Each chapter of the Analects of Confucius is different in length and in depth. In addition, this is Fang Yun, which is as important as the chapter of "learning from time to time" at the beginning. This last chapter points out the destiny, gentleman, ceremony, legislation, speech, knowledge and people in a strong way, echoing each other from a distance, and the word "learning" runs through the whole book.

Fang Yun repeatedly whispered the last chapter.

"Confucius said: 'if you don't know your life, you don't think you are a gentleman; if you don't know etiquette, you can't stand; if you don't know your words, you can't know people.'"

When commenting on the above, Fang Yun felt that he had overdrawn all his strength, because the ancient sages could not complete the annotation of the holy classics in a few days, often for several years or even decades.

Fang Yun wanted to write separately as he did in the history of ancient demons, but first, he could complete the new annotation of the Analects in the burial Valley, which would be of great help to him. Second, he had a feeling that if he interrupted the Analects now, he might lose a great opportunity and blessing.

Therefore, even if you feel that you can't support it, Fang Yun hasn't interrupted, pondered repeatedly, and even consumed holy Qi.

After a full rest for an hour, Fang Yuncai picked up his pen and finished the last part of the new notes to the Analects of Confucius while teaching.

After writing the last full stop, Fang Yun, who was pale, exhaled a long breath, then looked up at the sky and listened.

Above the sky, there were cloudy clouds, in which the huge shadow of the blood tree could be seen faintly.

Nothing happened, not even the voice of the holy way. It was better for Fang Yun to sigh after writing. He was a little disappointed, but when he thought of the opening of the Analects, Fang Yun even began to snore, and the snoring was still very loud.

Fang Yun snored on the top, while the other demons shook their heads below. So far, they have not come out of the new notes to the Analects of Confucius, and are still deeply studying the text and meaning of the Analects of Confucius.

A few demon men even took out paper and pen and carefully recorded all Fang Yun's words, including those that were not suitable for writing in the new notes to the Analects of Confucius.

After twelve hours, Fang Yun woke up and opened his eyes. What he saw was the familiar clouds covering the sky. His brain was empty for a long time before he stretched out and sat up slowly.

Most of the demons below fell asleep in disorder and snored like thunder. A few of them looked strange and anxious. They were completely immersed in the Analects of Confucius and were still studying.

Teaching and learning are different. Fang Yun pays more energy than the demon man who listens to the class.

Fang Yun got up slowly, looked at these demons, thought for a moment, looked at the valley, and finally his eyes fell on the trunk of the blood tree.

When I saw the blood tree before, it was full of tyranny. Now the bark surface was as warm as jade, and the blood red texture became clear. The surface was like wrapping pulp, as if it had been washed by inexplicable Weili raccoon, and became more pure.

After meditating for half an hour, Fang Yun wrapped the stone fetal blood eggs in eggshells and other objects into his swallowing seashells. Then he took the traveling stream and didn't turn back to leave the canyon under the escort of two incomplete imperial spirit skeletons.

Until Fang Yun walked out of the canyon, the enchanted demon man and the sleeping demon man suddenly woke up and turned around to look at Fang Yun's back.

Fang Yun, dressed in green, stood on his forehead, like stepping on the river and sea, floating between heaven and earth.

Many demons suddenly felt that the world seemed to be opened by Fang Yun. At the same time, they gave birth to a faint feeling of admiration.

The snake king imitated the human race, got up and bowed 90 degrees.

"Congratulations to your teacher."

The rest of the demons immediately gave a big gift in good order and sent it to Fang Yun.

The distant forest moves gently with the wind, like a demon. Congratulations to the teacher.

Fang Yun's mouth was filled with a shallow smile.

If you are promoted to a great Confucian in the three realms so quickly, there must be many hidden dangers. If you don't have the help of semi saint, the consequences will be worrying. Before entering the holy burial Valley, Wang Jinglong once reminded Fang Yun that after being promoted to a great Confucian in the holy burial Valley, he should improve his realm as soon as possible and don't worry about hidden dangers. At that time, he will help. It's a big deal that he will hold the Scriptures and read them around Fang Yun for a year and a half. No matter how big the hidden dangers will be eliminated.

However, after writing the Analects of Confucius, Fang Yun felt that all his hidden dangers had disappeared, both before and after.

For readers, poetry is inferior to articles, and articles are inferior to classics.

Whether the history of ancient demons or other books, Fang Yun mainly relies on other people's strength, but this is different from the new notes to the Analects of Confucius, which is completely the integration of Fang Yun's learning over the years.

The process of writing the new notes to the Analects of Confucius is far more complex than expected. We should not only sort out and summarize what we have learned, but also excavate and deepen our memory. At the same time, we should eliminate the weeds and preserve the truth.

The process of writing this book is the process of refining, eliminating all impurities in the mind and making the essence more pure. This is one of the best ways to practice.

If you hesitate a little before, you can't finish it at one go. On the contrary, you will leave hidden dangers in the holy valley.

Now, Fang Yun looks into the sky and the world is transparent.

"Next, it's best if the moon tree core can be engraved with a fierce tree map. It doesn't matter if it can't be done. After all, the harvest of this trip to the tree world has been extraordinary. In the inheritance of tree Zun and negative Yue, there are still some excellent places in the tree world, but they are too dangerous. I'm afraid it's difficult to get any benefits with my current strength. There are great opportunities for dragons to turn around in the outside world I still have a chance to fish in troubled waters. "

"Next, I should go straight to the Terran blood tomb cemetery to find the Terran holy mausoleum and complete Mr. Jing Long's last request. Unfortunately, the demon man can never let me in. Before I have absolute strength, I'd rather abandon the Terran holy mausoleum treasures than die. In this way, I should go to Zhilei mountain to see how old Mr. Ye Hongyu enters the hanging mountain from Zhilei mountain Tianjiang, see if you can meet the ancient demon holy thing. "

"I have been promoted to three realms now, and there are three incomplete imperial spirit skeletons, which is already a real imperial strength. Unless I meet a great master at the level of demon emperor, no one can beat me, so I don't have to keep a low profile. However, I still need to be careful. If the demon world really prepares many forbidden magic trees and uses them when I see me, it will be more bad than good."

Fang Yun had a headache when he thought of the forbidden magic tree. Many amazing talents in history were trapped by the forbidden magic tree, unable to control the vitality of heaven and earth, unable to make it powerful, and finally fell.
