Chapter 196 - You're It

The pinkette's black eyes widened and he quickly turned. Looking left and right, he didn't see anything. Fingers quickly tickled his sides and he squeaked, squirming from the digits.

"S… Stop!" He laughed trying to get away.


"Fa… father! H… Help! Un… uncle…!"

Ying Yue laughed and went to his nephew's front. He glanced at his smirking lover who paused his tickling behind the child, but fingers still hovered the sides of the pinkette. His golden eyes watched as his nephew caught his breath before his lips split into a grin.

"Prepare yourself, Lan-er."


Ying Yue joined Wang Li in tickling his nephew to tears, laughing tiredly on the ground. Xu Ling watched as they played and a small smile curled at his lips. His son was getting too serious lately and this… hearing his son's laughter again calmed his mind. Nuying joined his side, touching his bicep as they watched the writhing pink haired boy laughing and trying to tickle his uncles, but failed.

Later, Wang Li and Ying Yue was holding hands as they sat listening to Li Yun, Li Chu, and Fu Shen play. A plate of mooncakes and sweets were plated on the Ghost King's lap. Ying Yue couldn't stop the smile on his face as he fed his husband. Silver eyes softened and mouth accepted the pastries pressed against thin lips.

He accepted the offered sweet bun against his own lips, smiling and biting lightly. He preferred sour meals, but he will accept the sweets his lover gave him. He saw a sparkle in his lover's silver eyes, twinkling with mischief. He shook his head laughing quietly, knowing what his husband was thinking.

Pushing the mooncake into his lover's mouth so words would not be whispered into his ears, he took advantage and leaned toward his husband.

"I prefer you, my husband."

Wang Li coughed and Ying Yue laughed rubbing his lover's back. The Ghost King waved away the worries from the eyes aimed at him. Wiping his lips, the king narrowed his eyes with a sly smirk at his giggling wife. He leaned toward the platinum blonde and bit lightly on pretty earlobe.

"My sneaky wife," he pulled back and placed a kiss on freckled cheek.

He sighed seeing the bright grin on Ying Yue's face and it reminded him of a time so long ago. Cupping the milky skin, he slid his thumb pad back and forth over the freckles. His lover touched the hand and his heart lived in the loving stare of his wife.

"Uncle Li," their nephew spoke up and he blinked over to the pinkette.

"Can you, can you play the song to me?"

"What song?" "I wanna hear!" "Master Li know how to play too?"

Wang Li nodded. He settled in front of everyone and smiled at their brightened faces.

'This was nice. This was family, a different kind, but a family nonetheless,' he thought quietly.

"Where is your instrument, Ah Li?" Ying Yue questioned, "Do you wish to use mine?"


His nephew's eyes widened and looked toward the entrance to see the tanned man grinning. The navy haired man waved at them and the students perked up happily. Mo Chou placed the guqin before his king and went to stand beside Nuying.

Closing his eyes, he began plucking the lullaby for his nephew.

Ying Yue felt his heart melt and he had to sit down, or he would just faint from how beautiful his lover was. Black hair, unbraided, flowed effortlessly down his lover's back and a soft smile on the lips. Silver eyes opened and his heart jumped as warmth spread across his entire being.

'My heart even wishes to be with you, my husband.'

The music slowed until the last plucks entered their space. When Wang Li finished, Xu Lan was already running toward him. Quickly pushing the guqin away, he let out a sigh when his nephew wrapped around him tightly.

"Lan-er," Xu Ling sighed shaking his head, "So clinging," the redhead mumbled.

"Lan-er, you are losing," Wang Li said softly and the pinkette pulled back with furrowed brows.

The Ghost King quirked a brow and the boy frowned. He cupped the pinkette's cheeks and could feel the dark energy calm within his nephew. Smiling, he pinched pale cheeks and earned a squeaked whine.

"Uncle Li!"

"Your it."

"I'm what?"

