At noon, I rush home after work.

Although Yang Yu's words are not pleasant to hear, what she said is the truth. I just want to go back and stay with Fang zhe as soon as possible.

I don't know what Fang zhe thinks of me now, ex-wife? Lover or something. I don't care. I just want to be with him.

I'm not cheap, and it's not because Fang zhe brought me huge material for a long time that I didn't have the bottom line. I just want to be with him. I'm afraid he won't wake up any day. I hope he can stay with him as much as possible when he is awake.

In a moment and then a moment of joy, no matter what his name and relationship. Those famous and shared relationships are meaningless without happiness, and Fang Zhe and I are willing to accompany him for a moment, even if we don't have fame. Because his message to me is that his time is really short.

He said that he was reluctant to give up this living world, and I hope he can see me in this living world. I want him to know that I know all his kindness to me. And I'm grateful and I want to repay him.

But I can do too little for him, limited ability, can't share for him, I can only accompany him as much as possible, let him happy.

And the final outcome, I don't think, what should happen will always happen, what should be lost will always be lost, before losing, can have is also God's gift.

After parking the car, go upstairs, open the door, see no one in the room, Fang zhe has gone.

In the heart unexpectedly can't restrain the loss, he said let me come back early to accompany him, I really came back, he left again.

On the table in the dining room are some small dishes and a soup of spareribs. The dish is still warm and not completely cooled.

There are two pairs of chopsticks beside the dishes. It seems that he is going to leave after dinner with me. He should have something to do temporarily.

I sat at the table for two minutes by myself. My heart was to comfort myself that he was very busy and couldn't delay too much time because of these little love. When he's finished, he may come to me again.

But another voice said that his time is running out, and every parting may become a farewell. I should hold him well before I leave.

Thinking of this, my tears came out again. Recently, I don't know what happened. I love to cry like a little girl. All of a sudden, I can't help feeling sad.

At this time, I heard the sound of opening the door. I opened the door and saw Fang zhe coming in with a bag of fruit.

I jumped on him and held him tight.

"What's the matter? Why are you so enthusiastic? " Fang zhe was stunned.

"I thought you were gone. I came back to see that you were not there. I thought you were gone. I couldn't see you." I cried.

"I don't see any fruit at home, so I went out to buy some. I haven't eaten this meal. How can I leave? You're crying? Are you crying so much now? " Fang zhe patted me on the back.

I adjusted my mood. I didn't want Fang Zhe to be sad because of my mood. After all, we didn't spend much time together. I still hope every quarter of an hour together is happy.

"I don't like to cry very much. I just think that it's so hard for you to cook. It's so pitiful that I didn't take a bite. That's why I'm sorry for you." I'm talking nonsense.

"Ha ha, don't do that. How do you feel about working as a boss today?" Fang zhe asked with a smile.

"I'm not used to it. I feel too unreal. I always feel like I'm dreaming. Fang Zhe, if you push me to such a high level, will you take it all again one day? "

"You've tried the feeling of suddenly having nothing, and then you'll get used to it. The more people who are in a high position, the more they have to endure the pain of loss. Only in this way can you not worry about gain and loss, and accept the psychological gap brought about by the downturn. "

During the conversation, Fang zhe had already finished his meal. We began to eat.

In fact, Fang Zhe's cooking skills are very common. After all, he was taught by online videos, and usually he didn't have a chance to cook. One dish was too salty, one too light, and the other too sour with too much vinegar.

Fang zhe tasted it, and then he laughed. Then he put down his chopsticks and looked at me with a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked him.

"What's the taste of the dish?"

"Well, you don't have a number in your mind yet?" I planed a mouthful of rice.

"No, let's go out. It's too bad to eat. As it turns out, I'm more suitable to express love with gold than to cook. " Fang zhe said with a smile.

"Well, it's not hard to swallow, it's just not very delicious. If you don't go out to eat, you'd better eat the dishes you've worked so hard. "

"But I really can't eat it. What can I do? Is there any way to make this dish a little better and improve it?" Fang zhe said with a frown.

I wanted to laugh, but I didn't expect that the dishes he made were disgusted by me.

But seeing him so serious, I didn't mean to tease him. I said, well, the main problem with these dishes is that the control of salt taste is unreasonable. You pour them all together and cook them again, or they will be better."Isn't that a stew? What can I do? "

"It's OK to call it stew, it's OK to make a pot of incense. In a word, it's better to synthesize these flavors and see what they almost taste, and add some seasonings."

