46 Anna Naomi Macaulay, are you pregnant?

Veronica was pacing to and fro in the living room with her phone in her hand while Samuel was sitting on the sofa, his head resting on it. They both looked at the door when they heard it open. Veronica was surprised when she saw Jason but she didn't let it show, her gaze settled on the petite figure hiding behind him "I am going to ask this only once. Annabelle Naomi Macaulay, are you pregnant?"

Anna and Jason stiffened at the tone of their mother's voice, she already know just like they suspected. Their lips were tight shut and they both kept their gaze on the floor. Seeing them behave like that, Veronica's heart constricted, there is no need asking, their behavior have just proven it "I'm asking you a question young lady" she raised her voice a bit higher this time.

Anna sniffed and slowly nodded her head. Veronica became lost for words, even though she suspected it, seeing her admitting it was a whole different story "who is responsible?" Veronica asked, there is no way she is going to believe that Jason is.

Jason clenched his fists with his head still bowed, Anna gulped and bit her lower lip, what should she say? That her brother is? What will be the reaction of their parents? It's true they have decided to tell them about everything but getting herself to say it was extremely difficult.

Jason took a deep breath and stepped forward a bit "I am" he declared.

Samuel who had just been looking at them sat upright immediately, his gaze locked on Jason "what did you say?"

"Jason" veronica called out "we know that you want to protect Anna, we know that you two care about each other but can't you see that the situation now is serious?"

"Jason, don't tell your jokes now son, like your mother said, this is serious, understand?"

Jason's shoulders slumped when he heard his parents words, he bit his lip and raised his head to look at them "I know dad and I'm not joking."

Veronica and Samuel looked at each other before looking at him again. Anna's heartbeat was thumping really loud that she feared it was going to tear open her chest "we are asking, who is Anna's baby daddy" she clarified.

"That's what I'm saying mom..." He trailed off for a second, his eyes brimmed with tears and he tried his best to keep his balance "I am. I am responsible for Anna's pregnancy."

Sensing the seriousness in his voice and the tears in his eyes, Veronica's legs grew weak and she slumped. Samuel was also in shock and therefore didn't reach out to grab her, she slumped on the sofa with her eyes not leaving Jason's face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't..." Jason trailed off again, what was he to say? That he didn't mean to get his sister pregnant? But he did sleep with her and he enjoyed every minute of it.

Veronica opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, she looked at Samuel but he was still staring at Jason, his eyes filled with shock and then slowly, it was being replaced by something else, anger, yes, anger. Seeing that, Veronica tried to call on him "Sam..."

Samuel was on his feet in the next minute and was before Jason in the blink of an eye, he grabbed him by his collar and raised his right hand in a tight fist to punch his face. Jason stood there, helpless, he was ready, ready to accept whatever that was coming to him for he deserved it. Samuel's raised fist shook in mid air, his eyes burning with rage, his fist shaking violently as he tried to stop it from meeting his son's face.

Watching the way her father was holding and staring at Jason, Anna's heart leaped to her throat, she had never seen her father so angry and was lost of what to do, but what is she to do anyway? Samuel finally put down his hand and with the one holding Jason's collar, he pushed him and Jason fell a few steps backward, he missed his footing and slumped on the floor, Anna was by his side the next minute to help him up and when he did, he couldn't get himself to look his father in the eyes.

"How could you!" Samuel yelled "you..you...you" his anger couldn't let him frame his words. Veronica was in shock by what she heard but seeing her husband's anger, she feared for her son for she had never seen Samuel so angry in her twenty seven years of marriage to him and she also couldn't get herself to approach him "you disappoint me to the very last core!"

Jason stood with his head lowered, he was ashamed, of himself but not of his love for his sister, even him is surprise at his heart, how can he still be true to his love for her in this situation?

"Sam, please calm down. We cannot sort this out with violence" Veronica said.

"Violence? Solve what Vero? There is absolutely nothing to solve. He got his sister pregnant! How can you say this outside?"

"Dad please, it's not all of Jason's fault..." Anna was saying when Jason grabbed her wrist.

"Not now Anna" he whispered to her with a shook of his head.

"How did this happen?" Samuel asked.

"I'm sorry dad" Jason began again "I..." He bit his lip with his head still bowed "I didn't mean to lose control over my feelings, I didn't mean to disappoint you. I thought I could control my feelings, I didn't know I will one day lose myself to it."

"What are you talking about?" Samuel asked with a frown.

Jason sighed and mustered up the courage to look up at his parents "I noticed about my abnormal feelings for Anna when I was twelve. I have been keeping it hidden within me all these while, I knew getting together with her will be a sin and besides, there is absolutely no way it's possible for us to be together."

"But you still did!" Samuel slammed the flower vase on the floor causing both Anna and Veronica to jump and Jason to flinch.

"Yes, but that was because I found out she feels the same way too, I couldn't control myself, I couldn't stop myself knowing she feels the same way I do, I got lost to the control of my feelings" he sniffed as a tear slipped down his face.

Veronica was shocked because ever since Jason turned two, she had never seen him cry again. Her heart clenched at that and she was overwhelmed with the urge of walking up to him and pulling him in her arms but she knows she can't, the discussion at hand was so grave and she can't risk getting on her husband's bad side too.

"You are trying to tell me that you in love with your own sister?" Samuel bawled at him.

Jason closed his eyes and took a deep breath "yes."

Samuel was shocked, looking at him, his limps grew weak and he sat on the sofa, his eyes not leaving Jason "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry and I'm not going to ask you to forgive me or any of the sort. I know I'm wrong and I'm ready for whatever punishment that you are going to bestow on me but please" his lips quivered "please dad, don't hurt Anna, it's not her fault, she did nothing. It's all me, I manipulated her and I molested her, so please punish me for it but don't...don't punish her, please" tears stripped down his face and Anna felt like crying her eyes out, why is he still trying to protect her? She thought they agreed to receive punishment from their parents, why does he want to take everything on himself now?

"When...when did all these start?" Samuel asked in a more quieter voice, almost a whisper.

"Last year, after Thanksgiving, when you and mom traveled" Jason answered.

"And so you took the time to suck up to your sister?" Samuel questioned and then gave a bitter chuckle "I don't really know what to do to you."

Jason bowed his head once again "I'm sorry."

"No dad" Anna suddenly interjected from behind Jason and he turned to look at her and shook his head again but she ignored him. She took some steps forward "I know this is wrong and I know we have sinned against you, against morality and against the world" she sniffed "but truth is, I really, really love Jason."

"Anna stop, not now" Jason tried to pull her back but she wriggled her hand free from his grasp.

"I know you will punish us but please whatever it will be, don't separate us."


"Dad, mom. All those while I kept on switching boyfriends, it was not because I want them. It was because I want to keep myself from thinking about Jason. I started loving him from when I was thirteen and I have always known our love was forbidden and so never tried to let it show but after being with him, I'm afraid, to be separated from him will be too difficult from me now and it might leave me traumatized."