At last, the performance ended and the audience began to exit orderly.

I have to say that most of the audience who come to see such a performance are really of high quality. It can be seen from the time of exit that there was basically no crowding and shoving. They were all courteous to each other.

Fang Zhe and I have been sitting in our seats. We didn't get up until the audience retreated. However, Fang zhe just stood up, suddenly shook and sat down again.

I saw that his face was pale and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. I knew that he was ill again.

"How are you? Would you like to call an ambulance?" I asked anxiously.

"I'm a little dizzy. Maybe I'll have a rest." Fang zhe said softly.

"If not, we'd better call an ambulance. You look terrible."

"No, it should be OK after a rest." Fang zhe said. As he spoke, he suddenly winked at me. I followed his eyes and saw three people coming up from the front row.

One of them is Lu Yan, the other is Lu Zishan, and there is a man in his fifties. On a hot day, he is wearing a black jacket with a regular back, and then he looks serious.

I guess it should be Lu Zishan's father, who is a senior official in the province.

At this time, Lu Zishan had already seen us. Then she turned back and said something to Lu Yan. Lu Yan also looked this way.

At this time, I met Lu's brothers and sisters. It's really a coincidence. If I had known I would meet them, I would not have come.

"Calm down and don't let them know I'm sick." Fang zhe said in a low voice.

I answered softly, and suddenly felt nervous. Fang zhe can't stand steadily, but it seems too difficult to pretend to be OK.

At this time, Fang zhe took the initiative to wave to Lu Yan. Lu Yan also nodded his head. It was a greeting.

I thought I just had to sit there and wait for them to leave, but I didn't expect Lu Zishan to come directly.

She gave me a very unfriendly look and then looked at Fang Zhe. "My dad said," let's find a place to sit for a while. "

I thought, this is terrible. Now Fang zhe can't stand up, but the chief wants to talk with him. If he can't walk, won't he expose his health problems?

At this point, I suddenly bent down and groaned with my stomach in my arms.

Lu Zishan was stunned by my sudden action. "What are you doing? I didn't touch you. What are you playing? "

I pretended to be very painful, "I have a stomachache. I don't know why I suddenly have a stomachache. Ouch..."

I yelled and fell. Then I chose the place to fall, just in front of Fang Zhe, so that he didn't have to stand up, but also helped me to ask what was wrong with me.

Fang zhe naturally understood what I meant, so he squatted beside me, "Suya, are you ok?"

"I have a stomachache. Ouch..."

At this time, Lu Yan also came over, "Mr. Fang, what are you doing?"

I continue to perform, repeatedly cry pain, just to give Fang zhe more rest time.

Fang zhe didn't answer Lu Yan's question directly. He just pointed to me.

"Shall I call 120?" Lu Yan asked.

"No, she should have eaten something unclean and had a rest." Fang zhe said.

"Isn't Fang always married? Why are you with Miss Su again?" Lu Yan's voice is a little cold.

"It just happened to be." Fang zhe said lightly.

I watched Fang Zhe, and found that his face had gradually returned to normal, and my heart was slightly settled.

At this time, the theater staff also found that we have a situation here and asked if they would like to help.

Fang zhe stood up and reached out to help me, "Suya, can you get up?"

I felt the strength of his arm, indicating that he had recovered, so I got up and said, "it's better, but it's still uncomfortable. I have to go to the hospital."

I said to go to the hospital, of course, in order to let Fang zhe excuse me to send me to the hospital, so that they can get rid of Lu Yan, so that they don't have to talk with the chief. Otherwise, after a while, Fang zhe suddenly faints again, which will show his true feelings.

After walking back, Lu Yan said something to the man in the black jacket. Then Lu Yan called Lu Zishan and they walked out of the theater together.

Fang Zhe and I were relieved. We finally got away.

"Are you all right? Still faint? " I asked Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe said with a relaxed smile, "I'm ok. I just fainted for a while. After that, I'll be normal. Thanks to your cleverness today, otherwise I'll be in trouble if I let Lu Yan know that I have a problem."

"I can't help it. Fortunately, I cheated them. I just don't know if they see the flaw?"

