Chapter 145 - Phantom Touches

He softly fisted his hand against his chest, feeling the aching hole once more. Just like before he returned to Wang Li, his heart was no longer strong, was hollow, empty. Not wanting to delve deeper into his hole of darkness, he cleared his throat.

"Are the people… are they safe?"

"Many were able to escape. Recovering would be difficult, but doable."

Xu Ling stated as he rubbed his child back to sleep.

"Sect Leader Long did not make it. Sect Leader Zhi was badly poisoned, but Sir Chou had a medicine that saved him. I had not seen what type of herb was used, so I asked for a sample."

"Were you able to replicate it?"



"If you have the Ghost King's energy, then yes."

"I… see."

"Mo Chou, as well then."

Ying Yue saw Han Mo frowned before looking at him with a look that said, 'See, I told you.'

"He said Sect Leader Yang had turned into a demon and you released him."

The blonde nodded.

"Ye Wu… what happened to him?"

Both brothers stared at one another before turning to the blonde.

"He escaped."

"What do you mean?"

Han Mo sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Without the Ghost King… the Netherworld has no king. Someone must replace your husband, Ah Yue."

Ying Yue stared at his rings.

"With the Ghost King's death, Ye Wu returned to his realm," the redhead stated, "His parting words was 'Be sure to tell your master, I did as I was asked.'"

The blonde took that in and glanced at his brothers to see their faraway look. Nodding to himself, he absentmindedly rolled the rings, rubbing it as if it made his worry eased.

"Sect Leader Jing is doing her best to help with the rebuilding of all sectors. Now that the Ghost King is no longer… preparations for weather changes, weaponry, and charms are needed," Han Mo added offhandedly.

"Just because your husband is dead, does not mean all the demons left with him. The ones that lurks will still lie in wait, little brother."

Ying Yue sighed and stared at his rings.

'The world will need you far after I am gone.'

'Live for us, for the world.'

'Now that it is complete, you will succeed.'

'No amount of time will make me forget who I belong to, Ying Yue.'

Looking at his brothers, he offered a smile.

"We have all been through a lot. Thank you, brothers for being by my side. I will go help with the recovery. Rest if you need it."

"You going to leave us behind?" Han Mo forced a grin and stood up with a stretch, pocketing his gift safely.

"I will join as well. Then I shall speak with the Heavens."

"But your child…"

Xu Ling grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around himself, cradling the child to press against his chest. Both his brothers blinked at him and he stared back. Ying Yue found himself laughing and followed the redhead out of the cabin. He glanced at the rising moon in the distance as the sun began to settle.

'Then come back to me, Wang Li. I will be waiting. May the Heavens bring you back to me.'

In the distant, there was a spark of gold shimmering near the moon.

Watching. Waiting.


Many moons had passed since the world recovered from the battle between demons and... the Ghost King. He had not been here since he was a child with his husband. Everything still looked the same, as if they only stepped away from their home minutes ago. Taking a deep sigh, he rolled his thumb around his rings- his husband's and his own.

Ying Yue stared at the shack that he had spent with Wang Li. He blinked away the constricting feeling in his chest and pushed the door opened. He walked in as the sun shined into the room, lighting the dusty floor and dark woods. He just stood in the middle of the room and closed his eyes, feeling the ghost of his lover beside him.

Phantom touches against his skin as intangible hands cupped his face. He felt like he could still feel his lover's lips, taste his mouth, and smell his scent. The touches left and all he felt was coolness, even with the warmth of the sunlight on him. He opened his golden eyes and just stared blankly at the wall.

He looked at the paintings on the walls once again, each one he took in slowly. He found himself smiling as he pulled down each painting to collect into a small pile. He let out a sigh and glanced over to where his husband kept the pastries. He could still see his ghost standing there, smiling at him with a sweet in his mouth. He let out a soft laugh as tears welled up in his eyes. His heart stuttered and he walked over to the crate.

Opening the lid, he sighed out a smile.

"Ah Li, you and your sweet tooth," he said softly and reached in to lift some of the candy bags. Some of the pastries were moldy, so Ying Yue pulled them out to toss later. He saw the lollipop that he received from the man who made him clothing. He picked it up, twirling it in circles as his mind went back to when he was a child, gifted a beautiful mask from his husband, and was cared for so lovingly.

Placing it into his pocket, he moved his hands around and noticed a box wrapped in the familiar red. He sucked in his bottom lip to quiet the grin. Ying Yue lifted the box out of the crate and placed it on the floor before him. His fingers roamed over the red fabric and he smiled with the memory it brought.

The box was wrapped in his wedding veil.

Untying it, he saw a wooden box lying underneath the fabric. He ran his fingers over the smooth wood before lifting the lid. Silver-white blinded him for a moment as he felt the light flapping near him, around him, on him. The shimmering dust made for a scene that made his heart ache and beat helplessly against his chest. He could hear his husband's voices surrounding him like little kisses against his skin.

He closed his eyes and cried softly, rubbing his rings.

Arms wrapped around him and he felt the pressure of warmth against his back.

"I missed you, my love."

He cried harder.