Chapter 183 - Less Trouble

Ying Yue pushed his students harder since the loss of Li Hien. Some had returned home, choosing to be with their family, and he understood. He did not blame them for wanting to protect those close to them. He scanned the faces of those still with him, still willing to learn and grow under his family's instruction.

"Lotus formation!" Li Chu, the blue haired female called out.

Her fellow mates, Fu Shen and five others, moved quickly to surround the pink haired master. His golden eyes watched closely as Fu Shen rushed forward with his spear aimed at Xu Lan, who avoided and blocked the attack. His nephew held back slightly, but not enough to not give a challenge for the purple eyed man.

Han Mo swung his fan, sending strong waves of wind toward the children. Some of the students broke their concentration, but they quickly returned. One of the students held her fan and mimicked the brunette master, sending her own wave toward Han Mo. Both students and masters battled.

"Now!" Li Chu shouted and both students who were keeping their masters busy, returned to their spot and golden strings quickly wrapped around Xu Lan, tightening around him so he was immovable.

Ying Yue looked over at his brunette brother who was rushing forward, but suddenly was caught as well. Surprised filled both their eyes and he grinned, looking over at the children. The blonde saw the serious faces, determined etched into their skin, as each student did not move. They held their position for some time, before Fu Shen went to each master and pressed against their forehead. Xi Ling sent a proud stare and Han Mo... Ying Yue was sure that stare was the stare of lovers.

'Did they... Are they... Finally?" He questioned and had to ask his brother later about the relationship between them.

"May you be at peace," Fu Shen said both times and Ying Yue felt his heart filled with proudness.

He clapped and walked over to them with a smile.

"Well done everyone. No one hesitated and moved with ease."

"Thank you, Grandmaster Yue," they bowed.

"After all that, I am starving," Han Mo spoke up wiggling out of the hold and stood up, "But I agree. You've all have been moving like a unit. It is almost hard to break your formation."

"Next time, please do not hold back Master Mo and Master Zhang. We should be prepared for everything, even the strongest demons," Fu Shen stated bowing to the masters.

"But I must, Shen-er, or you'd kill me," Han Mo whispered in the white boy's ear. Fu Shen's ears reddened and he sent a pout at the brunette.

"I agree," a student nodded and everyone agreed.

"I also agree," Ying Yue nodded, "After we eat, each master will spar with each of you."

"Really?" Li Chu's eyes sparkled holding her twin's blade, "Great! Can't wait to see how strong I have gotten since last time."

"You've gotten stronger not just physically, Li Chu, but mentally and emotionally. You are a role model," the blonde spoke softly and purple eyes widened. The female looked down and bowed, thanking him. He placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezed it gently, and went to the cafeteria. As they entered, they saw Li Yun, Nuying, and Xu Ling in the kitchen.

"Ah Ling, I… uh… is this right?" Nuying questioned and the redhead turned from the pan to see the garnishes cut like they were confused.

"Smaller, my peach."

The pink haired female nodded and tried to cut the items smaller, while the white haired female plated the dish for the masters. Her purple eyes looked up to see her sister and brother sent her a smile. She returned it and went to grab the garnishes. Once the plates were finished, she went to bring them to each master.

"Thank you, Li Yun," the platinum blonde smiled at her and she nodded.

Since her young sister passed, the grandmaster had offered a room for her to stay. She agreed to it, so she could be close to her grieving siblings. They had slept in the same bed, same room, for multiple moons until they were ready to mourn alone.

["Sister," Li Chu had spoken out for the first time that night as they laid in bed together, "I will live for her."

"Would she not want you to live for yourself, Ah Chu?"

"Probably," the blue haired female shrugged, "But still. I will live the life she had wanted."

Li Yun hummed and sat up, moving so her back was against the wall.

"And what was it that she had wanted to live as?"

She watched her young sister blinked at her before gracing her with a frown. The blue haired female looked down in thought, but the movement on her right caught her attention. The white haired boy sat up and mimicked her position.

