After listening to a loud noise, the long whip of God thought around Emperor Han suddenly flew out, leaving a long black space crack. He immediately came behind the two young semi saints and whipped two whip.

God thought the whip crossed a perfect arc in the sky and fell on their backs, like an iron whip smoking rotten meat.



They screamed and flew out. Their backs were not as simple as flesh and skin, but deep bloody wounds appeared from their right shoulder to their left waist, like two gullies. Their shoulder blades were rotten, their spine was broken, and their red and white bone marrow had flowed out.

Through the oblique wound, you can even see the ground, and the body was almost completely pulled in half.

Their holy power surged in the wound, but the terrible great holy power raged in the wound, making the wound heal and crack.

The two teenagers screamed bitterly.

The rest of the young semi saints were frightened. This punishment was rare. The great saints usually loved children and teenagers.

Only a few young semi saints didn't look back at all. They still stood up straight facing the front.

"Did he turn you back?"

Emperor Han drank again, and saw that the long whip of God thought divided into dozens of small whips, which appeared on the back of all the young semi saints looking back and pulled them out.

A series of clear and crisp sounds sounded, and the body of each young semi saint who was selected swayed forward heavily, and then clenched his teeth and straightened his body.

Each wound separates the skin and flesh, and it almost hurts the spine.

"Emperor Ming, you take those two wastes back to the tribe, throw them on the ground and treat them in three days." Emperor Han Leng said.

"Yes!" he saw a great saint stand out, raise his head high, hold his arms around his chest, and continue to move forward. His mind turned into two big hands. He grabbed two young semi saints who were still screaming like two chickens and flew away quickly.

Fang Yun glanced at these imperial teenagers, some confused, some frightened, some timid, and some resentful.

Fang Yun looked at them and suddenly understood why they were semi saints and had lived so long without adults.

In addition to being influenced by their own race, more importantly, in this ancient era, they received very little information every day, let alone valuable knowledge. On the contrary, the human race is obviously not as long as they live, but they will grow faster and faster by reading and learning from an early age and accepting the knowledge inheritance of the sages.

Fangyun Road: "Maintaining the unity of formation is not the purpose. The real purpose is to let you know that at critical moments and dangerous moments, we can only unite. Only by obeying the orders of the leader can we win or escape. If you are still scattered like just now, you will die because of arrogance, fail because of timidity, or be killed because of confusion Therefore, before every battle, we should form a neat team and tell ourselves what we are doing, what we should do, what we should do, and most importantly, we should come back alive! "

Fang Yun pointed to the direction of Emperor Ming's departure in the distance and said: "Those two people have done nothing wrong, but their behavior and mentality will pose a threat to all of us when fighting. They are the two most likely to become the breakthrough of the enemy and lead to great collapse! I know, you doubt, even question, and want an answer. You only need to answer one question. Why are you so kind in the tribe Great saints, just now I gave you such a heavy hand? When will you know the answer and when will you be qualified to be alone! "

Fang Yun glanced at the great saints and saw that they had nothing to say, so he said, "there will be a war soon. I won't put too much pressure on you. You just know that whether you win or lose, you are the youth of the imperial family. You are the pride of the Imperial family. Every imperial family will always treat you as a family! What you have to do is to defeat the enemy!"

Hearing Fang Yun's final relief, the mentality of many imperial teenagers changed slightly, and the opposing emotions just dissipated slowly.

Emperor Han took a look at Fang Yun and realized that he had made some heavy moves just now, which frightened these fledgling teenagers. He snorted coldly and said: "A group of blind bastards are going to the battlefield. They are still there. It's light to smoke you. All right, listen to him. I won't embarrass you. After going back this time, regardless of success or failure, I'll catch a companion animal and stew it for you!"

After learning their cooking skills at Fang Yun's, they tried a lot of food and finally found that the companion animals living inside the stars were the best to eat and tonic. The companion animals were powerful, good at hiding and could rarely eat, so eating stewed companion animal meat became the topic of discussion a few days ago.

Fang Yun turned and asked, "Uncle dihan, what do you usually do after that?"

"After the lecture, what else can we do?" Emperor Han said strangely.

Fang Yun asked helplessly, "why don't you make a battle plan and deduce all kinds of accidents?"

Emperor Han was about to say what plan the savage needed, but suddenly realized his mistake, focused on it and said: "That's right. In the past, the real wars were commanded by the saints. They were aware of heaven and earth and controlled everything. We saints just need to follow their plans and accidents. As for those ordinary battles, we don't need any plans. As an emperor, we have never failed. However, as you said that day, it's right to think before taking action An excellent habit. We can't always rely on the ancestors, but we can learn the methods of their success. But... How to make a battle plan? "

Emperor Han said it righteously at the beginning, but at the end, he looked embarrassed and very guilty.

Other great saints are the same. I'm a little embarrassed to see Fang Yun.

Those young semi saints were a little confused and didn't quite understand why Fang Yun said that.

Fang Yun said: "Let's first invite Emperor Han's majesty to draw the tribe and surrounding environment with the holy power. Then we will discuss the way of attack, the way of attack, the obstacles that may be encountered in the attack, the possible accidents and all the details. After the discussion, everyone should rehearse the attack plan in his mind, then adjust his body and mind, and finally choose the right time to attack. Such as when savages are sleeping, such as when their tribe is empty, and so on. You should do your best to kill the Emperor Dragon and the four legged black snake. "

When the four legged black snake rolled his eyes, what does his heart have to do with himself? This big brother is too unreliable.


With a wave of Emperor Han's hand, the holy power surged, and the sand and stone on the ground rose, condensing into a three-dimensional sand table of savage tribe with an area of three feet, with exactly the same details.

Then, Fang Yun made the whole attack plan according to the basic way of Terran strategists.

It's a very simple truth, but it sounds like being enlightened to all the saints of the imperial family. A group of semi saints nod like chickens pecking rice.

The four legged black snake looked dignified and nodded occasionally. Although he couldn't understand what Fang Yun said, it was enough to pretend to be deep.