Chapter 184 - We Haven't Even Kissed Yet

Mo Chou, the loyal servant of the Ghost King, had sent plenty demons and ghosts back. However, it did not mean it wasn't a challenge to do. He wrapped his shoulder wound as best he could with his ripped sleeve, before going about his way.

That was until a certain pink haired man felt he needed to be protected.

How did this happen? Well, Mo Chou did not know either.

The navy haired man just finished sending a humanoid lizard, twice his size, back when a needy ghost jumped in. It thought he would be too weak to fight back, but the ghost was wrong. Holding his blade, one given to him by his king, he prepared to strike the enemy only to have this pinkette jump in.

His purple eyes narrowed slightly, but Mo Chou was more interested in why this man felt he could defeat a ghost. To his surprise, the pinkette finished the enemy off quickly and sent it back to the Netherworld. Black eyes stared at him before it zeroed in on the wound on his shoulder.

'A cultivator…'

"My apologies, sir, I did not bring medicine for your wound," the man neared and looked at the makeshift wrap, "Let me fix your wrap."

He grinned and quirked his dark navy brow.

"I have lots of wounds, my lovely hero. Shall I just remove all my clothing?"

Black eyes widened and blinked at him confused, before there was a suspicious gleam.

"How did you get so many wounds?"

"Ah, well… besides getting rid of monsters, some were from those I bedded," Mo Chou smiled slyly. The pinkette frowned and he grinned.

"Why are you fighting theses monsters? You should be careful and take care of yourself, sir. Please let the removal of demons and ghosts lay on us cultivators."

"Who says I am not a cultivator?" The navy haired man moved into Xu Lan's space, "Maybe I am just waiting for my hero to come save me," the man leaned closer to whisper, "Dear cultivator."

Xu Lan placed a hand on the weird man's chest and push him away, removing the dark haired man from his space. A deep frown was on his lips as he searched the grinning face. There was something strange feeling with this man that spiked up his suspicions. Why was this man so wounded and why was he fighting evil? Why was the man not part of the school and why did he not know of him?

He could feel the growl, the itch to reach out and feel blood in his nails. He shut his eyes and fisted his hands to push it away. He had been working so hard and done so well, but it seemed this man was stirring up his blood. He didn't understand why, not until the man was in his space again. A hand gripped his shoulder and he heard the statement.

"You are a demon."

His black eyes shot opened and Xu Lan attacked the supposed cultivator. He couldn't suppress it and he hoped his Uncle Yue could sense him. He was far from the school, but he hoped someone could reach him and stopped him in time from killing this man.

Their blades clashed and Xu Lan pushed his demonic energy more into the blade, wishing it would ease his anxiousness. His body felt inflamed and he did his best to hold back, but the navy haired man was staring at him with narrowed eyes.

They slid and fought without a break. The trees were being cut apart and some even fell to the onslaught of blades. Their swords continued to dance, defending and attacking until Mo Chou had his sword knocked out of his hands. Xu Lan was breathing heavily as sweat dripped down his temples, holding the demonic blade.

"I defeated you," the pink haired master panted out, but the man rushed forward catching him off guard.

He did not hold his blade up in time to block the punch to his face, before his wrist was smacked into the tree trunk, loosening his hold on his sword. Growling, Xu Lan dropped his blade and punched the man back. They wrestled onto the ground until the man had him pressed down onto the floor with his heaving chest to the sky.

"What is your name?"

Mo Chou questioned breathing heavy from the excess of the fight.

"Get off me," Xu Lan gritted out and moved his legs, but went shock stilled.

"Ah, maybe I like this position," the navy haired man laughed breathlessly, "You are quite pretty."

The pinkette's black eyes widened even more as redness covered his ears to his cheeks.

"Pretty?!" Xu Lan shouted and tried to pull his arms away from the strong grip, "Is this what you do? If you dare do this to innocent peop-"

"Oh, jealous already? We just met, my hero. We didn't even kiss yet," Mo Chou leaned closer and Xu Lan turned to the side shutting eyes.

