Chapter 667

Slote left with pride.

It is said that Su Lu is invincible and a military God. Now it seems that he is certainly an arrogant military God. He is completely useless in dealing with political affairs and adjusting international relations.

Even if you don't want the special gold on the big island, you don't need to let it out so quickly. Important people also want it so quickly. It doesn't have the style of a big country at all.

Sure enough, all the East Asian countries are woodlouse, the developed Han Dynasty, or the upstart woodlouse.

Looking at Slote's back, Li Qing asked Su Lu:

"We are also short of special funds. Why should we give up? The purpose of the tessi people this time must be to test us."

Su Lu nodded, stretched himself, stood up, ordered and said:

"Send a decree as soon as possible, and order Xiang Wei to set up Ma Li affairs Wei, which is solely responsible for handling Ma Li affairs. We must split Ma Li."

"And Tessie, how should he distribute the extra special gold shares? Tessie's interior is not an iron plate. Now that there is a better excuse, different voices will naturally come out to set up a Tessie affairs guard, fully handle Tessie's affairs and find agents. It's best to split Tessie."

"Only a small divided country is a good small country."

Li Qing nodded puzzled. What's good about division? It's better to swallow it directly. It's all the territory of China's Han Dynasty.

Su Lu knows Li Qing's doubts, but he doesn't explain. If these things can be solved by force, he still has something to worry about. Just go straight to A. even if these places are included in the rule, because the road is far away and the central government is slightly wrong, they will soon be divided again.

It's too expensive to be included in the territory. It's better to let it split all the time.

After dinner, Su Lu took Su Yi to see Xiao Cong, who was seriously ill.

Xiao Cong is old. If he didn't have the foundation of martial arts, he would have been unable to hold on.

There was silence in front of Xiao's house. The guards on duty stood in silence. The porter sat at the door, drooping his head and sighing.

"Xiao Liuzi, there's nothing to sigh about. Isn't your master still alive? If you sigh like this, be careful that your young master will clean you up."

When the porter saw Su Lu, he immediately knelt down on one knee:

"I've seen the Lord."

Su Lu waved to everyone not to be polite and told Xiao Liuzi to lead the way.

Su Lu entered the palace and walked to the inner courtyard along the flagstone road. All the way, the servants and servants of Xiao's house looked dull, and the whole house was depressed.

Su Lu went into the inner courtyard and Xiao Cong's eldest son Xiao Yuanshan came to pick him up. Since his father was seriously ill, Xiao Yuanshan gave up his military duties and went straight home to guard his father.

Su Lu asked Xiao Yuanshan:

"How is old general Xiao? What does the imperial doctor in the palace say? What's a good way?"

Xiao Yuanshan shook his head and looked bitter:

"The imperial doctor in the palace came for several times, but there was no way to say that his father's life was up, not because of illness. His father had been in the army for many years and had been injured earlier. If it wasn't for his good foundation, he might have died now, but up to now, no way is useful."

As they talked, they entered the inner courtyard, walked through several corridors, entered Xiao Cong's bedroom and saw Xiao Cong lying in bed.

"I've seen the Lord"

Mrs. Xiao is hale and hearty, but she is full of the aura of strangers. The servants in the town dare not breathe.

Su Lu waved to Mrs. Xiao to waive the gift. In earlier years, Mrs. Xiao was a hero in the Jianghu. She led Ye Qingmei across the Jianghu. She was also a famous figure in the Jianghu. When she married Xiao Cong, she restrained her temperament, took care of her husband and children at home, and was much more self-restraint than before.

"Madam, the old general is ill now. You should smile more. Such depression in the house is not good for the old general."

Mrs. Xiao sighed and led Su Lu to the interior with a hoarse voice:

"I don't know, but I can't control my grief. Lord, you are paoze with him. I hope you can relax his heart and make him feel better."

With these words, he entered the room and saw Xiao Cong lying on the hospital bed.

With white hair and drooping head, Xiao Cong was lying in bed, dozing off.

There was a strange smell in the room, which filled Su Lu's nasal cavity and covered his whole body. Su Lu couldn't help but want to go out and stay in the room.

Xiao Cong is afraid that time is running out.

Such an idea flashed through Su Lu's mind. He had led the army for many years. He met many soldiers and men who were about to die. His body organs began to deteriorate, and his body would exude such a rotten smell.

Mrs. Xiao came forward and leaned over to call softly in Xiao Cong's ear.

"General, general, general, the prince is coming."

After calling several times, Xiao Cong finally opened his eyes. After a while, he turned his eyes to Su Lu, and a happy color appeared on his face:

"The Lord is coming. Come on, sit down and tell me about the war in the south."

Xiao Cong was like a child. His face was full of joy and greeted Su Lu.

Su Lu sat down beside the bed and said casually:

"Of course, when I came out, I was the top two. Those grandchildren who beat them threw away their armor and fled crying for their parents. What's your old boy to worry about?"

Xiao Cong laughed, and the house was happy again.

Calling his son to bring the defense map, Xiao Cong pointed to the defense map and said:

"I heard from Yuanshan that you have conquered the land of Chu, Tang and Qi. Now Cao Hua and his men are leading troops to sweep away the remaining rebels, and the Ministry of officials is also stepping up the dispatch of officials. Is this true?"

Su Lu nodded, smiled and scolded:

"You old boy is confused. Why can your son lie to you?"

"That's right. I led the army. I fought from south to north. Well, I didn't fight to north. I fought from the southern port to Cangwu on the edge of the huaishui river. The rest were fought by Cao Hua and Zhao Wuhua. It has nothing to do with me."

Xiao Cong was excited when he heard the speech. His thin palm patted the defense map with a smile on his face.

"Good, good, good."

"The Lord is good at leading the army and educating people. In our Han country, these rising generals have grown up. People can't refuse to be old."

"Lord, discuss something."

Xiao Cong turned to Su Lu. His thin cheeks were full of heartfelt smiles. He was the state of Han and the imperial court.

Su Lu turned his eyes to Xiao Yuanshan next to him. "It's easy to do. You say a grade. I'll assign it to you."

Xiao Cong shook his head, looked at the lady on the other side, and Wen said:

"The luckiest thing in my life is to meet my wife, know that I understand me, love me and read me. After I leave, my wife is over 60 years old. Qingmei's family is unhappy. I'm afraid I can't take care of her. I'm afraid disputes at home will affect her."

Mrs. Xiao spat, her tone full of tenderness:

"What you think is beautiful. If you leave alone and leave me in this lonely place, I won't stay and let others practice."

Su Lu patted Xiao Cong's hand and said with a smile:

"All right, I see. Mrs. Xiao has made great contributions to the state of Chu this time. The reward will come down in a few days. Mrs. Gao or the rank in the army will be chosen by Mr. Xiao."

"Our Han country does not lack these."

Xiao Cong shook his head:

"The Lord calmed down the three places. The imperial court must use troops in the west next. There are many places to employ people. I'm afraid it's going to lay a stone track outside Jiameng pass. I don't want any senior officials. Just ask my wife and Qingmei for a fat job."

Su Lu