Dong Wencong got up and slowly studied the ink while holding the ink ingot. He said, "it's just that the Ministry of officials issued a document to warn, and neither the cabinet nor the Empress Dowager came forward, which is harmless."

Fang Yun was expressionless and said, "for them, the people just go to the streets and fight, smash and rob. It's not worth their trouble. Oh, what I said is biased. At least the Zuo Xiang party cares very much. After all, they can find a chance to attack you and me."

Dong Wencong was silent. He had found the characteristics of Fang Yun. He always stood on the position of the people and never regarded himself as a bureaucrat.

Then Fang Yun dipped his pen and ink and began to write memorials.

Seeing that Fang Yun didn't let him leave, Dong Wencong secretly looked at the contents of the memorial in association with Fang Yun's words before.

It is written in the memorial that in order to cope with the chaotic situation in Xiangzhou, the cabinet is strongly required to establish a "Xiangzhou Qingguo affairs room", referred to as the "Qingguo affairs room", which combines military and political affairs, so as to avoid being helpless due to the transit of Qingguo army and avoid arousing public anger.

The memorial briefly explains what happened in various places today. Although there is no one to blame, it secretly points out that the current situation in Xiangzhou is inseparable from the cabinet's neglect of Qing affairs. If the "temporary military affairs room" is established in advance to eliminate the impact of Qing looting, this will not happen in various places in Xiangzhou.

Seeing this, Dong Wencong suddenly realized why Fang Yun said that it was a blessing in disguise. The Xiangzhou affair was obviously a ghost between Qing officials and Qing officials, but Fang Yun put the blame on Zuo Xiang. Fang Yun's proposed Qing affairs room is much higher than the temporary military affairs room, and it can exist all the time.

Subsequently, Fang Yun wrote Chunwang and delivered the document to the spring garden, where the memorial was submitted by the people.

The written and memorial books are different. The contents of the book are kept secret, but the memorials will be handled by many people. Fang Yun deliberately let other officials of Jingguo hold an emergency cabinet meeting on the same day in Wen River and Jiang River, and clearly express their support for the party with the right phase Cao Dean, and ask for a reply from the left side and the auxiliary phase. Otherwise, if the state is chaotic, the responsibility is not Fang Yun, but Liu Shan and Si Yueqing.

Subsequently, there was a rumor among Jingguo officials that the reason why so many cities in Xiangzhou took to the streets was that Fang Yun secretly instigated it to coerce the cabinet, only to establish a Duqing affairs room and take over the power of Xiangzhou, and then you can do whatever you want.

However, Liu Shan has not said that he obviously disagrees with Fang Yun's establishment of the Duqing affairs room. Once it is established, Fang Yun can even bypass the cabinet and completely control the military and political affairs of Xiangzhou.

That night, Jingguo seemed very calm.

Xiangzhou Di Bao is a branch between Shengdao and Wenbao. It is published on the fifth, 15th and 25th day of each month.

On July 15, according to the opinion of Xiangzhou Di Bao, the editor and reviewer Guan Yi published an article on "what's wrong with making him three feet". The next Xiangzhou Di Bao should be published on July 25.

However, on the early morning of July 21, the Xiangzhou rites Department suddenly published a supplement to the Xiangzhou Di Bao, which was no longer distributed to grade officials everywhere, and even began to give free gifts in various cities.

This is a rare cloud in Fang Yun's eyes of Xiangzhou Di Bao.

"Xiangzhou has been eroded so far." Fang Yun sighed softly. Today, he found that Xiangzhou is far more chaotic than what the outside world and he knew before.

Dong Wencong was stunned because he had known Fang Yun for many years. Only when he gambled with the demon world did Fang Yun have a similar dignified expression.

Dong Wencong hesitated for a moment and said, "it's just a supplement. Why do you attach so much importance to it?"

Fang Yun glanced at Dong Wencong and sighed in his heart that the officials and scholars of this era did not understand the power of the media. Even if Qingguo used the power of newspapers and periodicals, it was just a mistake. The main reason for the collapse of the superpower in the north of ancient China was the joint efforts of internal bureaucrats to push the wall. What had the greatest impact on the people was the power of the media to publicize in all directions conducive to the change of dynasties and accelerate the collapse of the country. The former superpower has succeeded in changing its Dynasty, but it has not become better as people imagine. After struggling for more than 20 years, the per capita income has been overtaken by the ancient Chinese country, which has a large population, and the per capita has always been pitifully low.

Change is right, but we can't let the ambitious master the power of change.

"Di Bao and other publications are very important. In the future, this is an extremely powerful force. That's why we can't let our enemies master! The Xiangzhou Di Bao incident now seems to be only a small matter of a state, but I can guarantee that it will become a heavy sum in history!" Fang Yun said.

Dong Wencong, after all, is a Hanlin. He doesn't understand many things because he hasn't experienced and studied. Now Fang Yun points out, he immediately understands it and says, "my lower official can't see which aspect of this event is so important. Since you are so sure, my lower official can only guess that there will be a residence newspaper specially for the public in the future? Equivalent to the national newspaper or private newspaper?"

Fang Yun nodded and said, "that's what I mean. The tide of history is mighty. We can't go against the current."

Dong Wencong's face changed and said, "if there are private newspapers in the future, you and I will obstruct the supplement of Xiangzhou Di Bao, I'm afraid it will leave a reputation for thousands of years."

Fang Yun smiled and said, "why did the people scold the government instead of the business at the first time when there was an accident in the paper workshop?"

"This..." Dong Wencong guessed something vaguely, but he couldn't think thoroughly for a moment.

"This supplement must not have been reviewed by the holy courtyard. Find someone you can trust and ask the punishment Hall of the holy courtyard to send someone to investigate immediately. Then you will follow me all the time." Fang Yun's smile has a different meaning.

Dong Wencong frowned slightly. Although he didn't know Fang Yun's intention, he immediately said, "don't worry, I'll pass the letter now!"

"You can't send letters. You can only talk face to face without leaving any evidence!" Fang Yun said.

"OK! Just a moment!" Dong Wencong said, leaving in a hurry and returning soon.

"Wait! Come and serve tea!" Fang Yun said.

They waited while discussing government affairs.

Two hours later, they received a letter from the holy courtyard. The people from the punishment hall are about to arrive in Xiangzhou to investigate the incident. Please cooperate with Dong Wencong.

After asking for relevant details, Fang Yun got up and said, "go and 'greet' the special envoy of the temple of punishment with me."
