"I studied in Britain, my second sister in France, and ah Zhe in the United States and France." Fang Zhi said.

Is this to make me feel ashamed? They all have backgrounds, and I don't have them. So I'm a woodlouse?

I try to keep smiling and hide my embarrassment. Although I don't think it's a shame to have no background of studying abroad, they have effectively created an embarrassing atmosphere for me.

I have no excuse to say that my family is not suitable for studying abroad, because I grew up in a single parent family. It is not easy for my mother to raise me to graduate from University, and I am very grateful.

"So did you work directly after college?" Fang Hui asked me.

I nodded. "Yes, I'll work after graduation."

"What do you do?" Fang Zhi then asked.

"Working in a company." I answered vaguely that I could not say that I was a small employee of the company. If I said that, I would be despised even more.

"What company, what position?" Fang Zhi then asked.

Is this really going to break the casserole? Do you want to check three generations of my ancestors?

"It is also a branch of Xingde group, and the position is not high." I'll be honest.

The company I used to work for was indeed acquired by fangzhe, and now it is indeed one of the branches of Xingde group. I didn't lie.

"If you don't study abroad, you won't have a high position because of your low education." Fang Hui concluded.

There is no doubt that this has been a derogatory. But I recognized it, and I'm not in a high position.

"How did you get to know Fang zhe? How do you know Fang Zhi as a small staff member of a branch office? " Gao Zhi then asked.

Of course, I can't talk about the enmity with Fang Zhe. Fang zhe told me before that I can't tell the whole story.

"Fang Zhe and I were classmates in high school." I should say.

Then they oozed and exchanged their eyes.

"What do you do at home?" Mrs. Fang then asked.

I'm tired of it. I'm not a prisoner. I don't have to go through the trial all the time, do I? I'm married to Fang Zhe, not to them. Why should I be so condescending?

"I came from an ordinary family. My mother died last year." I held my temper and answered in a low voice.

"What about your father? What does he do? " Fang Zhi then asked.

I haven't met my father, I've never met him, and I don't know what he does, so I can't answer Mrs. Fang's question.

But if I say it directly, they won't believe it. Even if I believe it, I'm afraid it will extend to some bad conjectures. I don't want them to have too many bad guesses about my dead mother, so I choose to be silent.

"Madam, I'm a little tired. I want to go out for a breath. Let's talk later." I stood up.

Fang Zhi frowned, "it's very impolite of you to do this in front of my mother. My mother didn't let you go, but you want to leave. Our conversation is not over yet."

I didn't sit down because she wasn't happy. I stood.

"Sit down." With a cold face, Mrs. Fang motioned me to sit down.

This is the real music of Mrs. Datuk. If I don't sit down, I'm afraid I'll fall out.

People under the eaves, had to bow, I had to reluctantly sit down.

"You are a Zhe's wife, we ask about you, is to deepen mutual understanding, ask a few more, you are impatient?" Mrs. Fang looked at me coldly.

"Mrs. Xie cares, but I think that no matter whose wife I am, first of all, I am an independent individual and a person. As long as they are human beings, they should be respected at least. " I respond lightly and try not to show any emotion.

"You think we don't respect you?" Fang Zhi squinted at me.

I didn't say anything. It was tacit. Since Fang zhe went out, they have been examining me in turn. Can this be regarded as respect? Is there such respect for people?

"If you want to marry into this family, you have to bear something. If we ask you a few more questions and you feel uncomfortable, are you too arrogant? Do you really think that you are a member of the Fang family after you and Fang zhe have obtained the certificate? " Fang Zhi continued.

Finally, I couldn't help it. I said softly, "I have never said that I must be a member of the Fang family."

I didn't expect that I would dare to contradict. As soon as I said this, their mother and daughter didn't speak right away. They just looked at each other.

"You are so arrogant that you dare to talk to my mother like this?" Fang Zhi was the first to react. He immediately changed his face and yelled at me.

I didn't speak, I used silence as a confrontation.

Fang Zhi continued to lecture me, and Mrs. Fang waved to stop her.

"Suya, the Fang family has such a son. When a zhe was very young, we discussed to find a suitable wife for him, which can help him relieve some pressure. I know that you young people don't agree with the idea of being equal to each other, and think it's too old-fashioned and backward. But in my opinion, if there are too many differences between different schools, there will be great conflicts between ideas and habits, and it's not suitable to be together. I don't want Fang Zhe's wife not only to help him, but also to drag him down. "To tell you the truth, I was not surprised by what Mrs. Fang said. When I knew that she was Mrs. Datuk, I guessed that she must have a family opinion. This situation is not only often seen in TV dramas, but also in reality. Even a small leader like Zhang Guilan still dislikes my background as a petty citizen, let alone his superior lady Datuk.

