Xu Changgeng was stunned. Looking at Fang Yun's deep eyes, he couldn't help fighting a cold war. He said helplessly, "Xiangye, the students just handed over the missionary. The decision is in your hands. The students really don't dare to decide for you. If you don't want to see it, the students will return all the missionary."

Fang Yun said slowly, "we are officials of the same Dynasty and work together. We have feelings for each other. If your family asks me for something, our Yun is not a ruthless person who doesn't recognize his relatives and will certainly lend a helping hand. But you are delivering letters for others. It seems nothing, but it seems that you are looking for me for others. Do you understand the difference?"

The officials bowed their heads and sweat.

The root of the matter is not whether Fang Yun wants to help, nor whether it is difficult, nor whether Fang Yun can do it, but that they are exchanging Fang Yun's love for others.

If they plead for their family, they have to do it. Fang Yun will not refuse, but pleading for others is tantamount to meeting their own face, their own vanity or their own interests to harm Fang Yun's interests.

In their view, solving the problem is only a small effort for the other party, but it is not.

Even if it's a small effort, why should Fang Yun do it?

Li Zhixiao sighed and said: "What Xiangye said is. We feel that we are close to Xiangye and it's nothing to ask Xiangye to help, but we don't understand. If we really treat Xiangye as our own people, we should first think about whether Xiangye is difficult before asking Xiangye for help. Not to mention that Xiangye is presiding over the reform, it's hard to imagine the number of people who ask Xiangye to open up. Everyone thinks Xiangye can help one person It's very simple, but I'm not alone. "

Fang Yun said, "that's the truth. By extension, panoramic Chinese are all Chinese and have feelings. What should I do? Can I really kill them all?"

The officials looked at Fang Yun and suddenly felt a little distressed for the omnipotent virtual saint.

In fact, everyone has noticed that the reform and reform has reached the final stage. How to avoid civil commotion and counterattack by major forces while reforming is the top priority, even more than the reform itself.

If we can't balance the innovation, the interests of families and the interests of the people, the innovation will inevitably fail.

In all the reforms in history, it is difficult to consolidate the interests of all parties, and one party will always be sacrificed.

In the mild reform, the lower level people sacrificed the most, because the lower level people had no resistance and were always the first group to be sacrificed.

In the fierce reform, the middle and high levels made the greatest sacrifice, but Jingguo can't bear the fierce reform now.

In other words, the whole human race can't bear the fierce reform.

Once Fang Yun and the three halls are forced to innovate, the Terran will soon fall apart, causing trouble, and finally be profited by the demon world.

However, without innovation, the Terran will be destroyed in the near future.

Now Fangyun and Terran are in trouble.

The Terrans were in a similar dilemma.

The first dilemma was solved by King Wen of Zhou, who was the first to be canonized.

The second dilemma was solved by Confucius, who was infinitely close to the sage.

Facing the third dilemma, Fang Yun can solve it if he can be promoted to a saint in a short time and become the holy ancestor in the world.

But this is impossible.

Even Confucius took decades and hundreds of years of accumulation to reach that height.

Finally, Fang Yun said slowly: "This gap is either not open, or it will open. Therefore, long before the plan of severe crackdown, I discussed with the punishment hall how to solve it at this stage. No matter how many families are careless, greedy and countless, they will be uprooted! The owners of all families who have committed serious crimes but may repent must be punished and split up. Those who have committed minor crimes must be punished The family can indirectly support soldiers fighting against the demon world by donating fields, and will atone for their sins. "

No official spoke, and even Dong yueqian continued to be silent.

After counting his breath, Li Zhixiao took a deep breath and said slowly, "Xiangye, my subordinates have something to say."

"Go ahead," Fang Yun said.

"Fundamentally speaking, there is no real difference between your layered punishment and the unified heavy punishment. Those who donate land will resent you, those who split the family will resent you, and those who are uprooted will certainly resent you. As long as you punish, as long as they hurt their muscles and bones, if they can't see the hope of preservation, they will go all out to fight back. They may be stupid, but they are very smart, you know The Tao can't fight you and the holy courtyard, so they will unite and would rather die than wait to die. They know very well that you and the holy courtyard can't afford to die. "

Many officials nodded secretly. This has happened in history.

Both Qin Shihuang and Wang Mang have made this mistake. The country established by the former collapsed in an instant, while the latter failed to complete the reform at all.

Even if it is as strong as the Han Dynasty, from Wenjing to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there have been three generations, from cutting vassal to pushing grace order. During this period, it has experienced the conspiracy of various kings, and finally it was completely suppressed with strong power.

Moreover, the three emperors of the Han Dynasty only aimed at the vassal kings. Fang Yun's opponents this time include small and medium-sized landlords, distinguished families, famous families, rich families and even aristocratic families!

There may not be officials in the family, but officials must form their own family.

Therefore, the object of this innovation essentially includes the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty and all families.

All countries are enemies.

No one in history has ever accomplished this feat, not even half saints.

Fang Yun nodded, glanced at the crowd with cold eyes and said, "that is to say, as a left minister, I can't control all the officials? All the departments of the kingdom of Jing, and the law of the kingdom of Jing? The old cabinet of the punishment hall, can't restrain all the families?"

Fang Yun's heart killing words were sharp and harsh, which made everyone uncomfortable.

Fang Yun's words are not wrong. In all dynasties, except in troubled times, dare to be unrestricted, harsh and killing, it is impossible for any era with stable political power to carry out thorough innovation. Once a more thorough innovation is carried out, the whole country is bound to be in chaos.

In fact, the imperial court and the penalty hall really can't help the major families of the human race with the holy family as the core.

The master of the holy courtyard itself is the great families.

Legalists, industrialists and farmers have benefited the most from this reform, but will those aristocratic families who benefit less or even suffer damage to their interests do so?

This innovation essentially involves the struggle of the holy way.

The struggle for the holy way is far more dangerous than a country's innovation.

At the beginning, the common people hated the oppression of the noble more than anyone, but once they were in a high position, they would instinctively strengthen their family.

Every cabinet official present will be able to open at least one prestigious family in the future.

The grass-roots units in Jingguo and even Shengyuan, especially at the county and town levels, are basically controlled by families.

Turning agriculture into industry and accelerating urbanization are effective means to resolve local forces, but it takes too long for Fang Yun to wait.

Finally, Fang Yun said firmly: "it is the responsibility of every official and the responsibility of the temple of punishment to bring to justice those who break the law and commit crimes. This basic principle can never be shaken. Any force trying to resist the national law is a mantis, and it is beating an egg against a stone!"

All Cabinet officials remained silent.

Fang Yun looked at the crowd in disappointment and said, "let's go. Next, you'll be very busy. If you don't want to do it, you can submit your resignation. I won't embarrass you, but as long as I stay in Jingguo for one day in the future, you won't want to work in Jingguo."

Everyone was surprised.

Fang Yun left.

The officials left slowly.

That afternoon, three cabinet officials resigned.

The next morning, a woman sounded the dengwen drum at the gate of the Imperial Palace in the capital and sued the eldest grandson of the fourth room of the Chen Sheng family for killing her father.