Chapter 155 - Come Back To Me

Fu Shen was standing before him, holding a spoon before his lips and Han Mo found himself laughing. Taking the spoon in his mouth, he hummed with approval.

"Are you going to stand and feed me?" He only received the spoon against his lips again, "Here, sit beside me if you are forcing me to eat."

Han Mo patted beside him on the bed and there was a hesitancy, before Fu Shen sat down. Purple eyes did not look at his eyes but was focused on feeding him. They were quiet and he silently ate until there was nothing left in the bowl.

"Fu Shen, what is wrong."


"Are you upset we won? Did you want to join Master Xu's team? I could understand since your sisters are there."

"No. I am fine being on your team."

"Then what is it. Something is bothering you for some time. If you wish to speak on it, I suggest we do it now."

The candle was already out in the room and the only light was from the moon. Fu Shen's hair looked as if was glowing, illuminated by the light. He smiled and couldn't help reaching out. Fingers lightly dragged across the soft cheek to feel the young man's stillness. He yanked lightly on the ponytail, letting out a soft laugh.

"I see you took my advice, finally."

He pulled his hand back and purple eyes finally looked at him, searching his face for something he didn't know.

"Am I still your favorite?" Fu Shen whispered quietly and Han Mo's eyes widened, before he laughed.

"When have you not been?"

"You don't… you call me Fu Shen."

"Do… do you want me to call you something else?"

Fu Shen was quiet and Han Mo felt his heartbeat quickened. He knew Fu Shen was shy, but he also held himself in a certain way in front of others. He leaned in and rub the tip of their nose together. Han Mo held onto the young man's shoulder and thumbed the curve.

"I will call you Ah Shen and Shen-er when we are alone, okay?"

Fu Shen didn't say anything but those pretty purple eyes closed. Han Mo pulled away and yawned, pinching the boy's cheek.

"It is late, Shen-er. Thank you for your soup and visit. Sleep well, Ah Shen."

Han Mo saw the relaxed shoulders and the nod, before the door closed softly. He smiled happily and felt his heart sighed.

"Ah Shen, have I won your heart this time?"


Staring at the moon, Ying Yue hummed a soft tune. Taking a drink of the bottle, he listened to the small waves against the bank of the sea. Wrapped in the red coat, the one Wang Li gifted him centuries ago, he snuggled into the fabric more. He closed his eyes and laid on the roof staring at the twinkles of the stars.

"Wang Li, Nuying seems to be enjoying herself at the school. I think she will fall in love with my brother again. Lan-er is still too shy to speak to her, but he will. Fu Shen… Ah Li, if you don't come back in time, I am afraid Fu Shen will fall in love with my brother."

He drank more.

"I miss you."

"Awe, I miss you too dearest Ah Yue."

He turned to the side to see the demon grinning and Ying Yue sat up, his head clearing.

"Is he… are things going well?"

"Mm," Ye Wu sounded and sat before him, taking his bottle, "Something is happening. Here," the demon tossed his rings back to him and he noted it was fully gold.

The red eyed demon swallowed down some wine.

"His soul is having trouble merging with the body."

"What… what did you use to make the body? Maybe that's the reason?"


"Ye Wu…"

"Did Wang Li tell you how he pulled himself back together?"

Ying Yue shook his head and he felt fear crawl up his spine. Ye Wu was watching him, observing his reaction and he swallowed with worry.

"He said… he had to go through trials to… come back to me. I… he said he would go through all the pain again… Ye Wu…"

"Stop sounding like a baby," the demon huffed, "I told you. He would do anything for you. Besides, he wasn't alone. I took care of him until he was completed."

"I… I thank you, Ye Wu," he bowed lowly, smacking his forehead on the ground, "Thank you."

He cried quietly and the demon just drank more of the wine, staring at the moon before him. Lost in the memories of the past, Ye Wu didn't realize he finished the bottle until he pressed it to his mouth to receive nothing. Sighing, he turned to the blonde who had sat up to stare at the moon as well.

"Did you go through the trials to put him together?"

"Yes, but it was not painful like it was for him. He had Heaven's blood."

Ying Yue pursed his lips and rolled his rings on his fingers. He closed his eyes for a moment and jumped down from the roof. He went into the shack and held the red laced fabric for a moment. He pressed it to his lips and whispered a prayer, before exiting. Ye Wu had also jumped down and glanced at him with a quirk of the brow.

"I hope this calls to his soul," Ying Yue handed the demon the veil.

"Hm… and if it doesn't?"

"Then I will part with more items. I can come as well, if it would bring him back."

Ye Wu blinked at him before laughing loudly.

"An idiot," the demon shook his head and waved the red wedding veil before disappearing into the shadows.

Ying Yue didn't care what Ye Wu called him. He didn't care about much but the thought of his husband back in his arms… It motivated him and made his heart beat anxiously. He rubbed his hands and took a deep wavering breath. Wang Li could return.


He will return to him.

'Come back to me, Ah Li.'