Fang zhe stood up and brought the dishes into the kitchen. He did as I said. The taste was better than before. Of course, it was not much better.

"Well, we'll make do with this meal. We'll have delicious food in the evening. After lunch, we'll take a lunch break, and then go to the cinema." Fang zhe said.

After dinner, I'm going to do the dishes, but Fang zhe told me to sit down and have a rest. He would do it himself. So I worked with him to clean up the kitchen that he had made a mess of.

After doing all the housework, I can finally lie down and have a rest. Fang Zhe is ready to move when he lies next to me. This time, I resolutely stopped his action. I really can't do any more tossing.

So embrace and sleep, may be the night before it is too tossing, so sleep very fragrant, wake up, it has been six o'clock in the evening!

Fang zhe beside me is still sleeping. He covers his eyes like a child. He looks lovely.

I gently got up and went to the bathroom. After washing, Fang zhe also got up. He stood on the balcony, stretching exaggeratedly, and then came a few boxing moves, a look of full blood resurrection.

"Get ready. We've gone out for dinner. The food at noon is too bad. We have to have a good meal to make up for it." Fang zhe said.

I began to pick clothes in the wardrobe. I haven't gone out with Fang zhe for a long time. I have to dress myself up a little more beautiful.

After dressing up, he took Fang Zhe's arm and went out. Then I drove him out of the neighborhood.

It's a long time since I felt this way. I'm a little excited.

"What would you like to eat? You're not going to eat "baiweijia" hot pot again? " Fang zhe asked me.

"It's too hot to eat hot pot."

Fang zhe immediately echoed, "yes, it's too hot to eat hot pot. So we're going to have steak? "

I didn't say a word. I didn't want to eat hot pot or steak.

Fang zhe knows me very well. As soon as he sees that I don't speak, he knows that I'm not happy.

"Then you can choose a Chinese restaurant. Let's have a good meal, but it must be delicious. Besides, the environment is good and it can't be too noisy."

"I can guarantee the delicious food, but the environment is not necessarily good, because the places I go are not very high-end places."

"That's OK. You can do it as long as it's delicious."

Then I took him to a small restaurant and ordered a few signature dishes. Fang zhe nodded his head and said that it was more delicious than what he made, at least a hundred times.

I nodded, "that's for sure, as long as it's made by individuals, it's better than what you make."

Fang zhe was a little displeased, "so you scolded me instead of being human? I'm not good at cooking, but I'm good in bed... "

He just said this half, I hastened to signal him to stop, talk really regardless of the occasion, open mouth to come.

He laughed a little evil. "Isn't it? Don't you want to die? "

I refused to talk to her about it. "Stop, don't go on. Didn't you say you wanted to see a movie? Did you buy the ticket? "

"It's not a movie. I'm wrong. It's going to a concert. An Italian Orchestra came to perform. I asked someone to buy me two tickets. Let's go together."

I laughed awkwardly and didn't speak.

"What are you laughing at? It's so funny. " Fang zhe frowned.

"I mean, I'm afraid I can't understand such profound things. I'm afraid my accomplishments in appreciating music are so superficial that I let you down. " I answered honestly.

"It doesn't matter. Just accompany me to watch it. Music doesn't have to be understood. Everyone feels different when listening to the same piece of music, so there's no question of whether they understand it or not."

I think so. Whether I understand or not, as long as I can sit with him, it's wonderful.

After dinner, we drove to the opera house.

The whole process is exactly as I expected. I really can't understand it, and it doesn't sound like much obvious pleasure. I really haven't started to enjoy that kind of music.

Listen, listen, I fell asleep. At last, I was woken up by the applause of the audience. I wiped the corner of my mouth awkwardly to make sure there was no saliva coming out. I felt a little relieved.

Fang zhe gave me a smile, and his eyes were a little spoiled. I sat down and said that I had just slept for a while.

He reached over to my ear and said, "it's OK. The aunt in the back is asleep, too."

I looked back and found that the old lady in the back slept better than me. But I knew instantly that he was hurting me, comparing me with my aunt.

I reached out and pinched him on the leg. It was revenge. He grabbed my hand, held it tightly in the palm of his hand, and then squeezed it again.