at the second floor. The hall on the second floor was not big. There were only six round tables. Three of them sat around customers. Instead, the lobby on the first floor was full of guests eating wine and boxing. It was a lively scene.

Looking back, Su Lu smiled and said to Qian Qianyi:

"The business of this restaurant is really good, and the surplus must be quite large. I don't know that your salary in January is comparable to the daily surplus of this restaurant."

Qian Qianyi raised his eyebrows when he heard the speech, and his voice was full of determination:

"The Lord joked. If the surplus of this restaurant with only a few dozen tables can match my salary, my salary is too low."

"Come and go, call the shopkeeper of the restaurant and ask him how much he has a surplus in January. Is it higher than my Qian Qianyi's salary?"

At the guard's table, Qian Qianyi stood up and followed Qian Qianyi. Qian looked at Qian Qianyi with embarrassment on his face:

"Let's not ask, sir. What does it have to do with us?"

"It's better not to ask."

Money adds a lot to don't ask.

Qian Qianyi had a bad feeling in his heart