So when I heard her say that, I nodded calmly.

"What do you mean by nodding? Do you agree with me? " Mrs. Fang stares at me and asks.

"I understand what my wife thinks. I really have no family background. If my wife thinks that I am not worthy of Fang Zhe, I can give up this marriage. Frankly speaking, Fang zhe asked me to come to Maya this time. I think as a wife, I should meet my husband's family, but I just came here. I didn't want to stay, let alone become a member of this noble family. " I said softly.

Before Mrs. Fang spoke, Fang Zhi could not help but said, "if you are not ready to integrate into this family, why do you marry my brother? What are you saying? "

"You also said that I married Fang Zhe, not this family. When I met and married Fang Zhe, I didn't know how noble his background was. I married him. It was between me and him. I don't have to be a member of this family. If you think I'm not qualified, I can go back to China immediately and never step into this city again. Naturally, it won't bring you any negative impact. " I said in a cold voice.

I've had enough. I can't help it.

"Do you dare to say these words in front of Fang zhe?" Fang Zhi snapped.

"Of course, I won't do it in front of him, but behind him." I answered.

"Mom, it seems that this daughter-in-law can't be put down in our family. This person doesn't pay attention to you at all. There is no background, dare to be so arrogant, and I don't know what means she used to enchant Fang Zhe and marry him! " Cried Fang Zhi.

"Suya, this is not Zhushi, this is Jishi, this is Fangjia! You should pay attention to your way of speaking and your attitude! " Mrs. Fang was also angry.

I've been trying to restrain myself, but I didn't expect it to get worse. Class differences are so great that no matter how much I suppress myself, I can't satisfy them.

In that case, that's all. If you offend me, I'll offend you. Anyway, it's all like this.

"You go out!" Mrs. Fang pointed to the door and said.

I walked to the door without hesitation. I wasn't prepared to stay here.

When I got to the door, I didn't see Fang Zhe. I dare not let the servant open the door for me to go out. Because I am totally unfamiliar with the city, I am afraid there will be accidents when I go out.

I took out my cell phone to call Fang Zhe, but no one answered after I got through.

At this time, Fang Zhi came out, "didn't he let you go? Why are you still here?"

I was forced to go to the gate. Fang Zhi motioned to the servant to open the gate and blew me out.

Originally, I wanted to stand at the door and wait for Fang Zhe to come back, but I was worried that Fang Zhi would come out and continue to bombard me, so I had to walk away.

This is a strange country, a strange city. I have no direction at all. I walk out slowly. I had to walk slowly nearby.

It was getting dark. I kept looking at my cell phone, but Fang zhe never called me back. I began to feel afraid. Fang zhe won't leave me here, will he?

If he doesn't care about me, how can I go back home? It's very remote here. What if there are bad people here?

Think of here, I am more and more afraid, wronged in the heart, squatting on the ground, tears flow out.

Why do I come here to be angry in this strange country? What am I doing here? That domineering lady Datuk, why should I swallow my pride to her?

At this time, someone came by. They were three men with dark skin. What they said was not English. I didn't understand. They should be local people.

I'm more and more nervous. I quickly take out my mobile phone and pretend to be talking with Fang Zhe.

The three men came up to me and watched me up and down. I didn't leave immediately. I didn't understand what the three people said, but I could understand the expression on their faces. They didn't have any good intentions.

My palms are full of sweat. I know that discrimination against Chinese often occurs in this country. I'm worried that they are the kind of Chinese hating natives, so I'm in trouble.

The three men murmured their own words and slowly approached me.

My heart came up to my throat, and I thought about which direction I was going to run. The problem is that the three of them, I'm a woman, and I don't know the way. I'm easy to be surrounded, and if I run in the wrong direction, it's in their favor.

Just as I was about to run, I heard my name called: "Suya, where are you?"

I quickly opened my voice and responded loudly: "I'm here, Fang Zhe, come quickly!"

The three men looked at each other, and they didn't get close to each other, but they didn't walk away immediately.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came, and Fang Zhe and Gao Zhan rushed over together.Seeing Fang Zhe and Gao Zhan, my hanging heart finally came down. I feel my legs are weak and I'm going to lose my stability.