"Why are you in such a hurry?" Fang Yun asked.

"You've been practicing these days. You don't know how powerful the red grain jade is! After verification, I found that the power can be doubled by putting the time storm outside the red grain jade! What's the concept of doubling! It's equal to changing me from one to two! The great sage also used and doubled his power! Finally, he alerted the holy ancestor. Grandpa Diyuan tried it himself and made his own jade, and found that the holy idea attacked him A 10% Power Commission. That's the holy ancestor. That 10% power is enough to destroy many great saints! "

"Really? That's great!" Fang Yun didn't expect this red jade to be so useful.

"I also made contributions! I told them the origin of jade!" the four legged black snake immediately woke up and never refused to fight for merit.

"So we're going to the savage tribe right away?"

"Yes, and uncle dihan led the team himself! Just waiting for you." Dilan said.

Fang Yun glanced at the four legged black snake who was about to escape. He turned his hand and caught him back.

"Let's go."

Fang Yun took a step and stopped for a moment. He thought about hunting in his mind and sighed slightly.

Soon, the whole imperial family mobilized.

Unlike ordinary hunting, all teenagers will be sent this time.

Finally, all the 106 young semi saints of the imperial family were sent out. At the same time, the Emperor Han led the ten great saints as the leader.

Fang Yun and the four legged black snake are the most eye-catching in the team. They are like two attendants.

However, in the eyes of the emperor's children, Fang Yun and the four legged black snake are simply heroes, because the eldest brother and the second brother have become the first non holy places to participate in hunting in the history of the emperor's family.

In the cheers of many imperial children, the hundred winged turtle dragon began to run rapidly, and the space flickered one after another.

Fang Yun looked outside. Sometimes the mountains fluctuated, sometimes the rivers surged, sometimes the frost and snow hit the sky, and sometimes the waves rolled.

After hundreds of interest, the scenery outside stopped unchanged. It was behind a mountain, but the mountain was not as high as the hundred winged turtle dragon.

In addition to the hundred winged turtle dragon, there is a thin transparent shield, which is very subtle and can't be seen by the naked eye. It can only be reluctantly perceived by God.

"Let's go!"

At the command of the Emperor Han, the rest of the great saints and the young semi saints seemed not to care about the strange scene in front of them. They flew down from the edge of the turtle shell, and the holy power rippled around them, emitting a faint golden light.

Fang Yun asked shennian to hold himself and follow the team with the tail of a four legged black snake.

The four legged black snake struggled desperately, waved its claws and said angrily, "don't carry my tail! I want to keep my image in front of my little brothers! Let go."

Fang Yun listened but didn't hear. He flew out with the saints and fell at the foot of the mountain.

Then, a cool wind blew. Fang Yun looked back and felt that the thin transparent film was still there. He couldn't see the huge hundred winged turtle dragon inside.

In a flash, even the thin film disappeared.

The imperial teenagers are scattered everywhere and behave differently. Most of them are happy and a few are nervous.

Those great saints look calm, alert, observation, go their own way, without any difference.

Fang Yun stood beside the Emperor Han who was more than two feet tall and said casually, "why don't they line up?"

"Line up?" Emperor Han looked down at Fang Yun.

The Emperor Han's burly figure scared the four legged black snake back half a step.

Fang Yun explained: "They didn't have a clear understanding before the war. Now they are a little confused and don't know what to do. If they bully the weak, of course, there is no problem, but if they face strong enemies, they will be confused. No matter what the battle in the future, let them form a neat team first, which will make them more disciplined and obedient. Once they encounter an accident, they will instinctively fight You see, there are several teenagers who are nervous and seem to be afraid. When they line up, let everyone stand up straight, and the change of their body shape will also make them more confident. There are those who jump around, have excess energy and are unprepared. In case of sudden battle, they are either scared to stay still or plunge into it and be killed first. One hundred and six young semi saints, except for a few dozen people such as Dilan, were unqualified. "

Several great saints nearby nodded gently, showing the color of praise.

Emperor Han flashed a fierce look in his eyes and said, "yes, I've long been unhappy with the children. OK, you start teaching them to line up now. If anyone is not convinced, I'll whip them."

A translucent whip appeared silently around Emperor Han.

"I'm going to hunt soon. Will I be found?"

Emperor Han said, "no, this is behind the mountain, and there are four great saints who have put their power over here and won't leak any breath. Unless savages suddenly jump over the mountain and come here, they won't watch the power of heaven."

Fang Yun nodded. The emperor's ability to observe the sky was very strong. Just looking at the sky, his eyes were like high above the sky. He could observe everything in a radius of tens of thousands of miles and would not be blocked by ordinary obstacles.


Fang Yun raised his head and walked forward slowly.

The Emperor Han stretched out his hand to pat Fang Yun, and the surging holy power poured into his body, making Fang Yun's reminder soar, directly up to two feet and five feet, surpassing all semi saints, similar to all great saints.

Those young semi saints showed curiosity when they saw Fang Yun's sudden enlargement. Some were still laughing. Only a few teenagers keenly felt that the atmosphere was wrong, restrained their smile and observed carefully.

Fang Yun walked forward slowly. Emperor Han looked at all the young people ruthlessly and said in a cold voice: "from now on, everyone will listen to his orders. If he lets you live, you will live. If he lets you die, you will die! If you don't die, I will let you die!"

Emperor Han is the first saint of the emperor family and one of the strongest saints in the world. A group of teenagers hurriedly smiled.

Fang Yun looked calm and did not panic because there were semi saints opposite. He only regarded them as a group of children with empty power and no wisdom.

Fang Yun glanced at the rambling young semi saints, with no expression on his face, and slowly said, "everyone is grouped according to the ten saints battle array, and stands in a row horizontally in front of me according to their height. The ten saints team that ranked first in the last big exam stands at the front, and the back is lined up according to their ranking. Each one should stand tall and upright!"

The teenagers who never knew what the neat queue was immediately made a mess, and the team ranked first in the last big exam really deserved the name. They stood in a row almost within three seconds, and aligned themselves actively, with almost the same spacing.

Many great saints nodded gently.

However, the team behind is much worse. There are ten or eleven members in the ten teams. The more they go back, the more chaotic they are.

After ten breath, there was a team that had not been lined up. Two of the semi saints frowned and looked tired and lazy.

The faces of several great saints are iron green. This is the emperor family. They are semi saints. They can't even do such basic things well.
