Chapter 195 - Only You Can Touch Me

When he opened them, he placed it in the bowl and stepped back to stare at his lover a little longer. Feng Zhi finished his prayer and went to stand beside him as they both stared up at his husband.

"Why are the bad guys always so handsome?"

"He is not a bad guy."

"I know."

"Do you?"

Ying Yue turned to the man beside him.

"If he was bad, he would have come here and kicked me out to live in the cold or punish me."

"He wouldn't."

"Heaven's Chosen, you are protecting the Ghost King. Should he not be your enemy?"

"Never," he whispered and the look on the man's face made a laughter escaped his lips.

"Feng Zhi, do you have family?"

"Just my father. He's pretty strict and could careless that I am gone."

"You can come stay at my school, Feng Zhi."

"But," the navy haired man frowned slightly, "Who will care for this temple."


"I will stay."

Ying Yue could not help the grin covering his face or the way his heart just bled happiness. He nodded and said he would visit when he could. Leaving Feng Zhi with his money bag, he went to the shack, their home, at the lake. Sitting on the flat roof, he settled down and watched the sun dip below the water. The sky darkened and the moon brightened above him, making his hair glow under the light.

Pulling out the recent message from his lover, he made sure to send his energy into the insect, so it did not fly. Placing it against his ears, he smiled listening to his husband's voice filter through his ears.

"Ah Yue, I love you."

Closing his golden eyes, he sighed wanting nothing more than his lover with him.

"Soon, my husband, I will see you again."

Ying Yue whispered into the night air and stared at the moon that once protected his husband now watched over him.


The world was decorated in red and the prepped meals were ready to be cooked, fried, and baked in the morning. Bamboo shoots were filled with gunpowder for fireworks and banners flowed with the light autumn breeze.

The moon witnessed it all.

She witnessed one lone man waiting at the entrance for his lover as everyone slept. She witnessed the man in red dropped down from his blade. She witnessed them both embraced, kissed, reunited at last.

"Ah Li," Ying Yue grinned as tears slipped down his eyes, "I have missed you my husband."

"And I, beloved."

Wang Li kissed him again and again like their lips would not pull apart. They quickly entered the school, enter their room, and rid their clothes so their bare skin touched. Fingers touches and trailed along warm skin, bringing blazing fire with it. Ying Yue' body singed, bumped as if to connect itself to his husband.

"Ah Li, make love to me, my love."

An oiled up finger pushed into his hole and his breath stuttered. He moaned and shut his eyes, forgetting how it felt. Lips captured his and he opened his mouth to taste his lover. Another finger joined and his hips squirmed as whimpers escaped his lips. He heard the deep chuckle from his husband and he opened his eyes to watch the beauty of his lover.

"This reminds me of the first time," Wang Li said softly as his fingers moved slowly inside him.

"It, it had been a while my love."

"Do you not touch yourself this whole time, beloved?"

"No. I am yours, Ah Li. Only you can touch me."

Another finger joined inside him and his breath hitched. Fingers pushed in as far as they could and paused there, making him feel full, but it was not enough. He licked his lips and stared into silver eyes that was staring at him intensely.

"Ah Li?"

"How long do we have until they wake, Ah Yue?"

"Mm, they will wake earlier than before because of the festival. Maybe when the sky began to lighten?"

Once he finished speaking, he groaned and his mouth stayed open. The fingers thrusted into him quickly, harder, and oh so, so good. His hard cock entered hot mouth and he gasped bucking into it. His fingers clutched the sheets and he came with his chest heaving and panting breaths. Fingers pulled out and Wang Li, finally, entered him.

Groaning and arching his back, he wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. They stared at one another, nose pressed together, as their moans mingled. Hips moved pushing the hard thick cock in and out, tugging his tight hole repeatedly. The bulb and shaft pressed against his prostate bringing him into ecstasy.

"Ah, Ah, Ah Li," Ying Yue panted and whined with whimpers, "Please, inside. Mm, oh, hus… husband!"

Wang Li kissed those noises, ate it all to keep inside his stomach. He moved harder, thrusted deeper, and rolled his hips causing his lover to shoot cum against their stomachs. He sucked the moans and relished in the way his beautiful wife shivered. The tightness of his lover's walls made his climax hit and he groaned and bucked in long trusts, filling the blonde with his sperm.

He opened his silver eyes and pulled away from his wife's lips. They both stared at one another with their foreheads pressed together. He turned them, still connected, so his Ying Yue was lying on him. The trembles continued to flow through Ying Yue's skin and he smiled, running his fingers through soft platinum blonde hair and sweaty back.

Ying Yue lifted off his chest to kiss him again and again. They made love until the sun rose and the sounds of footsteps could be heard. Running fingers along one another's face as if to memorize it once more, Wang Li placed a kiss to the ring on Ying Yue's finger, before placing a long kiss on red lips.

Ying Yue watched Wang Li dressed and he sighed with a smile. This day brought happiness and sadness all at once, but… Wang Li was here with him. He will make the most of it.

His husband helped him off the bed and dressed him. Letting out a laugh, he kissed Wang Li once more and interlocked their fingers. He stared at his husband for a moment longer, before heading out of their room.

The first person to see them was Nuying who shouted his husband's name with a bright smile. Then, everyone else came quickly surrounding his lover, wanting answers to many questions. Wang Li let out a soft laugh and held up a bag full of candies for this day.

"After dinner," Wang Li stated when the children- technically young adults, asked for some.

"Come, let's get everything ready for today!" Han Mo spoke up and looked at the man in red, "And welcome back, my king."

Wang Li nodded with a smile and watched the students bowed to him, then went to join the brunette master. Fu Shen stared at him and he smiled at the boy. Opening his arms, the purple eyed man entered his space and pressed against his shoulder. He looked at the blue haired female and opened his other arm for her to join. A grin split across her face as she ran into his chest, jostling her brother.

"We missed you so much Master Li! I've been practicing a lot on the flute and Li Yun had too. Can we play it for you?"

"I've been practicing too," Fu Shen mumbled.

"I would be honored to hear you all play today," Wang Li placed a kiss to their temples and pulled back to smile softly at them.

"Awesome! Come Ah Shen, let's tell big sister. She will be excited!"

Wang Li turned to look at his beautiful wife and his entire body relaxed. He took a step to his lover, but suddenly felt the wind knock out of him. He groaned feeling the ground at his back and a heavy body on top of him. He let out a chuckle and cupped the back of the head full of pink hair.

"Lan-er, if you wish to fight, warn me first."

"I thought you were the feared strong Ghost King?" Xu Lan murmured with a frown, arms still wrapped tightly around him.

"Hm, maybe you've gotten stronger than me, or maybe I am old," Wang Li sat them up, "Or maybe I gave you a chance to best me."

"Pssh! I caught you off guard, Uncle Li. If I can do that, then I can definitely defeat you."

"Challenge accepted, dear nephew."

Black eyes sparkled and a grin stretched across the pinkette's lips.

"Then prepare yourself! I will do it again!"

"Lan-er, telling him will only heighten his awareness, son."

Xu Lan's smile faltered and he stood up laughing to clear up what he said. Wang Li smirked and accepted the redhead's offered hand. Nodding to Xu Ling, his silver eyes looked to see his gifted bracelet around his nephew's wrist. His lips curled slyly and he made a surprised noise.

"Lan-er! Behind you!"