After chatting for a while, Fang zhe said that he had drunk a few cups of tea and could not drink any more. He offered to show me around their house.

Fang Zhe, this is to give me a chance to rest. I've been chatting with Mrs. Fang like this. I'm really too tired.

When I came out of the house and into the garden, I was relieved.

There is no winter here, and we can't see the ruins left by winter. All the flowers and plants are full of vitality. Fang Zhe and I came to a pavilion in the garden, and Gao Zhan also came.

"How's it going? My mom is really easy to get along with, isn't she? " Fang zhe asked me with a smile.

I made a face at him and said, "my wife is very imposing. I can't carry on talking any more. But fortunately, it's not as difficult for me as I thought. "

Gao Zhan laughed, "sister-in-law, it's normal for an ugly daughter-in-law to see her mother-in-law. It's normal for a daughter-in-law to see her mother-in-law without pressure."

I glared at Gao Zhan, "can you talk? What is an ugly daughter-in-law? Which eye do you see me ugly

Gao Zhan stretched out his hand to cover his mouth. "I'm not very good at speaking. I'm sorry, but I didn't mean that."

I'm just joking with him. Seeing that he's so serious, I'd like to tease him.

"Ah Zhan, if you say something wrong, you will be punished." I'm serious.

"What punishment, sister-in-law, please say."

"Call your girlfriend in Maya and let me have a look, and then show me the fun places in Jishi. That's the punishment." I said.

"I don't have a girlfriend. I really don't have a girlfriend." Gao Zhan, to be honest.

"Then why don't you get a girlfriend?" I asked.

"I don't want to. It's boring." Gao Zhan said seriously.

I thought that he would say something like "no suitable one", but I didn't expect that he would say "boring" directly, which I didn't expect.

Is Gao Zhan a gay? So not interested in girls?

My short silence made Fang zhe see through my mind in an instant.

"Ah Zhan's sexual orientation is very normal. Don't think that ah Zhan is gay like other people. He just didn't find the girl he liked. He fell in love once before, and then the girl suddenly left without saying goodbye. Ah Zhan didn't believe in the girl, so he said, "I'm not interested." Fang zhe explained.

Fang Zhe is too smart. Sometimes he is so smart that people are afraid. What you think in your heart is really a terrible thing.

Fang zhe explains for Gao Zhan, but he himself seems indifferent, still so silent and calm.

"Ah Zhan was hurt by love, but why did the girl leave without saying goodbye? Where did she go? Do you know?" I have some sympathy for ah Zhan.

"It's not sentimental. I was young and didn't understand. Why did she leave? I don't know where she went, and I don't know. Anyway, it's like the world evaporated. It's all in the past Gao Zhan said flatly.

I wanted to take the opportunity to say, do you want to consider Dr. Yang, but I think it's too sudden at this time. In case Gao Zhan refuses, it's equivalent to denying the possibility of him and Yang Yu in the future, which will be even worse.

So I simply don't mention it. Let's see if they have fate.

While chatting, I heard Fang Zhe, a young woman's voice. Fang zhe said that his two elder sisters had arrived.

There are relatives again! I have to go to the interview again. I can't help complaining.

It has to be said that Fang Zhe's family have good genes. Mrs. Datuk is a beautiful woman, and Fang Zhe's two elder sisters are also beautiful women. They are all dressed in formal clothes with jewels. You can see that they are women of the upper class.

"This is sister Fang Zhi, this is second sister Fang Hui, this is Su ya." Fang zhe begins to introduce.

Naturally, I immediately became the object of detailed observation with four eyes. The eyes of the two sisters were not as soft as Mrs. Fang's at all. The smell of their eyes was too strong, which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

The elder sister Fang Zhi's skin is slightly black, but she is in good shape and well maintained. She can hardly see her age. The second sister Fang Hui's skin is very white, but her figure is not as hot as Fang Zhi's. she is petite and small, and her eyes are a little softer than Fang Zhi's.

"Big sister, second sister." I nodded.

They didn't even agree. They didn't even have "ah.". It's just that my eyes are still staring at me.

The reaction of the two elder sisters made Fang zhe sullen, "elder sister, Suya called you."

"Oh, Hello, Miss Su." Fang Zhi reluctantly answered.

She called me "Miss Su" instead of sister-in-law or any other name. It sounds polite, but it's obviously distancing.

I don't mind. I'm not money. I can't make everyone like me. If Mrs. Fang doesn't like me, I still have some pressure, but if my two sisters don't like me, I don't mind at all. I don't care whether they are married or not.

