Chapter 72 - I Will Always Choose You

Ying Yue was soaking in the hot spring with his back leaned against the edge. He already finished cleaning himself, but he did not want to leave quite yet. Wang Li… his king had squeezed his hand so hard; it woke him up. It was still dark outside and he looked sleepily at his lover. He saw the creased forehead and sweat slipping down the Ghost King's hairlines.

"Ah Yue…" he heard from those thin lips and the squeeze on his hand tightened.

"I am here," the blonde said soothingly as he wiped at the sweat, "I am here."

Ying Yue watched as the crease lifted and settled. He felt his hand loosened in Wang Li's grip and the soft sound of breathing returned. He had tucked himself closer to his lover and fell asleep against the soft beats of his king's heart.

'Ah Li…' he breathed out into the morning air, '… since I've been here, have I been hurting you more instead of helping you?'

He thought back to when his king cried, it was the first time he had ever seen Wang Li shed tears. It broke his heart to know it was him who brought it. He understood that Wang Li felt he had hurt him and had panic. He also panicked because of what transpired as well, though for different reasons. He touched the bite mark on his neck and it was healing quickly, but he could feel the scabs forming over it.

["You must stay pure, Ying Yue."

"Pure? What does that even mean, master?"

"To be kind and clean, stray away from evil and indecent thoughts. If you've been tainted by impurity, Ying Yue, you will not succeed in your mission."]

'Then I have failed, master. What shall I do now? Does that mean I would not be able to help Ah Li?' He wondered and closed his eyes with a sigh. He heard footsteps near him and he turned to see his lover.

"You are awake, Ah Li," he smiled at the raven-haired male, "How did you sleep?"

"Better," Wang Li replied and removed his garments, "I thought I dreamt it all."

"What do you mean?" Ying Yue watched his lover entered the warm pool, bare and naked, and so very beautiful. Looking away, he felt his face flushed from how lovely Wang Li was. His king moved to the opposite end of him and looked adoringly at his body. The blonde looked shyly away with a smile.

"That I hurt you."

Ying Yue blinked that in and looked at the male, but he saw his lover's strong back instead.

'He thought… everything was a dream? That I…'

He moved closer to his king and pressed his bare chest against the expanse of his lover's back. Wrapping his arms around the raven-haired man's waist, he placed a kiss where shoulder blades met.

"I am here, Ah Li. I am here," he said softly and squeezed a little tighter before pulling away. He took the soap bar to rub against the king's skin and began washing the man. He soaped up his lover's torso and down his arms to circle around the back.

"Ah Yue, are you not afraid of me?" Wang Li whispered when the blonde moved back to his chest.

"Should I be?" Ying Yue smiled at him and ran soapy fingers down his hips.


"Are you afraid of me, Ah Li?" The blonde questioned back.


"Even when you know that my purpose is to kill you. You are still not afraid?"

"I accept my fate, Ah Yue."

Ying Yue grinned and laughed softly to press chest to chest.

"And I accept mine."

He felt the sigh against his face and he closed his eyes. He felt lips against his and he relaxed into the kiss. Soft and gently they moved as hands stayed above their waist. They pulled away and he searched his king's face for anymore signs of guilt or sadness.

"One day, Ah Yue, we will have no reason to accept fate, but to wield it of our own will."

"Eh, why do I feel worried about that?"

"What worries you, my love?" Wang Li smoothed his finger down milky skin.

"If we were to have our own choosing… I fear you would not choose me."

He saw his king laugh with crinkles at the corner of his eyes and the curl of his lips. Another kiss, another laugh that puffs across his face.

"I will always choose you," his lover admitted and left a lasting kiss on his lips that buzzed all the way down his toes. Wang Li pulled his lips away, but he moved forward to catch them again. Over and over they kissed and live in one another's breath, as if they were the only two in the world.

"My king, my-" a male servant stopped suddenly and bowed, "My, my apologies. There is someone at the front asking for you, my king. He brought a female who has a sickness."

"Bring him to the courtyard and inform my aunt," Wang Li spoke up and the servant bowed to leave. The Ghost King grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the water to dry off. Once both are presentable, Wang Li did not let go of the blonde's hand until he went to the female writhing on the floor.

"My king, please. Please save my daughter."

The man begged and he moved to the other side of the female. There were black markings on her skin and a veil of dark energy marked her. It was barely noticeable, but the blonde felt as if he felt this energy before.

"What ailment do you feel?" Wang Li questioned and placed his palm over the female, hovering up and down her body.

The female did not say anything, but Wang Li closed his eyes and nodded feeling the rush of pain. Placing his palm at the girl's head, he placed the other on her stomach. Soon the writhing slowed and the female was breathing normal once more. Ying Yue saw the marks disappeared and the energy moved up his lover's arm before the Ghost King soaked it into himself.

The blonde looked worriedly at his king but said nothing until they were alone. What was this? What was it that Wang Li did to help this woman? What was the cost?

"Father?" The female questioned and her father rushed to her.

"Oh, thank you my king! Thank you! May the Heavens' bless you. Thank you, thank you."

"If I may ask, sir, how did this come to be?" Ying Yue questioned.

"I came home from my work and found my daughter screaming in her room. It did not look like anything I can heal with medicine. Thankfully my king is kind, or else my daughter would've died," the man stated bowing once more to Wang Li.

"I was sleeping and had a nightmare. It was terrifying and I could not escape it. When I woke, I am here with you, Sir, and my king," the female bowed to them.

"Here," Yun walked forward with a bottle of medicine and a talisman, "Take three drops from the bottle every day, that includes you," she looked at the father, "Place the talisman outside of your door. If this occurs again, come here immediately."

"Thank you, Madame Yun."

The two bowed and left grateful and happy.

Ying Yue smiled and turned to Wang Li to compliment him, but the man in red coughed out blood. Golden eyes widened and his heart was beating uncontrollably with worry. Holding his lover up, he looked at Yun with wide eyes and furrowed brows. Pulling out a red handkerchief from his sleeve pocket, Ying Yue wiped his lover's bloody lips.

"Take him to his room," Yun stated and he helped the king to his room. Once he placed him on the bed, Ying Yue was afraid to leave his lover's side.

"You still have it," Wang Li whispered leaning his head against his shoulder.

"Have what? Are you okay? What is happening, Ah Li? Are you sick?" He questioned trying to figure out what happened.

"I will be fine, Ah Yue. Do not worry," he felt his lovers fingers wrapped around his, "You still have this. I gave it to you so long ago."

He glanced down to their fingers and saw that his lover was talking about the red handkerchief Wang Li gave him when they were just children. Smiling at it, he turned his head and kissed the top of his lover's head.

"It is very beautiful, Ah Li. I could not bear to lose it," he admitted and heard the soft laugh at his shoulder.

"I am glad," his lover's voice was soft like a distant memory and Ying Yue picked his head up to look at those hazy silver eyes. He kissed those lips and tasted his king's blood, but all the blonde could think of was what was happening to his lover.

'Was Wang Li going to die?'