"You're acting like that. I don't think you can see it. Just let them see you with me. I'm afraid you'll be in trouble. What I've been trying to do is to make people completely unrelated to me and let them forget about you, but I'm sorry I screwed up. " Fang zhe said reproachfully."It doesn't matter. You've given me so much. How can I stay out of it? On the one hand, I enjoy everything you give me, on the other hand, I am afraid to take the risk you give me. Am I still human? If I want to get more, I have to be prepared to lose more, which I am fully prepared for. I'm not a man, but I also understand the meaning of responsibility. "

Fang zhe reached out and touched my head. "I don't want you to take risks. No matter how much material I give you, if you want to be safe, you can enjoy those things. Otherwise, all my efforts will be wasted. I said that your life is not only your own, but also mine."

At this time, the theater staff came back and said that if they didn't need any help, they hoped that we would leave as soon as possible, because they had to do the cleaning work.

Fang Zhe and I walked out of the theater together, but Lu Zishan was still at the door.

Lu Yan and the black jacket have gone, but Lu Zishan has stayed. It is obvious that she is waiting for Fang Zhe and me. As for the purpose of waiting, it may be to find something wrong or to find fault.

I quickly fell to Fang Zhe and continued to play my stomachache. Fang zhe holds me coordinately. Then walk towards the parking lot.

But Lu Zishan stopped us, "what are you two doing? What's the big play? "

"Suya's stomach is uncomfortable. You saw it. What do you want to do?" Fang zhe said coldly.

"The stomach is not comfortable, should not the person be pregnant? Fang Zhe, you have a wife. Don't you make this woman pregnant Lu Zishan said, aiming at my abdomen.

Fang Zhe is ready to answer, I quickly took over, "it's none of your business. Fang Zhe, let's go and take me to the hospital. "

"Fang Zhe, my father asked you to sit with him to give you a big face. You turned down my father for this woman. Do you take the risk?" Lu Zishan began to threaten again.

Fang Zhe and I are used to Lu Zishan's old routine. So Fang zhe ignored her and helped me to move on.

"Suya, are you really making up with him? Don't you know he has a wife? Are you really so cheap? " Lu Zishan is not willing to give up, all the way back to scold.

In fact, this is my pain point and my biggest weakness. It's not that I mind Lu Zishan's saying that, but when she mentions it, I really feel that my name is not right, I feel that I am too humble.

I'm not going to ask this question, but I'm just evading. But it's true that Fang Zhe is a married man. I can't avoid the fact at all.

"I just met her by chance. It's not what you said. Don't talk like a shrew. It's ugly." Fang zhe said coldly.

"By chance? Who believes that? Why don't you run into other people, just her? " Lu Zishan is pressing step by step.

"I said, it's none of your business." I said in a cold voice.

"Suya, you let me down. You betrayed me. I will make you pay for it." Lu Zishan began to threaten me again.

"Come on, Zishan, stop making trouble. I just ran into her by chance. Did you drive here? Could you give me a ride? I was sent by the driver. I didn't drive." Fang zhe said suddenly.

The sudden change of Fang Zhe's attitude surprised me.

But Lu Zishan, who scolded me for being cheap with Fang zhe one minute ago, immediately agreed, "OK, I have a car to drive here, I can drive you."

Actually, I understand what Fang zhe means. He wants Lu Zishan to think that I have no relationship with him, at least not very close. In this way, Lu Zishan would not be jealous and would not try to deal with me.

"If you're not serious, go to the hospital by yourself." Fang zhe said hello to me, and then went to another direction with Lu Zishan.

Although I know that Fang Zhe is acting to protect me, I feel a little sad.

But I know his kindness, so I have to cooperate.

I ran after him and stopped Fang Zhe, "Fang Zhe, you just leave me here. Are you still human? You know that I have a stomachache, and you refuse to send me to the hospital. After all, we are husband and wife. Do you behave like this? "

I wanted to attack Fang zhe with more vicious words, so that the trick could not be more real, but I found that I couldn't do it because I couldn't bear to.

Fang Zhe, of course, also knew my intention. He looked indifferent. "Suya, I told you that we were finished long ago. If you can see clearly, we are still friends, but at most we are just friends. You should make clear the reality."

I know what Fang zhe said is a lie, but I feel very sad after listening to it. I don't know when I've become so hopeless.

Lu Zishan looked at me and Fang Zhe. It seems that we are studying whether Fang Zhe and I are really turning over or not. After all, she is not a fool. Fang Zhe's attitude has changed a lot, and she can't help doubting it.

"Well, you are ruthless. I have many friends, so we are not even friends. Go to hell."

I threw out the most vicious word I could say with all my strength, then turned and walked away.But in fact, I regretted that sentence as soon as I said it. For other people, it may be just a common sentence, but for their current physical condition, it's really a vicious curse. I shouldn't say that.