Fang Yun recalled everything about Liushan in his mind and found several good means of attack.

Back to Quanyuan, without the government affairs of Ning'an county to deal with, Fang Yun still didn't adapt, so he chatted and played with his family.

He was too busy in Ning'an before. Fang Yun didn't have much time to accompany Yang Yuhuan and nu nu. Today, he played with them late into the night.

After midnight, Fang Yun went to the bamboo forest in the spring garden, took out the Dragon horn of the Jiaowang, and then spit out his words and swords, sharpening the real dragon ancient sword with the Dragon horn of the Jiaowang.

Fang Yun has two dragon horns, each five feet high, but now the first one is only three feet long.

At the time of Jinshi, the effect of sharpening the sword with Jiaowang dragon horn is excellent. The sword enters the country very quickly.

Now, the real dragon ancient sword is strong to a certain extent. The effect of sharpening it with Jiaowang dragon horn is far worse than before. For the other party, it is a waste of time.

Fang Yun thought about it and took out a two and a half foot long Wang Longjiao.

This dragon horn comes from the holy ruins. It comes from a shell with Qi and blood. Fang Yun has never been willing to use it. Now is the best time to use it.

Fang Yun stood the pale Golden Dragon King Dragon horn in front and held it tightly. He saw the sword tip of the real dragon ancient sword against the top of the Dragon horn. The ancient sword moved forward slowly, starting from the sword tip, the blade slowly crossed the Dragon horn, and finally reached the hilt of the real dragon ancient sword.

A shallow scratch appeared on the Dragon horn, and a trace of lost strength bone powder floated in the wind.

There was a layer of light on the blade of the real dragon holy sword. The light slowly penetrated into the sword body and then disappeared.

The real dragon ancient sword is a little heavier than before.

Fang Yun's face brightened. The Dragon horn belongs to the Dragon King. It is not only higher than the Jiaowang, but also a dragon family. It is naturally higher than the Jiaolong. The effect of this horn on real dragon ancient sword is more than 20 times that of Jiaowang dragon horn!

"OK! Last year, I got a dragon holy skull and part of the spine on the Dragon platform. Because many people found it together, it has been handed over to the holy courtyard. Half of them belong to the holy courtyard, and the holy courtyard is not Bai Na. I took out treasures of equal value and gave them to us equally. As for the other half, the Dragon horn is the most precious. I got half of the Dragon horn and some ordinary dragon holy bones alone, and the rest were divided into half of the Dragon horn. When you become a bachelor, you must go to the holy courtyard to get back half of the Dragon horn and sharpen the real dragon ancient sword with the Dragon holy dragon horn, which is enough to make the power of the real dragon ancient sword advance by leaps and bounds. "

After that, Fang Yun put his official seal outside first. Please protect his great Confucianism from the sound of the bamboo forest and prevent it from being spread outside. Then he began to consume his talents and cultivate various war poems.

When he was in Ning'an, Fang Yun had learned all the handed down Hanlin war poems in the holy temple. Today, he can gradually get familiar with them and will not forget to cultivate other war poems.

In addition to understanding the true meaning of the war poetry itself, the most important thing is to practice hard and use it constantly in order to better master it.

In addition to continuous practice, it should also be used in actual combat. The process of application in actual combat is more efficient than one's hard practice.

When only one fifth of his talent is left, Fang Yun stops to practice.

It's two o'clock in the morning. Fang Yun has two hours to go to bed. Just after attending the champion banquet, Fang Yun can rest and sleep for at least two more hours.

Fang Yun returned to the courtyard and stood looking at both sides. On the left is the study and on the right is the bedroom.

Thinking for a few moments, Fang Yun sighed, went to the study, read and studied, and used the last talent to write the history of ancient demons.

It was not until four o'clock in the morning that Fang Yun returned to his bedroom as usual.

It's still the old taste.

The next day, Fang Yun went to Jingguo school palace with his family. On the way, he got a great news.

Within five years, all new scholars who have not entered the school sea are eligible to enter the school sea!

Scholars who have never entered the school world can apply to enter the school world as long as they are under the age of 60 and have made contributions to the human race.

Those who are above the Jinshi level, as long as they have not entered the school sea, regardless of their age, can enter the school sea this year!

After Fang Yun got the news, three words came to mind, big!

The saints have a good spirit.

Opening a Book Mountain and learning sea every year consumes a lot of talents, but not everyone has enough harvest. If anyone makes progress, the gain is not worth the loss.

With the decline of Wenqu this year, the total talent of Shengyuan mainland is bound to show an explosive growth, and many scholars will make a breakthrough. Then those who were unable to enter Shushan school in those years will be eligible to participate after the quota is relaxed.

This is a big bet, because this year's talent consumption is bound to be huge. If these scholars can't make enough contributions to the Terran in the future, the saints will lose.

There is a song from heaven, and the saints have reason to do so.

"Terran, finally began to enter a period of rapid development..."

Fang Yun went back halfway, because this time it involved scholars from all over the Terran nation and even ancient places. There were too many scholars qualified to participate in the study sea this time. They had to get enough time to review and wait until they returned to the nearest holy temple, so it was postponed to three days later.

When he got home, Fang Yun didn't study hard. Instead, he sent an invitation to invite his friends in the capital. He said that in order to celebrate his becoming the No. 1 scholar, he would go to Tongshan mountain for an outing three hundred miles away from the capital tomorrow. In order to arrive quickly, he asked no one who had made great progress to bring his own Jiaoma.

Three hundred miles is not a close distance. Even riding a Jiaoma takes more than an hour.

Fang Yun seldom entertained, and almost never took the initiative to invite people to the party, so all the people who received the invitation enthusiastically participated, and none of them refused.

On the early morning of the fifth day of November, it was dawn in the capital, and the sound of horse hoofs sounded in the streets. Near the north of the city, the sound of horse hoofs was more intense.

Not long ago, thousands of Jiaoma and scholars gathered outside the north gate of the capital. Among them, there were more than 50 female knights, including eldest princess Zhao Hongzhuang, dressed in red and valiant, surrounded by many female knights.

These young people riding Jiaoma gathered in groups and talked loudly. Under many people's seats are rare pure Jiaoma.

Everyone passing by was secretly frightened, because these people were the worst, and even several Hanlin. Moreover, everyone had a great reputation in the capital. There were no shortage of young people at any level, from the humble rookie to the children of aristocratic families.

When the time came, Fang Yun appeared at the north gate of the capital and looked at thousands of people blankly.

Fang Yun turned to ask Fang Yingwu behind him and said, "I only wrote more than 100 invitations yesterday. What means did you use to send 100 invitations to more than 1000 people?"

Fang Yingwu said with a helpless smile, "there's no way. I'm not sure whether to invite relatives and friends on the invitation. These people will come as soon as they hear that you're going to hold a horse culture meeting."

"I'm not a horse club, or an ordinary outing."

"People know what's in Tongshan. Many people suspect that your trip is related to Zuo Xiang. They just don't know what you want to do. Of course, you should follow and watch the excitement."

"There are really a lot of smart people!" Fang Yun smiled.