The loyalist of the Ghost King felt the tremor on the young man's body, and he grinned mischievously. He licked the bead of sweat at the jawline to the earlobe, receiving tension on the pinkette's body. Mo Chou hummed and stared at the scrunched face and locked jaws. He had not bed anyone in so long and to see this man not fighting back, giving in to him, just made his entire body ignite with want.

"What is going on?"

A voice entered their space and the pinkette's eyes quickly opened to see the blonde with furrowed brows.

"Un… Uncle Yue," he cried meekly as if he was caught doing something he shouldn't have.

Mo Chou turned and his eyes widened, before he let out a laugh.

"Heaven's Chosen, it had been a long time. I am just enjoying myself with this pretty man."

"Get off me!" Xu Lan screeched flailing and pushing him off. The pinkette quickly ran to hide behind the blonde, who stared at them both with furrowed brows.

The navy haired man laughed, crinkling the corner of his eyes, and stood up wiping the dirt off him. He grabbed his blade and bowed to the blonde.

"An honor, Heaven's Chosen. I shall go now."

"Mo Chou," Golden eyes searched his face before a smile was sent his way, "You have been sending them back, haven't you."

"I have per the request of my king," he smiled.

"I knew it," Ying Yue said softly looking down at his ring, rubbing it with a smile, "You must be hungry. Come join us."

"Uncle Yue," his nephew whispered harshly, "This man is bad. We should not let him come to the school. The students will be in danger of all his-! All his shamelessness!"

"Lan-er, we must be kind to all, walk the path of the Heavens," Ying Yue smiled amusedly, "Besides, you could have broken away from Mo Chou's hold."

The pinkette flushed and the navy haired man laughed. Ying Yue grinned and nodded at Mo Chou to follow them. Riding their blades, with Xu Lan eyeing the newcomer only to receive a blinding smile, they arrived back at the school. Ying Yue introduced Mo Chou to his students and his brothers looked warily at the navy haired man.

"Can we trust him?" Han Mo questioned watching the purple eyed man looking around.

"No! He is bad, uncle, father. He is shameless!" Xu Lan frowned crossing his arms.

"Did he do something to you, Lan-er?" Xu Ling, the redhead questioned glaring at the newcomer.

"He… he-" the pinkette couldn't finish from how flustered he felt.

"Mo Chou had the upper hand over Lan-er. I believe he is upset because of that," Ying Yue mentioned.

"No! He cheated! I could have defeated him if I wasn't-"

Xu Lan quickly shut his mouth and realized he should had stopped talking already.

"Wasn't what?" His father questioned and he bit his lips.

"Hm, you did well in this place," Mo Chou walked over and hummed, "Looks legit. Your kiddos certainly are a pretty bunch, Heaven's Chosen."

"Don't you dare touch them, you… you!" Xu Lan pointed a shaky finger at the purple eyed man.

"Call me Mo Chou or Ah Chou or even Momo, pretty Lan-er," Mo Chou grinned and the pinkette flushed trying to grab his throat, but the blonde pushed him away.

"Mo Chou, please do not rile up Xu Lan. Come, let us eat. Li Yun and Nuying have prepared our meals," Ying Yue smiled.

"Wait… did you say Xu Lan?" Mo Chou questioned quietly as he glanced at a fuming pinkette speaking with the redhead, "Xu Lan is Xu Ling's child?"

"Yes. They certainly act similar," he laughed and looked over at a pondering face of the navy haired man, "What is wrong?"

"Ah, nothing, Chosen One. Just thinking."

Mo Chou wondered what his king meant by being kind to the pinkette. Did his king think he would be angry or rude to the boy?

'Ah, maybe my king knew I would rile the cultivator up. Maybe my king knew Xu Lan was my type, pretty and strong,' he grinned, 'My king knows me so well.'