"Ah Hien would live happily. She would want to do her best in protecting others, bring happiness and peace, find good in others. She would want us to be happy."

Fu Shen finished and Li Yun smiled. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it, before reaching for her sister to sit beside her. Holding both her siblings' hands as they leaned their head on her shoulder, she smiled with her eyes closed.

"Ah Hien would be proud of you both. I am certain she is taking care of us even in the Heavens."]

Seeing her siblings now, no longer angry or regretful, but filled with determination and heart made her smile.

'Thank you, my dear sister, for watching over them,' Li Yun's face softened and went to the kitchen to prepare for when the students come to retrieve their plates.

At the masters table, Han Mo spoke up.

"Oi, little brother, when is your husband coming back?"

"Hm? Why do you ask, Ah Mo?"

"Well," the brunette chewed the chicken meat, "Ever since… we faced a few stronger demons and ghosts, they seemed to be less now. You know, like in the past."

Ying Yue heard the insinuation and understood what his brother meant. When he chose to live with Wang Li in the palace, his brothers had mentioned there were less trouble, just like now. He wondered if his husband was doing something to prevent more stronger demons and ghosts. It had been many moons since the last time they faced any negative energy as strong as the wolves.

"I am not sure, Ah Mo. I just know Ah Li will not return until Pang Xi passes."

"How is he?" Han Mo questioned as Nuying and Xu Ling joined them, while Li Yun joined her siblings.

"He is happy with him."

"With Ye Wu," the redhead frowned, "I still do not like this, Ying Yue. He is trouble."

"He is lonely, Ah Ling," he replied softly, "He loves our master and in this life, Pang Xi loves him as well."

"Was that why you would not tell us where he lives? You don't want us to interrupt them?" Han Mo smirked and shook his head, "Then I am happy he is happy."

Ying Yue nodded with a smile and ate his meal, looking over to see the small group of people, where the cafeteria was once filled. It was strange. He got used to all the chatters and noises, but now it was a bit too quiet. He made a note to visit his former students, their families, and check in with the sect leaders. No matter how many warding charms and barriers, some demons still were able to get through.

'They could already be there, living and hiding,' he reminded himself.

"Uncle Yue," his nephew spoke up, "I'm getting the hang of my other power. Can't wait to spar with Uncle Li and beat him!"

"Master Zhang will be sparring with Master Li?"


"It would be a great battle!"

"Can't wait to see this."

The children, no… young adults chimed in and Ying Yue could not help but laugh.

'Ah Li, will Lan-er be strong enough to defeat you now?'


Ye Wu watched the green haired man breathing softly beside him. His thin fingers smoothed over the sunspots, the dry skin, and over lackluster brows. He leaned down to kiss chapped lips, before pulling away to grab some tea. Standing in the kitchen naked, he heated the tea and stood staring blankly at the wall.

He knew it was coming soon.

The ruby eyed demon heard the dry coughing from the room and he shut his eyes. The wheezing coughs slowed down and Ye Wu clenched his teeth. Grabbing the heated tea, he brought the kettle to a tray with two teacups. He walked to the room and stopped at the door to stare.

Pang Xi wiped his mouth with his handkerchief, the one he had given the green haired man in their past lives.

Pale golden eyes looked tiredly at him, but the man offered up a smile that did nothing to ease the pain against his beating heart. Letting out a sigh, he placed the tray down on the floor table and went to his lover's side. He helped the farmer to sit before the table as he poured them tea.

Pang Xi was too tired to sit up on his own, choosing to lean on Ye Wu instead. He felt the cup pressed against his lips and he opened it, drinking the warm liquid down his throat. He closed his eyes and relaxed into the fingers running through his hair.

"Forgive me, Ah Wu."


He let out a breathless laugh before another cough wrecked out of his lips. He felt arms wrapped around him and a hand placing his head against thin shoulder. His body shivered and Ye Wu rubbed his back soothingly until his trembles left.

'Soon, I will no longer see you,' Pang Xi closed his golden eyes, 'Will you mourn for me, Ye Wu? Could you live on without me?'