When they saw Fang Yun appear, they all stopped talking and came closer.

Most male scholars are somewhat restrained for fear that what they say and do will offend Fang Yun. On the contrary, the women on horseback are outgoing and open-minded. In this era of son preference, only women with this character can break through all kinds of constraints and join the famous women's society.

Fang Yun glanced at thousands of people, quickly printed them into his mind and immediately recognized most of them.

Although those women have no literary position, they are human. All scholars admit that it is not surprising that if a woman in the women's society becomes a man, she will at least have the level of raising people. In the end, even if she becomes a great scholar.

Unfortunately, due to lack of talent, women in the women's society are full of poetry and books, and it is difficult to achieve real achievements.

Recently, due to the decline of Wenqu, the talent of the human race has greatly increased, and the women's society has become more active. Some members even took a banner to walk at the foot of Daofeng mountain to petition for women, hoping that the human race can open the lowest child literature position for women, so that women can work for the human race as well.

Ninety nine percent of scholars regard this as a joke. After all, there has never been a precedent for women to become scholars.

Another 10% is just sympathy.

Only Fang Yun published an article on the discussion list, supporting women in the women's society, and believed that once they had enough talent, they should be allowed to participate in the imperial examination.

Most of the readers who replied to this article were neutral, and no one particularly supported Fang Yun.

A few scholars opposed or even attacked Fang Yun, believing that unless every man can be a child, women must not be allowed to participate in the imperial examination. Some scholars even refuted Fang Yun by quoting the patriarchal content in the holy classics and scolded Fang Yun.

A few extreme scholars went to the temple to report Fang Yun, believing that Fang Yun was shaking the foundation of the human race.

The people in the ritual hall are the most old-fashioned. All the innovations in the ritual hall are forced by scholars. Although they did not like Fang Yun's remarks, Fang Yun did not curse, attack or belittle anyone on the list. He just put forward a novel argument, and the temple had no jurisdiction.

Although women can't read the list, they all have male relatives. The news soon spread to the women's society, which made all the members of the women's society ecstatic. They even copied Fang Yun's article and put it on the main hall of the women's Society headquarters as "the treasure of the town society", and granted Fang Yun as "a great woman" and "a friend of beauty".

Fang Yun smiled after hearing this. Unexpectedly, he became a friend of women.

However, the article was not completed by Fang Yun indiscriminately, but carefully wrote the reasons why some women can participate in the imperial examination, put forward the view of ladder openness, and even pointed out the correct direction for some women to pursue their rights. The women of the women's society extracted these contents, wrote them into the general program of the women's society, and wrote Fang Yun's name after Confucius, becoming the second recognized "head of the honorary society" of the women's society.

Apart from Confucius and Fang Yun, even the six Asian saints and all semi saints were not regarded as the head of the honorary society by them.

It is rumored that after a while, the women's society will officially invite Fang Yun to participate in their social cultural meeting and participate in the grand event.

The women of the women's Club attached great importance to this matter, and Fang Yun didn't joke about it, but it made scholars all over the world laugh. Even if those with high cultivation didn't agree, they didn't make fun of it, but many scholars regarded it as a joke and thought it would become a stain on Fang Yun's life. Others hoped that Fang Yun would draw a clear line with the women's club to avoid becoming a laughing stock and affecting the literary name.

These people thought that Fang Yun would either push off the head of the honorary society or be silent. Unexpectedly, Fang Yun accepted it happily and said that if he had leisure in the future, he would certainly talk about literary theories with the female readers of the women's society to promote the development of the women's society.

Many scholars cannot accept Fang Yun's call of women as "female scholars", and refute it on the list.

Last month, Fang Yun's acceptance of the head of the honorary society was immediately damaged. If Fang Yun had not become an unprecedented top ten champion a few days later, it would be enough to lose one fifth of his name.

Even now, Fang Yun's reputation is at its peak, but driven by some people secretly, Fang Yun has lost one tenth of his literary name, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of many scholars.

Many people persuaded Fang Yun, but Fang Yun resolutely refused to take back those remarks. As a person who once lived in another era and roamed the long river of thousands of years of history, if he didn't even support the women's imperial examination, he would insult the sages and live up to the past era.

Later, he was annoyed by some people. Fang Yun only said that if he took back those remarks, it would damage his courage, and those people would no longer mention them.

When these women saw Fang Yun, they immediately shouted loudly.

"I've seen Fang SheShou!"

Some women laugh and obviously find this title interesting.

Fang Yun smiled and nodded to accept the title.

The other men were helpless, but Fang Yun was called a crazy king after all. If he didn't do something against common sense, the people would feel strange.

Fang Yun's eyes fell on Zhao Hongzhuang in the crowd. They crossed their eyes, nodded gently and smiled at each other.

