Ying Yue… should have known this would not be a simple competition. He felt empathy for the poor demon who nothing more than a lizard the size of an adult hand. It was slithering and jumping away from reaching hands. He itched to just pick the demon up and send him away before he was stepped on or even squeezed to death.

His nephew, Zhang Xu Lan's team were setting up traps and when it seemed they would have caught the little demon lizard, Han Mo's team scared it off. When it looked as though his brunette brother's team would catch the prey, their big brother's team interfered.

This went on for hours and Ying Yue was the audience watching it all.

They had ran after the lizard into the village, up the roofs, up the trees, and even to the outskirts of the village. A woman who was staring at the sea had became protection for the little lizard as it crawled up her leg, hidden behind the pink fabric. She had a straw hat with a covering to keep the sun away and Ying Yue wondered why she was standing at the bank of the sea alone.

"Where did it go?" Some of the students questioned and Ying Yue did not answer.

"Check the sands," Xu Ling instructed, "It may be hiding in there."

Han Mo stared at the female as the wind moved, pulling her fabric with her and his golden eyes widened. Running over to the female, he quickly reached for the demon. It crawled up and around and Han Mo followed patting and grabbing.

He heard the screech from the female and managed to capture the demon, only to have the female push him hard into the water.

Ying Yue watched as his brother was dunked and the female fell. He watched as his big brother went to help the female up. He saw the hat fell. They witnessed who it was.

"Nuying?" Xu Ling whispered and the female looked up at him. Those black eyes followed the redhead as he dropped to his knees.

"How do you know my name?" She said back pulling her arm away, but her eyes continued to stare at the redhead.

"I apologize," Xu Ling said holding his hand back out, "Let me help you up."

She hesitantly took his hand and he squeezed for a second, before lifting her up to her feet.

"Awe man, we lost," The losing teams groaned, while the winning team cheered happily.

"Master Mo is the best!"

The brunette master grinned holding up the wriggling lizard. He pushed a finger against the head and the demon returned to the Netherworld. Dripping wet, he pushed his hair back and turned to apologized to the female, only to have his jaw drop.


The female turned to him, before moving to hide behind the redhead. His golden eyes looked to his older brother and Xu Ling stared back with a sad frown. Shaking his thought away, Han Mo bowed low and apologized to the pink haired female, who was still eyeing him cautiously.

"Were you waiting for someone?" Xu Ling questioned and the female looked away.

"I am not sure. I only remembered holding a child beside a lover, I believe… and now I am here," she finished before stepping away, "Are you… are you here to hurt me? I… I will scream. Don't think I won't!"

Han Mo had called for the students to return with him and Master Zhang. Ying Yue walked over to the female and couldn't help smiling. This was Nuying, the redhead's lover and his nephew's mother. It sounded like she still retained some memories of her past, even if they were fuzzy. She remembered a child and a lover.

"Miss, my name is Ying Yue and I am the Grandmaster of the school for cultivators. This is Xu Ling, my brother and a master. Those children who were just here are our students. I apologize for Han Mo's behavior, but I assure you it was not will ill intent. There was a demon on you and he just released it back to its world. I hope you can forgive him and those involved."

Black eyes stared at him before sliding over to his eldest, still staring at her with hidden happiness at being reunited.

"I offer you a place to stay and meals to eat, miss. You may stay as long as you'd like. We will not ask anything of you, but to be kind and respectful," Ying Yue added and hoped she agreed. He hoped the longer she stayed, the more she would recognize his brother and nephew.

Nuying had nowhere to go and no memories of recent times. The blonde seemed nice and the redhead looked familiar. Was it possible they would be able to help her?

"You are certain you ask nothing of me? Will I be protected if something were to happen to me?" She questioned with a frown.

"I promise. Xu Ling will protect you always."

She turned her black eyes to the redhead and he stared right back, confident in his words.

"As long as you will have me, I will protect you."

She searched his face before feeling a slight warmth to her cheeks. Looking away, she went to pick up her hat, but the redhead had already done so. He shook the sand off, before placing it gently on her head.


Xu Ling smiled. Nuying flushed. Ying Yue felt he made the right decision.


Han Mo sneezed and groaned into his covers. His body shivered slightly, but he did not regret capturing the lizard. His team won and now he could get Xu Ling and Zhang Xu Lan's best students. He hummed trying to remember who were the ones he was interested in.

A knock sounded and he called for whoever it was to enter, as he sat up in bed.

Fu Shen entered with a warm bowl of soup.

"I apologize for waking you."

Han Mo stared at the young man who was not looking at him. Sighing through his nose, there had been a strange distance between them after he touched the white-haired boy's face years ago. He made sure to not do so again, to put distance between them, and only speak or be near him when needed.

"Thank you, Fu Shen," he offered a smile, "I'll drink it in-"

He sneezed and rubbed his temples. Han Mo had not remember ever being sick before.
