For any country, the imperial examination is the most important. The importance of the imperial examination is even more than that of officials, agriculture, military affairs and so on, because as long as the imperial examination can select excellent talents, all other affairs will not be a problem.

Therefore, after discovering the strength of Ji county and Ning'an County, monarchs and cabinet elders of various countries secretly sent a large number of people to learn arts.

After this Jinshi test, 50000 new Jinshi have been added to the Shengyuan mainland alone. With the rest of the world, the number of new Jinshi of the Terran has soared by 100000!

Later, Fang Yun received a good news from the liangjieshan military department that 10000 Jinshi will go to liangjieshan in the coming years. After rigorous training, those Jinshi will fight collectively with a battalion of 1000 people and become a new force on liangjieshan.

When Fang Yun got the news, his eyes lit up. At the order of the ten thousand Jinshi army, the main sword imitated the sword and ten thousand swords were fired at the same time. All the demons under the demon king must die.

The demon king is very powerful. The Jinshi's swords can't even leave traces on their Qi and blood armor. However, if all Jinshi bury their imitation swords in one place, it's enough to kill the demon king!

Moreover, ten thousand Jinshi can summon tens of millions of war poetry soldiers. Before ten thousand Jinshi, there is no enemy under the demon king.

Terrans are not as powerful as demons, but they are making progress all the time!

Moreover, this is only at the beginning of next year. By the end of next year, I'm afraid there will be a second army of 10000 scholars. In another year, it will inevitably increase by 40000 or 50000!

Hanlin or above cannot be cultivated on a large scale, but Jinshi can.

With the help of Wenqu star, the number of Terran Jinshi will grow rapidly every year.

The news that ten thousand soldiers were coming inspired the whole army, and the morale of liangjieshan suddenly improved. In some periods, they even beat the demon man, which made the demon man at a loss.

The demon barbarian was forced to increase troops again, and the number of attack barbarian kings increased from 300 to 500.

The two sides stuck together again.

At the end of the twelfth lunar month is the Spring Festival. People all over the world celebrate the Spring Festival, but on Liangjie mountain, no one cares about the upcoming new year's Eve, and no one cares about the new year.

Like all the soldiers, Fang Yun couldn't even write a letter to his family and killed the demon man.

On the morning of the Lunar New Year's Eve, the Pearl River army joined the war as usual. In the evening, the defense changed, retreated down the two boundary mountains and the whole army rested.

It was not until they saw that the dinner was steaming dumplings that many soldiers realized that today was new year's Eve.

Fang Yun and other generals did not prepare any festive banquet, but ate steaming dumplings with all the soldiers.

After eating dumplings silently, the whole army relaxed or washed as usual, and then fell asleep at night. Tomorrow is a rest, but I have to train half the day.

There was no sound of firecrackers on the two mountains, and the soldiers of the whole army slept soundly.

No one cares that today is new year's Eve, no one will watch the night, no one will be homesick, and no one will cry because they are too tired.

For the other party, today is no different from usual.

After dinner, Fang Yun took out the Dragon horn to sharpen the real dragon ancient sword. With each layer of dragon horn powder, the power of the real dragon ancient sword will increase by one point.

After honing the ancient sword of Zhenlong, Fang Yun studied, and then practiced swords and war poems in the side hall of Wengong.

With continuous practice, Fang Yun's war poems have steadily improved. War poems such as the killing of the mortal world and the jade gate pass have reached the second boundary and moved towards the third boundary. Once they reach the third boundary, their power is equivalent to that of College scholars' war poems. They are often used because they consume less talent.

However, the higher the position of the war poetry, the more characteristics, and better able to deal with complex situations.

At dawn in the morning, Fang Yun took out his paper and began to write the history of ancient demons. Every time Fang Yun wrote the history of ancient demons, he would feel that he was driving his strength. Once he finished the first part of the history of ancient demons, he believed that he would get great benefits.

Now it is the first day of the lunar new year. Fang Yun is still writing at his desk and concentrating.

After a while, the official seal moved slightly. This vibration was not an ordinary or urgent transmission, but an official transmission from Liangjie mountain or holy courtyard. Fang Yun put the brush on the pen holder and took the official seal to check.

This is a letter from the military department of liangjieshan. The number of barbarian kings has been increased to 1000. If the demon barbarian increases troops again, he will invite a group of great scholars to join the war.

Half an hour later, Fang Yun received another letter from the military department of liangjieshan. King manwang showed signs of attacking the city and ordered a group of great scholars to go.

Fang Yun did not receive the recruitment order. He believed that the scholars on the city wall could resist those demons and barbarians. If the city wall needed him, the Ministry of war would naturally order.

Therefore, Fang Yun continued to write the history of ancient demons.

At more than five o'clock in the morning, Fang Yun collected his pen and was ready to relax his mind, read some simple books, and then prepare for breakfast.

Suddenly, the whole Liangjie mountain was shocked!

Subsequently, the voice of Chen Ben, a great scholar who guarded the boundary, spread all over Liangjie mountain.

"The demon world launched a sneak attack by all kings, and all the scholars in the imperial forest and above will ascend the city immediately!"

Fang Yun was stunned for a short moment. He stepped into the clouds, broke out of the door and flew to the wall as fast as possible. At this time, it was no longer necessary to climb stairs or take the mechanism elevator.

While goofy was flying, Fang Yun was calming his mood. Unexpectedly, demon man launched wanwang to ascend the city on the morning of the first day of the New Year!

Only in the first two boundary mountain war did this scale of battle appear. Although there were demon king and Barbarian King attacking the city before the battle of Bi Shen, it could not reach this scale at all.

Wanwang ascends the city, which probably means that this will be the moment to decide the victory or defeat of Bi Shen's war!

Many thoughts flashed through Fang Yun's mind, thinking about specific combat means, how to obstruct the demon king and the Barbarian King, how to protect his life in the fierce battle, the intention of the demon world, the strength of the human race, and the reason why all kings ascended the city

However, in the blink of an eye, Fang Yun understood why the demon world launched ten thousand kings to ascend the city at this time. Obviously, the demon world already knows that the Terran has increased by 100000 Jinshi. If it is dragged down, it doesn't need much to wait for most of the Jinshi pregnant sword to succeed. It only needs 10000 or 20000 to enter the two boundary mountains, which will become a stumbling block for the demon world.

"The progress of the demon world is a little big. If it were changed to that year, it would never change the battle plan because of tens of thousands of Jinshi. It seems that the person who dominates Bi Shen's war is likely to be an anti race scholar. However, his status is still not comparable to that of the demon barbarian, so it is difficult to command the battle completely according to his own ideas. He can only guide the plan of the demon barbarian at the critical time. Now the ten thousand kings ascend the city, It is indeed a fatal blow to Liangjie mountain! "

Fang Yun thought, looked around and found that there were clouds flying everywhere in the two boundary mountains, galloping to the north wall of the boundary mountain.

Some Hanlin who didn't make great progress called out the poetry of galloping war and hurried on the ground as fast as possible.

The battalions used to be quiet, but now there is a lot of trouble. All the soldiers are dressing and arming quickly.

Fang Yun rose to two hundred feet and looked ahead.

The dense shadows are like bats jumping from the sky to the wall of Jieshan mountain. Under the demon moon, vitality is like waves and blood is like tide.