At this time, two more cars drove into Fang's house. The two men on the car should be Fang Zhe's two brothers in law. It's also interesting that two elder sisters and brother-in-law are not in the same car?Fang zhe then said, "this is Chen Qinglin, the eldest brother-in-law, who is currently the executive director of Jishi Municipal Council. This is Wang song, the second brother-in-law, who is the group's director and vice president."

Both brothers in law are wearing formal suits on hot days. Chen Qinglin, the eldest brother-in-law, does not look entirely of Chinese descent. He is a bit of a mixed race. He is very tall. His position is the executive director of Jishi Municipal Council, which is equivalent to vice mayor.

Wang song, on the other hand, has a Chinese face and the same yellow skin and black eyes as tens of thousands of Chinese. Fang zhe said that he is the vice president of the board of directors, who is also the global vice president of the group.

They are all big people. The circle of rich and powerful families is really extraordinary. As a small person, I try to nod and smile to them. I feel that I laugh too much today and my face is a little stiff.

After the introduction, take a seat together. Mrs. Fang was in the upper position, while we sat down according to the ranking. It was really a sense of hierarchy.

"Today, the whole family got together. It's been a long time since we got together. It's not easy. Let's have a happy meal today. " Mrs. Fang said with a smile.

Then the two brothers in law said hello to their mother-in-law.

On the surface, it's a family, but all of you can feel the distance. They are still like this, not to mention the newcomers like me.

After chatting for a while and drinking two cups of tea, it's time for dinner.

Most of the dishes on the table are traditional Chinese dishes, with only a few Malaysian specialties. When I sit, I still sit according to the order of priority. I sit rigidly, waiting for the servants to divide the dishes and chopsticks, and then, like them, I wipe my hands with the hot towel handed over by the servants.

I learned before that Fang Zhe's mother believed in Buddhism, so all the dishes on the table were vegetarian, and there was no meat.

This also has to make people admire the breadth and profundity of Chinese cuisine. You can make a table without meat. If you change to the cuisine of other countries, you can't make so many dishes without meat.

"I don't like meat, so I've wronged you to be vegetarian with me. If you want to have meat, you can go out later." Mrs. Fang said with a smile.

Of course, everyone said that it would not be in the way. Originally, it was not necessary to eat meat.

Gao Zhan didn't have dinner with us. Although he is Fang Zhe's good brother, he is not a member of the family. Strictly speaking, he is an outsider, so he can't participate in such a serious family dinner.

However, a Zhan, who is so loose and used to it, probably doesn't like such a serious atmosphere. So when we had dinner, he went out by himself.

During the dinner, Fang Zhe and his family asked each other about their work and life. I was not interested in what they said. I didn't understand, so I bowed my head to eat.

Maybe I'm nervous, so I don't have much appetite. All the dishes are delicious.

I don't know what I ate after a meal, but I'm really full. This is the biggest harvest.

After eating, I got together for tea and started to talk about my family. I didn't want to participate, but it was impolite to leave. I felt like I was on pins and needles.

Fang zhe sees that I'm not happy. He suggests that I should walk after dinner and let me accompany him for a walk. Naturally, I'm very happy, but Fang Zhi doesn't agree.

"Fang Zhe, you men go out for a walk. We women chat alone. Men are present. We have a lot of things to talk about." Fang Zhi suggested.

"Yes, you men go out, we women chat." Fang Hui immediately agreed.

I thought, this means that I can't go out, this is the mother and daughter three people want to unite to torture me?

Gao zhe looks embarrassed, but the two brothers in law have agreed. He is embarrassed to show too much protection in front of his family, so he has to agree and go out with the two brothers in law.

I suddenly feel like I'm in a dangerous environment. I don't know if it's psychological effect. I feel that as soon as Fang zhe leaves, the eyes of those people who look at me have changed.

A picture appeared in my mind, that is, a fish was put on the chopping board, opened the white belly, and was slaughtered, and that fish was me.

"Well, it's clean at last. We can have a good chat." Fang Zhi said.

I pretended to smile easily and said nothing.

"Where did Suya go to school?" Mrs. Fang asked first.

I have to tell the truth, I went to a provincial university of Finance and economics and majored in finance.

Frankly speaking, the University of Finance and economics that I went to is not bad. It is also a key university in China. Of course, it is not a famous university. It can't be compared with Peking University and Tsinghua University.

"Where did you go to study later?" Mrs. Fang continued to ask.

Now I'm a little confused. I haven't studied. Who said I must study abroad?

"I haven't studied abroad." I'll be honest.

I didn't expect that the three of them were surprised, as if it was a very strange thing that they didn't stay in school. However, most of my classmates have never studied. Not every family can afford the high cost of studying abroad.