A young Ju Zi said loudly, "Fang Xusheng, why did you hold this horse culture meeting? Can you tell me in advance?"

"Yes, you are mysterious this time. We don't know what the situation is."

"Well, don't say a few words. Your highness Ji Wang has his own discretion."

Fang Yun didn't speak immediately, but thought in his heart.

Because there is riding and shooting in the six arts of the gentleman, and riding and shooting can cultivate the blood and courage of the Terran, the Terran has always attached great importance to it, so it used the horse culture club.

Junma Cultural Club is usually held only among young people. Scholars in the military family like this kind of cultural club most. Especially in the Wu Kingdom, which advocates fighting, the proportion of the horse culture society accounts for 10% of the total culture society, while the horse culture society in other countries is less than 1%.

The horse culture club focuses on riding and shooting at first, poetry and words at the second time, and generally needs to prepare many venues and facilities before holding.

Fang Yun didn't want to hold the horse culture meeting, but now everyone is looking forward to it. It might as well push the boat with the current.

However, Fang Yun looked at the sky. It was late in winter. At the moment, the sun had not risen. There were not many pedestrians on the road. There were not many people walking between the capital and Tongshan. In addition, there were great Confucianism and great scholars in secret protection, which could ensure that pedestrians would not be hurt.

Fang Yun said with a smile: "this time, I was in a hurry to return to Beijing and I didn't have enough preparation. The horse culture club doesn't have to be too complicated. It's simpler. Riding a dragon horse for 300 miles, the first to reach Tongshan will get a Hanlin culture treasure, the second will get a Jinshi culture treasure, and the third will get a Ju Ren culture treasure. The purpose of the culture treasure is optional. As for the rest, just have a look."

The crowd laughed.

Those aristocratic children don't care about Fang Yun's prize, but others are excited. Even after a rich family, as long as they are not outstanding legitimate sons, it is difficult to get a Hanlin Wenbao. Even if they have one at most, not to mention Fang Yun's saying that the type can be selected, which means they can choose what they lack.

People have no doubt about Fang Yun, because after becoming a virtual saint, Fang Yun received gifts from many aristocratic families. There are not many literary treasures of great Confucianism, but there are many literary treasures of great scholars or below.

Everyone knows that Fang Yun will get married soon. At that time, he will certainly receive many treasures. This Wen Bao is only a drop in the bucket for the other party.

Suddenly, Zhao Hongzhuang raised her chin and said in a high voice, "Your Highness, if we women win the championship and can't use Wenbao, what should we do?"

Some male scholars laughed and one laughed loudly: "Princess Hongzhuang, here are young Junyan from the capital. If you lose to your women's society, you'll have no face to see anyone in the future!"

Zhao Hongzhuang said proudly, "we women are also ranked as young Junyan!"

Some male scholars began to laugh again.

"Literary friends, are you willing to give up the leader of today's horse culture club?"

"No!" those male scholars laughed.

Fangyun Road: "Red makeup princess, Wen Bao is a common color head at the cultural fair. You can't use it now, not necessarily in the future. Besides, Wen Bao is the most cherished thing of the human race and can exchange anything you like. I should treat you equally, regardless of men and women. If you take extra care of you, some of you will think I despise women. Since some people don't believe it If women can win the championship, I, as a participant, would like to make a suggestion. Well, if women in the women's club win the championship today, you can ask every man present to do what he can for the women's club. "

The women of the women's society brightened their eyes, and then secretly praised Fang Yun as a virtual saint, which is different from ordinary men.

Fang Yun does not give preferential treatment to women because of the difference between men and women. This is the basic accomplishment of the initiator of the Cultural Association. It is both fair and respectful to women.

But then I spoke as a participant of the cultural society to defend these women, which is an objective fact. Compared with those male scholars who have been filled with talent, women's health is really much worse.

The reward is fair, but the competition itself is not fair. Once the women win, give them more good treatment, of course.

Some old men also see that Fang Yun is still helping women, because Fang Yun doesn't mention how the women won't win the championship. Since the tangtangji king and Xusheng have said it, they don't need to stand up and remind people to be annoying.

Gentlemen are harmonious but different. At this time, even if you don't agree with Fang Yun's support for women, you should live in harmony, because Fang Yun's behavior is in line with the courtesy of a gentleman. You should watch at most. You shouldn't embarrass the empty saint of the hall because of an insignificant matter.

Zhao Hongzhuang immediately said, "well, as Fang Xu's sanctuary said, if our women win, every man present will do what he can for our women's society!"

Fang Yun looked around at the crowd and asked, "who doesn't agree with you, good son Lang of Jingguo?"

Although some men are unhappy, they don't like to oppose anything in public. After all, they are against the golden mean and don't speak.