When it comes to Chen Sheng family, no one dares to neglect it.

The judicial systems of the ten countries are different.

In most countries, the county magistrate hears cases at the county level, while the magistrate often only reviews and finally decides by the state judicial office. If it is a major case, it also needs to be ruled by relevant departments such as Dali temple or the Ministry of punishment.

In Jingguo, although Jing Zhaoyin is equivalent to the governor of the capital, he is also the chief official of the city. Ordinary cases are handed over to the capital patrol court. Once a serious case is involved, and the Dali court does not explicitly say to take over, it is customary for Jing Zhaoyin to conduct a preliminary trial, and then the Dali court to review and reject or approve the trial results of Jing Zhaoyin.

Although the defendant is not the whole Chensheng family, but the person who supports the house of Chensheng family, since someone is dead, Dali court does not take over on its own initiative and can only be tried by Jing Zhaoyin.

So far, Fang Yun has not completely reformed the judicial process, because the judicial institutions such as the Ministry of justice, the Dali court and the supervisory yuan are still slowly adapting to the new changes, and many aspects need to be improved step by step.

Jing Zhaoyin did not dare to make a decision on his own and sent the relevant documents to the relevant ministries and the cabinet, one of which was placed in front of Fang Yun.

Fang Yun looked through the documents carefully.

As early as many years ago, Chen Ziqian of the Chen Sheng family took a fancy to a small family Jasper, so he privately decided to live for life. However, in the view of the Chen Sheng family, an ordinary woman didn't even have the qualification to become Chen Ziqian's concubine, so Chen Ziqian's parents beat the mandarin duck and compensated the woman 500 liang of silver.

Five hundred taels of silver is a huge sum of money for a small family. However, the small family also has dignity. The woman's father refused the money and went to the Chen family for justice. He asked Chen Ziqian to go to his ancestral temple to make an apology and admit that he abandoned everything, not his daughter's problem.

Chen Sheng aristocratic family doesn't care about such people, so the steward handling this matter not only refused to make amends, but spread rumors everywhere that the woman had sold herself in the brothel, damaging her reputation.

The woman's father was furious, attacked the Chen family, clashed with the Chen family Ding, was beaten, died of serious injury, and finally died.

Subsequently, the Chen family dredged relations with the capital, only found a servant to take the blame, and sentenced the servant to three years' imprisonment on the grounds of accidental injury.

After Fang Yun finished reading the document, Xu Changgeng said in a low voice, "Xiangye, I'm afraid someone will make trouble at this moment. Jing Zhaoyin's letter and lower official want to ask Xiangye what you really think."

Fang Yun threw the paper document into the wastebasket and said, "is the Chen family outside the national law or the king country? I gave Jing Zhaoyin ten days. If you can't deal with it severely, change an official who can deal with it severely!"

Xu Changgeng didn't leave immediately, but stood in place and looked at Fang Yun with begging eyes, hoping that Fang Yun would consider it again.

"You go down." Fang Yun didn't even lift his eyelids.

Xu Changgeng sighed, said goodbye to Fang Yun and turned to leave.

That afternoon, Jing Zhaoyin asked to leave because of illness.

Fang Yun was arbitrary, ordered Jing Zhaoyin to avoid war in the face of danger, evaluated Jing Zhaoyin as the next, and issued a document indicating that Jing Guo would never hire this person again.

No one in the cabinet objected to Fang Yun, and the Empress Dowager quickly sealed the official documents and determined that she would never be hired.

Then, according to the normal process, the Ministry of officials appointed a new Jing Zhaoyin on that day.

Jing Zhaoyin is in charge of the capital, but the grade varies from country to country. After the reform of Fangyun, Jing Zhaoyin went from four grades to three grades, which is the same as that of the State animal husbandry and the ministries.

For any official who is promoted to the fourth rank, becoming Jing Zhaoyin is something to congratulate, but no one wants to offend the giant Chen Sheng family.

No one can offend today's Zuo Xiang, Fang Yun.

Therefore, the second Jing Zhaoyin resigned a quarter of an hour after receiving the appointment.

Fang Yun sent a similar document and reappointed Jing Zhaoyin.

After receiving the transfer order, the third Jing Zhaoyin also hung his hat and left within an hour.

Within a day, three Jing Zhaoyin resigned one after another, shaking the whole Jingguo.

Fang Yun flew into a rage and transferred all the officials who had been promoted to important positions in the name of their official misconduct.

These three people are exactly officials who support the royal family.

Those people were originally watching Fang Yun's jokes, but they found that Fang Yun couldn't sit still after he solved the three royal officials in a row.

Therefore, an imperial censor came forward to impeach Fang Yun and believed that Fang Yun was the first of all officials and in charge of the official department. It is to blame for this situation. He even created words three times a day to satirize Fang Yun's incompetence.

Fang Yun frankly admitted that he had served as Zuo Xiang for a short time and failed to find that the accumulated disadvantages of Jingguo's officialdom had been deep, so he must increase the administration of officials in the future. He also believes that it is inappropriate to select Jing Zhaoyin from officials in the capital, and it is reasonable to promote Jing Zhaoyin from various states.

People realized that Fang Yun wanted his people to occupy such an important position, so they wrote against it desperately.

Fang Yun retreated to advance and asked the officials to elect a new Jing Zhaoyin tomorrow.

As a result, no one was elected the next day.

Fools know that whoever is recommended now is tantamount to roasting people on the fire.

If we deal with the Chensheng family, no one can bear the retaliation of the family. This kind of thing has happened many times in history. The family pleaded guilty, but the chief judge of the case finally left in a dark mood.

If you don't deal with Chen Sheng family, Fang Yun and Xing Dian will never give up.

No one can walk away.

Finally, Fang Yun transferred Dong Wencong from Xiangzhou to Beijing as Jing Zhaoyin, and Feng Zimo took over as Xiangzhou animal husbandry.

If Sai Zhixue, Zhang poyue and others are just like-minded colleagues with Fang Yun, Dong Wencong and others have been the backbone of Fang's party since many years ago.

Dong Wencong's appointment as Jing Zhaoyin means that the party forces have finally taken root in the capital.

The importance of Jing Zhaoyin was far higher than that of the rest of the States. However, the officials opposed to Fang Yun did not care, but gloated.

The official position of Jing Zhaoyin was very difficult, because the capital gathered the most powerful people in Jingguo. If you are careless, you will be criticized by major forces.

What's more, this time is to try the case of Chen Sheng family.

They thought that after Jing Zhaoyin appointed Dong Wencong, they would make use of their relationship with the temple of punishment and Legalists to let the Dali court take over the case. However, to everyone's surprise, Dong Wencong announced to try the case in person.

It is reasonable to say that as long as the children of aristocratic families are involved, the holy court will intervene. This time, the holy court not only did not intervene, but the punishment hall handed over the right of first instance of the case to Jingguo and Dali temple for review. The punishment hall only retained the basic right of final adjudication and settlement.

Because unless there are special circumstances, only the temple of punishment has the right to the final adjudication.

On his first day in office, Dong Wencong seconded staff from the Ministry of punishment, the Ministry of Dali, the Ministry of justice and the supervisory yuan, and used more than half of the manpower of the capital government to investigate the case.

Once the upper official attaches importance to one thing, the efficiency of the lower personnel will become extremely efficient.

In just three days, the whole matter was clearly investigated. The height of the file was more than ten times that of the case file in that year.

However, Dong Wencong only tried the case and never made a judgment.

On the ninth day when the woman knocked the dengwen drum, Fang Yun returned to the spring garden and was visited at night.

Fang Yun sat in his study. The porter pushed the door in with a great scholar in purple.