Chapter 73 - Kiss Me Like Before

"Ah Yue," the Ghost King let out a puff of a laugh, "You left the door opened."

"I do not care, Ah Li," he shook his head and searched his lover's face with furrowed brows.

"I hope you don't regret that," Wang Li whispered and he was about to reply, but a knock on the wall caught their attention.

"Madame Yun stated to drink all of this medicine before drinking the tea," the white-haired boy informed bowing and placing the items at the side table.

"Thank you, Ah Shen," Ying Yue smiled at him and the young man bowed to him.

"My apologies for interrupting."

"No, you weren't… I mean… we were just…" Ying Yue flushed hearing himself try to make an excuse.

"Ah Shen, come here," Wang Li breathed out amused at his lover. The white-haired man stood before his king and waited. The Ghost King placed a palm on the boy's chest and closed his eyes.

Ying Yue watched interested and wondered what his lover was doing.

"Ah Shen, are they treating you well?"

"Yes, my king."

"Were you worried from earlier?"

Shen did not reply but looked down and felt himself pulled forward. He flushed as his king's soothing hand rubbed his back and he found himself crumpling into the Ghost King's hold. Tucking his head at the nape, he stifled his cries. After a moment, his king pulled his head back and wiped his tears away.

"I will be fine, Ah Shen. Do not worry like Ah Yue."

"Ah Li," the blonde frowned, but the curl of his lips curled amusedly.

"If I retrieve Madame Yun in time, then you wouldn't need to do that again. You almost-"

Shen stopped himself and slid down to his knees to bow. He was truly useless now as he was then.

"Fu Shen," Wang Li ran his fingers through white locks, "Would you make it for me? That meal from before? I have not had it in so long."

"You had it three nights ago," Shen mumbled and his king laughed.

"Is that not too long?" Wang Li grinned and Shen just stared at his king, taking in the shine in those silver eyes and the curl of those lips.

Nodding his head, Shen stood up and bowed to both of Heaven's chosen before leaving the room. Wang Li let out a sigh and wrapped his fingers around the blonde's.

"He is a good boy. If I ever hurt him, Ah Yue, take him away from here."

"I would let you hurt me before you could hurt him."

His silver eyes locked with golden ones before they softened. Kissing his lover's hand, he pressed his forehead against Ying Yue's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Ah Li, if you follow Madame Yun's instructions, we could…" the blonde smiled shyly.

Wang Li let out a chuckle and kissed that terrible mark, the one he made on his lover's neck. Drinking the medicine, he scrunched his face from the repulsive taste. Pouring himself some tea, he handed a cup to the blonde.

He closed his eyes and felt himself relaxed. The pain he pulled from the female was subsiding within him, but there was an echo of darkness. Was it Ye Wu's doing or was it another demon roaming the villages?

"Do you not wish to know why I was coughing blood?" Wang Li questioned looking at his lover.

"I wish to know, yes, but I… how can you be evil when you are a healer, Ah Li?" Ying Yue looked away, "And how can I be truly good when I am no longer pure? When I have thoughts that are… impure? Maybe the heavens made a mistake in choosing us, Ah Li, but I thank them for bringing me to you."

Wang Li felt his heart softened from that confession and took their cups away to place on the table. He stood to remove his robes and watched as his lover removed his as well. Down to their undergarment, the king stared at the man as his fingers tucked strands of blonde.

"Ah Yue, we do not have to do anything."

"I know, but… I want to."

"Tell me what you want to do. If I do not listen, please stop me."

"I will," Ying Yue smiled and pressed his lips to his lover's, "Kiss me like before, Ah Li."

Wang Li did.

He could feel his king's lips and tongue play him so easily. He was losing his breath, but he would not turn for air. He just wanted those taste his lover's lips over and over. He felt his legs weak and he wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. He felt the bed against his back and hands, oh large strong hands, kneading their way up and down his skin. Lips moved down his neck and grazed over the scab to suck lightly against his nub.

His hips bucked up and he felt Wang Li's manhood against his. Moaning, he rubbed up again and felt his lover grind his teeth gently against his nipple. His fingers dug into black hair and tongue smoothed around the bud. He felt fingers slid under his bottoms and felt around the skin, thumbing the dip of his hips.

"My love," Wang Li breathed against his ear and he turned his head to capture those lips.

"Ah," Ying Yue breathed out when his lover's palm slid up his abdomen and lightly grazed his nails along his upper pelvis.

"What do you want me to do?" The king questioned and kissed along his cheek down his jawline.

"I don't know, I just… Ah Li," Ying Yue moaned loudly when he felt fingers grazed his hardness. A slid across his leaking bulb made him yelp and his hips twitched. Lips kissed him again and mouth sucked his breathe away, as he enjoyed the tortuously slow strokes from his lover.

"Ah Li… I… I love you," he panted out, breathing hot breath against the king's face.

"I love you too, Ah Yue," Wang Li moved his hand faster and he gasped loudly as his stomach coiled with need for release, "Come, my love. Let me see you."

Just from those words, Ying Yue felt like his entire mind whited out in ecstasy. He could still feel his lover pumping him and his body burned as if it was in flames.

'This feeling was… it felt so… wow…' his brain provided as his body shook.

"Ah Yue," he heard the king spoke gently wiping the sweat plastered hair from his face, "You're so beautiful."

He breathed out a smile and hummed when his lover removed his fingers. Placing a soft kiss on his wet parted lips, Wang Li pulled back and hovered above him. He saw the Ghost King pulled the hand that was wrapped around him to his lips.

His golden eyes widened as he watched that deadly tongue swiped through fingers to taste him. Flushing even harder than he already was, he pulled the hand away from those lips and looked shyly at the bed.

He heard soft laughter from Wang Li and felt a kiss upon his temple, before a hand cupped under his chin. The Ghost King reached his other hand into his own bottoms and stared intently at him. Ying Yue watched as his lover's breathing became quicker and his lips become wetter. Silver eyes gazed at him half lidded and his lover's groan… oh it made his entire body shiver.

His golden eyes could not look anywhere else but Wang Li's face. It was mesmerizing and enchanting that when his lover came, it felt like he joined him in that bliss.

They were kissing once more, and he sighed into it. That felt wonderful and the Ghost King did not lose his self-control like before. It must have been those robes they wore. Maybe he could ask Sheng Shui about it later, because right now, he just wanted to lay in bed with Wang Li and kiss him until they fall asleep.


Ying Yue plucked the strings and moved along the wood, listening to the instructions from the elder. Finishing off the tune, he paused and looked across to the man in gray.

"You learn quickly, Heaven's Chosen," the elder nodded.

"Thank you, master. You've taught me well."

"Ah, you flatter me, young one. I do not think you need me anymore," the man suppose and went to reach for the musical instrument on the side of the wall, "A gift, child, for trusting me with your time. I am honored."

Ying Yue brightened up seeing his music master was gifting him with a guqin. Holding it in his palms, he grinned and bowed to the man.

"Thank you master. It has been an honor learning from you. May the heavens bless you."

Ying Yue left the man's home and returned to the village with a smile. He hid the instrument behind him and quickly went to his room and left the guqin there.

Grinning to himself, he went to speak with Sheng Shui about the robes from earlier. Entering the shop, to see it was empty and he wondered if the blonde had left.

"The shop is not opened. Please return tomorrow. I apologize."

'Ah Shui?'