On the same day, the mountain troops of the two circles issued a document that the fighting time of the whole army was reduced to 12 hours, the defense was changed every 12 hours, and a day off was taken after 12 hours of fighting.

The atmosphere in the two boundary mountains is even more tense, because it will only be so in the first two boundary mountains war. Once it goes further and changes its defense every six hours, it will enter a period of comprehensive confrontation. If it changes its defense every two hours, it will be the final battle of life and death. There can be no carelessness.

In the last war of liangjieshan that year, both sides have made every effort. Terrans and Dragons change defense almost every two hours. A large number of Terran and Aquarium soldiers use their lives to fill liangjieshan.

Fang Yun received the document, looked outside and changed his defense once every 12 hours, which means that there are only 40 million soldiers participating in the war, and the reserve army should have at least the same number, and the army under training should have at least 40 million.

Liangjieshan has been completely transformed into a terrorist war organ.

On the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, the third batch of armies of the literary world had been trained. The state of Chu sent two armies, one of which was directly incorporated into the Qishan army and the other was the flying bear army, led by the king of Jingjun.

The battle suddenly became fierce.

Once again set foot on Liangjie mountain, Fang Yun had no time to read, but kept staring at the battle between the Pearl River Army and the demon man in front.

Because there are 300 barbarian kings in front of them who continue to use magic, the tactics of the Pearl River Army have been weakened to the extreme, and they can no longer stop the demon barbarian from climbing the city, so the battle on the city wall is particularly fierce.

A large number of war poetry soldiers will fight with demons and barbarians, while Terran officers and soldiers will be in the rear, or shoot with bows and crossbows, or use war poetry, and Fang Yun is at the end of the army.

In previous battles, Fang Yun only used war poems more than 20 times a day on average. After the emergence of the 300 barbarian kings, the number of war poems Fang Yun used every day soared to 100. Now he has used more times and can be regarded as fully participating in the war. Only in order to prevent the sneak attack of the demon barbarian kings, his Qi has been maintained at about 80%.

The university students of the other armies can only maintain their talent at about 60%. If they want to maintain more talent, the armies will inevitably have huge casualties.

The military department of liangjieshan has ordered that all the great scholars or scholars should always be ready to be recruited even if they rest after the defense change. Once the demon king and the Barbarian King suddenly attack the city, all the great scholars must go to the city to fight.

The fierce battle makes everyone abandon their selfish thoughts. There is no room for any other thoughts except killing demons and barbarians and living.

It seems that everyone has forgotten Gou Bao's bet, and no one cares about the king of Chu's actions.

Zhang Jingan writes a letter to Fang Yun every once in a while. Now he has entered the literary world to study secretly. At the end of each letter, he always encouraged Fang Yun, hoping that Fang Yun would become the first army in liangjieshan, insert the flag of the Pearl River Army at the head of liangjieshan, record it in history and wash away Zhang Wankong's reputation.

However, the ranking of the top 30 of the liangjieshan military skill book has almost been fixed, because all armies are very powerful, have the same combat time, encounter similar numbers of demons and barbarians, and do not compete for merit. The daily increase in combat merit of all armies is almost the same.

The Pearl River Army has been in the tenth position and has not fallen, but it is difficult to go further.

The Pearl River Army has good luck and is very efficient in killing demons. However, the experience of the main force in the literary world is much richer than that of the Pearl River Army. Moreover, the number of scholars in each literary position is twice that of the Pearl River Army, and the overall strength is far higher than that of the Pearl River Army.

However, having won Gou Bao, the officers and men of the Pearl River Army no longer care about the ranking and seriously eliminate demons and barbarians.

On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Jinshi examination in all parts of the Terran nation officially began, and the whole people who were participating in the war on liangjieshan sighed and lost this opportunity, but no one complained.

A few days later, the list was released all over the world.

There are ten first-class in the ten Jinshi subjects. Without Fang Yun, there is no first-class in Jingguo.

This year, Jingguo people are not as lost as in previous years, because class a can indeed prove that a country is strong in some aspects, but the proportion of class B is equally important.

If only the proportion of class B candidates in domestic candidates is calculated, Jingguo ranks fourth, second only to kongcheng, Shu and Qiguo, and has become the focus of human discussion, which means that Jingguo's national strength is rising!

Jingguo publishes a list of the number of Jinshi in each city every year. The first city is naturally the capital, and the next four cities are the capitals of four states. According to the law of previous years, from the sixth, the capitals of each government compete for ranking.

However, Ji county and Ning'an county all broke into the top ten. The number of Jinshi in the county exceeded that in Fucheng, which attracted the attention of ten countries. After all, one government governs nine counties, and the number of Jinshi in Fucheng is often ten times that in the county.

As a result, scholars all over the Terran nation yearn more for Wudao River and Ning'an county.

Many people have also found that the Jinshi in Ji county pay more attention to Confucianism, while the Jinshi in Ning'an county are mainly majoring in workers, farmers, Legalists, doctors and so on, but a few are majoring in Confucianism.

Among the Jinshi in Ning'an County, the proportion of scholars majoring in workers' family is the highest in the country, because in Ning'an County, workers' scholars can get real dignity and due remuneration!

After the intelligence personnel of various countries submitted the information to the cabinet, cabinet officials of various countries were furious, because more than one-third of the Jinshi in Ning'an county this year were scholars or their descendants, which was a brain drain for all countries.

Select with your feet.

Cabinet officials all over the world regretted that if some of them stayed in their own country, they would certainly get better treatment in the future. However, those people firmly believed that they could settle down in Ning'an county. Besides the appeal of Fang Yun, what's the reason?

Therefore, officials from various countries investigated one after another and soon understood that there was a problem with education and publicity, which was the fault of the Ministry of rites and the Academy of Arts.

It was not until then that cabinet officials of various countries found out what waste their own education and propaganda personnel were. Compared with officials in Ning'an County, they were just a group of pigs.

The relevant officials of those big countries are barely OK, but when the educators of those weaker countries compile their own compulsory textbooks, all noble and friendly people take the scholars of other countries as examples, and all those who commit crimes or make mistakes take the scholars of their own countries as examples. This is no longer educating students, but treason.

There are also some scholars in the Ministry of rites who take their own salaries and help other countries speak.

The most exaggerated thing is that Wu Shaoqing of Honglu temple in the state of Shen openly accused the officials of the Ministry of military of his own country of being narrow, and believed that it was foolish to excessively suppress the barbarians. The main mission of Honglu temple should ensure the interests of both the country and the barbarians, not just for the benefit of the human race.

As a result, the cabinet of several big countries immediately launched a ruthless purge of some government offices, which did not allow those people to continue to harm their own country. However, there were few thunder and heavy rain in several small countries, because the forces behind those people were complex, they knew everything about foreign countries, and the evidence was conclusive. They dared not arrest them, so they had to compromise.

Some Qingliu imperial historians have nowhere to vent their anger and scold the cabinet for being blind and the country will be defeated.

Some scholars who know the inside story are even more disappointed with the country and are even ready to leave for Ning'an.

Many scholars have long been used to watching coldly. Where do those senior officials care about the harm of those officials to their country and the future of their students? Their main responsibility is to strive for power and profit, and the second is to govern the country.