Wang Li grinned and pushed the pinkette away and rushed to his wife. Grabbing his lover's hand, he turned to see the young master stand with a confused look. Grinning, he looked to his students and addresses them.

"Master Zhang is a monster. If he touches you, you will become one too. Last survivor will receive a wish granted."

"Wait! I don't even get a chance?!"

Xu Lan frowned and Wang Li laughed.

"You already received your gift, nephew. Do not be selfish."

With that said, everyone ran off and avoided the pink master's touch.

The look on the pinkette master's face made Ying Yue laughed and tugged his lover to run. They could hear Xu Lan trying to catch everyone, but he wouldn't mind if he were caught. As long as his students and his family were enjoying themselves, that was what really mattered. He looked over at his husband to see a look he hadn't seen in so long.

Wang Li looked relaxed, peaceful, and young.

'So carefree,' his thought provided with a pleased sigh.

Silver eyes turned to him and he was pulled into his lover's space, embraced in warmth and the smell of plum blossom. He was lifted and he felt the wind flow by him ruffling his sleeves. Laughing, they landed on the roof, hiding low. Lips pressed against his and Ying Yue welcomed the taste of his husband.

"My husband, is Lan-er not going to find us?"

"Look," Wang Li whispered and they both propped their head up to see the pinkette chasing after the students.

Ying Yue saw everyone but Fu Shen was captured. Li Chu was cheering for his brother and the white haired boy smirked, doing his best to avoid the reaches. His golden eyes caught Mo Chou who was sitting against the wall with his eyes closed. The usual grin or smirk on the navy haired man's face was not there.

"Ah Li, Ah Chou… he hadn't been caught. Why does Ah Lan not just touch him?"

"Mm, Ah Lan is upset with him and Ah Chou does not know what to do."

Furrowing his brows, Ying Yue nodded and looked between his nephew and his husband's loyal follower. Glancing at his lover, he kissed his husband deeply and laughed softly when he felt a light pat on his ass. Pulling back, he stared at his lover, enjoying being in his presence.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I am stronger this day, my love, because of you."

Ying Yue grinned and stood up, holding his hand out for his husband.

"Will it be alright, my love, to give Ah Chou the reward?"

"My wish was for me to be alone with you the rest of the day, my wife, but I agree."

Ying Yue giggled red cheeked and bumped his lover with his shoulder. Jumping down, Fu Shen was still avoiding Master Zhang's touch, but his king's eyes caught his. A small shake of Master Li's head told him to give up and he did.

"Hah! Got you," Xu Lan grinned and turned to his uncles, "You two."

He quickly ran to them and touched them as well. Laughing he placed his fists on his hips with his chest puffed, proud of himself. He looked at his uncle with excitement running through his heated blood.

"Do I get the wish since I won?"

"You lost, Ah Lan."

"Uncle Li! I touched everyone!"

"Mo Chou."

His smile fell and he glanced over at the tanned man walking over to his Uncle Li. He watched as the Ghost King cupped the blue haired man's face and he frowned. Silver eyes glanced at him and at the bracelet around his wrist. Lifting the bracelet, his frown deepened even more to see it was all black. Closing his eyes, he took a few deep breath.

"What is your wish, Chou-er?"

'Cho-er?' Xu Lan frowned.

"Well, you don't have long with Ah Yue, so I wish you both time alone."


Mo Chou's brows shot up to his hairline and he tilted his head. His king cupped his shoulder and squeezed it softly. This look… This look of his king with a spark in his silver eyes and a slow sly smirk only meant one thing.

"How will I have time with my wife when everyone wishes to spend time with us?"

"What are you planning…?" He whispered with a pout and his king grinned brightly.

"Snow is waiting. Go find him. Bring everyone with you."

"Snow?!" "Ah, where is he?" "I miss him."

The students got excited and ran toward them wanting their questions answered. Wang Li quirked a brow at his child and Mo Chou laughed.