Chapter 146 - Aftershow With Ying Yue, Han Mo, And Xu Ling

Host- "Hello everyone to the 2nd Aftershow party! What an ending! I am still wiping my eyes!"

The audience was crying, wailing, as they wiped their tears holding one another. 

Host- "It's a good thing we have the beautiful Ying Yue and his brothers, Han Mo and Xu Ling here to answer some questions we all have."

The audience clapped with sniffles, as the three guests entered. Han Mo waved and smiled, Xu Ling nodded, while Ying Yue offered a small smile. They settled down and Ying Yue sat between his brothers.

Host- "After reading that last chapter... how are you three doing?"

Han Mo- "Ah, we could be doing much better."

Host- "Right..."

There was a silence that encompassed them as a heavy sorrow fell upon them. Ying Yue closed his eyes and sat up straighter. There was no need for him to act this way. Wang Li wouldn't. So taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly through his nose and smiled.

Ying Yue- "We... We have learned a lot so far. My husband, Wang Li..."

Han Mo- "Ah Yue..."

Ying Yue shook his head and offered a smile.

Ying Yue- "After all this... He loves me very much. I know... I know there are things I wished he didn't do, but I know his heart. He chose what he thought was right."

Host- "So... Wang Li, your husband, created this elaborate game, used you along with your brothers and others, just to get you to kill him was the right choice? Many people had died. Even when you were gone, right?"

Ying Yue pursed his lips and looked away.

Ying Yue- "Yes. Innocent people died in the process. Although I wished no life was taken..."

Host- "He knew you wouldn't kill him, so he forced you too. Even then, you still were fighting it in the end."

His golden eyes shut and he nodded. He felt a squeeze to his shoulders and he looked to his eldest brother.

Xu Ling- "I do not like the Ghost King but I know he loves my brother deeply. What was placed upon them both is a choice the Heavens made. His death had caused my brother much grief, Host. Be kind."

Host- "Ah... yes, but Xu Ling. Your lover turned into dust right before your eyes because of him."

Xu Ling- "Do not remind me."

Golden eyes narrowed as red brows dipped low. Ying Yue touched his brother's arm and looked over at the host, offering an apologetic smile.

Host- "And Han Mo, didn't you plan this with the Ghost King?"

Han Mo- "Mm, not everything. I just put some things into place. I never really got the full extent of the plan. I don't think anyone did really. Wang Li kept to himself, held it close to his heart. Sometimes... I think it was to protect us in a way."

Host- "Protect you?"

Han Mo- "Mm. I think if we end up knowing the entire plan, it would make us more as an accomplice or something. If I knew every detail of the plan, I think I would had given up and let him kill me."

Host- "You knew enough though, but still went through with it. Why?"

Han Mo sighed and leaned toward the host.

Han Mo- "Fu Shen is someone I care deeply for and the Ghost King offered his presence once more. The only thing that was asked of me was to not tell my brothers, to be sure to find Nuying and her child, and to bring the shrinking candies with me to visit the sectors."

Ying Yue furrowed his brows and touched the brunette's arm. He searched his brother's face and Han Mo offered a sighed smile. A hand patted his, as if to say it all worked out in the end.

Ying Yue- "You didn't know he would... give me the candy to eat?"

Han Mo- "He did? When did you go small?"

Ying Yue- "I found Ah Li in the North Sector as the painter. Then we... So, uh, when you were searching for your candies."

Ying Yue flushed and Han Mo ah.

Han Mo- "Did he touched you when you were... small?"

Ying Yue- "What?! No! He refused."

Han Mo- "Oh, thank heavens."

The brunette breathed out and the redhead shook his head with his arms crossed.

Xu Ling- "The Ghost King is dead. There is no need to question anymore."

Host- "But is he? We all know what he kept saying  to Ying Yue. He said he'd be back, so... please tell us, will he return?"

"Papa! Papa!"

The sound of a child ran through the audience who stared at the fluffy bunny tail on bare bottoms. Curly pink hair bounced as the little child tried to crawl up the steps. The redhead stood up and picked up his child.

Xu Ling- "Where is your clothes?"

Child- "Gone!"

The single black eye crinkled and a toothy grin showed. Xu Ling sighed, but a smile was in place as he took off his outer robe to wrap around his child.

Host- "Oh my gosh! He is so adorable! Have you named him?"

Xu Ling- "Yes."

Host- "... the name is...?"

Xu Ling- "Find out in the next volume."

Host- "Ah! I guess we will have something to look forward to in the next chapter! What else should we expect?"

Han Mo- "Hm... There is quite a lot actually. This child would be grown up and quite handsome. Also, let's just say... there will be returns of characters."

Host- "Like Wang Li?"

The audience perked up and the guests smiled.

Ying Yue- "Our love is great. It would be hard to tear us apart."

Host- "Ah~ I cannot wait! Can you?!"

The audience screamed with joyous tears.

Host- "We are running out of time! Okay, let's go to the audience. We have a question from Blovechu3. Go on dear. Ask you question."

Blovechu3- "I'm curious about where you think you should be? You died, that's something you seem to have accepted but what did you expect to happen after death? Where are you "supposed" to go according to you?"

Ying Yue- "Thank you, Blovechu3, for your question. I… When I died, I assumed I would just go to the afterlife and wait to be reborn. It took me awhile to realize this wasn't a dream, this wasn't Hell, that this was real, that Wang Li… he was real."

Ying Yue closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Wringing his hands, he felt a hand cupped his shoulder. Smiling over to the Han Mo, Ying Yue smiled to Blovechu3.

Ying Yue- "I hope that answered your question."

Host- "Ah, death is simple but the aftermath is all questionable. Let's see who else has a question. Oh, Bonnie_Hopper_RN has a question… more like a comment for you, Ying Yue. Bonnie?"

Bonnie_Hopper_RN- "I'm sorry Ying Yue, honey. I didn't mean anything by it. I'm a southern girl and we often address others with baby, honey, sweetheart, and so on. I'd much rather watch your love grow than tear it apart. Forgive this southern bell?"

Ying Yue laughed and nodded with a smile

Ying Yue- "Of course, Bonnie. I forgive you. It caught me off guard and… a lot of people love Wang Li so… please forgive me for assuming."

The platinum blonde bowed and the audience were animated and the host hummed nodding.

Host- "Thank you Bonnie! Looks like those are all the questions! Thank you to our guests for taking the time after such a tragedy. The last Aftershow will be the end of Volume 4 where we will have all the lovely characters here on the show! How exciting! Any questions you have for them, be sure to write in the comments anywhere. Have a wonderful day everyone!"