After the incident, local officials rushed out to persuade or disperse the people and maintain order.

The people in most cities dispersed quickly, but the people in four cities didn't leave until they were really hungry at noon.

In the afternoon, local governments reported losses one after another. The burned houses and lost goods alone exceeded 1.2 million taels of silver, not to mention indirect losses.

On the list, they also began to talk about this matter. Similar to the situation a few days ago, Qingguo people continued to attack Xiangzhou, believing that Xiangzhou thieves would only harm their own people, and all acts against Qingguo were wrong.

All scholars in Jingguo are opposed to extreme behavior, but they also point out that this matter is caused by the looting of the Qing army, and Xuanwu army should bear the main responsibility. At the same time, they believe that most of those who really commit extreme behavior are not ordinary people, and ordinary people can never start smashing and looting. Only those local ruffians and hooligans who are brave and fierce in ordinary days can start at this time.

Then, there appeared some Jingguo people in Xiangzhou. Without exception, they were all apologizing to Qingguo, all ashamed that they were Jingguo, all thought it was the stupidest act to oppose Qingguo, and scolded those who took to the streets as Xiangzhou thieves or even Jingguo * * * *.

A person named "Ge songxiao" wrote an article, denouncing the ugly phenomenon of Xiangzhou thieves. He thought that those people were human cancer and Jingguo cancer, and decided to take them down to the shop opened by the people of Qingguo nearby tomorrow. Whoever dares to come, he will take people to fight back, defend kindness and justice, and not Xiangzhou thieves.

As soon as this article was published, all Qingguo scholars supported it one after another. Some Jingguo people felt that this man was not bound by his mind and had no too humble national consciousness. The human race needed this kind of broad-minded righteous man most, and they also praised him one after another.

Scholars from other countries also feel that GE songxiao is outspoken, saying that once he goes to Xiangzhou, he will certainly find him to drink and talk about the world.

For a time, GE songxiao's fame list exploded.

After an hour, someone questioned Ge songxiao and said that GE songxiao was Ge Yiming's distant relative and had connections with Ge million of Qingjiang firm. I'm afraid he had ulterior motives.

It was also revealed that this man was a typical Qing official who was firmly opposed to Jing Guo and Fang Yun.

However, only a few rational scholars found that these people's remarks were supporting them, but the number was too small to change the situation.

In the southeast of Xiangzhou yamen, there is a small yard, but the plaque at the gate of the yard makes passers-by very careful.

The governor's offices of the two states.

The governor's office was not completed, and there was no governor's office in Xiangzhou before. Now Fang Yun can only work in the state government office. There are only ten officials and clerks in it, and they are all temporarily transferred from baling government office, state government office and various departments.

At ordinary times, these people are mainly responsible for receiving various documents and giving them to Fang Yun for reading. They rarely send out documents or Fang Yun's orders, because Fang Yun has not fully exercised the governor's power so far, and these people can't handle it. They have to do it step by step.

Fang Yun is working with Dong Wencong to formulate some rules and regulations, mainly stipulating what matters must be submitted to the governor's office for examination and approval, what matters can only be submitted to the governor's office for filing, etc. It will not take more than ten days to formulate a detailed system of the governor's office.

Fang Yun has long stipulated that emergencies in various places must be reported to the governor's office at the first time, so today, ten people in the small governor's yard are busy making a group, and the state yamen constantly transcribes documents from various places and sends them to Fang Yun's desk.

Fang Yun never issued any orders, just read the documents.

It was not until the evening that Dong Wencong dragged her tired body to Fang Yun's office, saluted first, and then said with a bitter smile: "Excuse me for being rude, I won't be polite. I've been busy dealing with the people going to the streets all day and fighting fires almost everywhere. Most of the people have dispersed, but sporadic events have occurred in the afternoon. Most officials are dealing with them wholeheartedly, but some officials... You know, they not only give up, but also deliberately indulge, and even add fuel to the fire. Qing Guan , Jingguan, it's ridiculous. They are all Xiangzhou people and Jingguo people. Even the officials are completely different. How can the people be one? "

Dong Wencong also ignored etiquette and sat down on the chair in front of Fang Yun's table, a little frustrated.

Fang Yun said, "what do you think of today's people going to the streets?"

Dong Wencong's face flashed an awkward look and said, "last time, in order to put pressure on Qingguo, the officials arranged the people to go to the streets to oppose it, but today's going to the streets has nothing to do with the local Yamen. It's obvious that someone else did it. This is probably the result of self eating."

"What do you do?" Fang Yun asked.

Dong Wencong thought for a long time, gently shook his head and said, "I've ordered people to conduct a thorough investigation, but Qing officials cover up and can't find anything. In Xiangzhou, Qing officials are powerful. Except for officials transferred from other places, most Jing officials won't take the initiative to make enemies with Qing officials even if they support Jing Guo. After all..."

"After all, they are all our own people. If Xiangzhou returns to Qingguo in the future, we can at least continue to be colleagues," Fang Yun added.

Dong Wencong nodded and then asked, "Sir, what do you think? You didn't order today."

"Repeating the old technique and repeating the old tune is nothing more than creating trouble, undermining the prestige of Jingguo and... Diverting people's attention," Fang Yun said.

Dong Wencong was shocked and immediately woke up and said: "You're right. Xuanwu army should have been prepared for robbing the people. In order to attack your prestige and humiliate Jingguo, Xiangzhou people yearn for Qingguo. Yingfang Pavilion and Qingjun just happened to appear, but the two events were linked together, which aroused the common hatred of the people and hated Qingguo even more. Qingguo and Xiangzhou Qing officials never wanted to see the common hatred of the people towards Qingguo, so they arranged this meeting People go to the streets and create trouble. Now many people don't care about Yingfang Pavilion and looting. Instead, they are guided by many scholars and turn into mobs criticizing those who beat, smash and rob. Now all places are scolding Xiangzhou thieves. All those who oppose Qingguo are insulted. Many people don't dare to oppose Qingguo in front of others and achieve their goal. "

Fang Yun looked at Dong Wencong and said slowly, "this is not the first time. We can't do it again and again. If this kind of thing continues to happen and continues despite repeated prohibitions, it shows that Xiangzhou officials have either betrayed Jingguo from top to bottom or are a group of incompetent waste!"

Dong Wencong was afraid to speak, and Fang Yun's words were too harsh.

Suddenly, their eyes moved and looked at each other, holding their official seals.

The urgent missionary of the Ministry of officials.

When they saw it, they were extremely helpless. It was the order document of the Ministry of rites, which severely pointed out that the inaction of Xiang state governor Fang Yun, state shepherd Dong Wencong and state governor Fang Shouye led to the outbreak of large-scale people taking to the streets.

Dong Wencong said helplessly, "Sir, what should I do? You don't care about the evaluation of the Ministry of officials, but I'm afraid the lower officials will be suspended this year."

"A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise." Fang Yun smiled and picked up his pen calmly.
