Chapter 175: Emperor Supreme Rule System 1

Name:Rioneed: VRMMORPG Author:ranmaro
He moved his hand to shape a different seal. These five monsters roared at once and launched their combined attacks towards Ibro. This wasn't the first time Ibro had faced these monsters.

His real enemy wasn't them but Droak behind them. Ibro started his real attacks. He used his speed to the most as he evaded the concentrated attacks of these monsters.

Three of these monsters were like the turtle monsters and two were like the snake monsters he faced before. he had good experience in dealing with them.

The weakness of these huge turtles was their slow reaction, while the weakness of these snakes was the close-range attacks. In seconds, Ibro managed to evade all the incoming attacks and pass by these turtles.

He didn't stop though as he attacked fiercely the two snaked with his sword. Each attack was driven by his deep frustration and hatred.

Each attack caused the tremble of these snaked plus deep wounds. But that wasn't enough to take them down. At the same time, the three turtles had turned to face him.

He was now surrounded by the five monsters. If he even managed to kill these snakes he would be heavily attacked by these turtles. If he retreated then he would lose this surprise attack chance and would never have this chance again so easily.

His enemy is that Droak behind these monsters. That was a clever opponent and not like these dummy monsters. He had no way out except using brute force then. He closed his eyes in a strange way. Those who were watching this fight felt strange from his actions.

"You have accepted your fate then. This struggle of you was futile after all. You should have accepted your fate from the very st…"

His words were stopped in the middle while he narrowed his eyes focusing on Ibro. He wasn't the only surprised one here, but those hall masters and above cultivators had felt this dangerous energy erupting from Ibro's body. The peak masters were even able to sense more.

'what are these... energy balls?'One of the immortals thought. 'That's weird. This energy is pure monsters' core energy with some sort of strange energy.' Most of them could realize bits. 'I didn't feel such strange energy before. How can he control this energy with no dantian, not meridians?'

Those in the sky were feeling strange, except Rineo, he knew Ibro was using his energy balls now. He knew also the huge number of them inside Ibro's body.

Ibro was directing these balls towards his sword. He was trying to mimic the technique behind his use of Omega energy to write runes.

This time he used this energy purely in his attacks. Each strike from his sword consumed one Omega ball of his. He needed five strikes to kill these nasty snakes and twenty strikes to kill these turtles.

All of this happened in a very short time. Each swing of his sword was accompanied by a complete strange silence followed by a muffled penetration sound then a loud explosion.

These attacks of his had caused slight trembles of this huge heavy arena. Ibro wasn't satisfied yet. He looked towards Droak as he said for the first time the start of the battle:

"It's your turn now traitor."

Ibro looked at him with angry bulging eyes. His brain was empty except from all the scenes he had experienced from these nasty monsters.

Since his reincarnation, he had faced these monsters when he went to Apidon world. He fought them even in Renalt world he also fought with them. He got cursed from Jognak the brutal.

Even when he moved in time to the past, he faced them at Hilonar and the later Gornat empires. When he left the whole dimensional universe and entered the original universe he fought them.

They tried many times to destroy his village and kill him. Now in this strange unknown world, he faced them. He had reached the limit of his patience with these bastards.

All he thought about was to kill that man and pour all his hatred upon him. He moved rapidly towards that man who just smiled and muttered:

"Do you think this is all the power I got? Idiot… I'm at the fourth foundation establishment stage. I can crush you with my bare fingers idiot."

Suddenly that young man's body got disturbed like a calm lake water surface got disturbed with a rock thrown at it. His body had begun to enlarge at a rapid pace.

'Oh god, that kid will die.'

'That's unfortunate. I really am very curious about his strange energy.'

'That man is using his body merge technique. That boy won't be able to survive this move.'

'That is the logical result after all. That boy is crippled and that man will reach foundation establishment stage 7 after this technique.'

'Do you think we should interfere and save him?'

'What for? He is only a crippled boy with a strange energy. He isn't that unique after all. We have seen many prodigies.'

'I agree. He is just a crippled kid. He won't train and get any stronger after all.'

'Let him die then.'

Ibro didn't know all of this talk about him. He was focusing on that opponent who had transformed in front of him into a huge monster. That was no strange monster to him.

He had met that whale-like monster many times. He didn't stop in his tracks as he neared that monster. When he was 10 meters from it, that monster roared in a deafening sound and moved at a speed that didn't match its huge body.

It tried to hit Ibro's body with its huge body. Ibro wasn't an idiot to let himself get crushed under this mountain of meat. He leaned to the side using his high speed.

This reaction of his fell into his enemy expectations as it moved at once changing its course by turning sharply. Ibro changed his course, retreating this time rapidly.

His speed made him move on par with this huge monster, but he knew this wasn't all. That monster still had many tricks up his sleeve. He was right, while he was retreating that monster used its first trick.

He opened its huge mouth and a laser-like ray of energy emerged from it towards Ibro. It moved at an incomparable speed that he couldn't evade at all, but he was expecting this move.

Once that monster's mouth, Ibro was ready with his sword. He wasn't sure if he faced this attack head-on he would survive, so he chose to evade it.

Once that energy beam appeared on that monster's mouth, he inserted his sword on the ground and focused all his energy to grip that handle strongly.

That sudden action made his body lose balance. Even Ibro wasn't able to determine his next direction of fall, so that made the monster gamble and it lost.

That was also a gamble from Ibro, but wasn't war a life gamble too? Ibro didn't stop when he fell to the other side of the beam. He was sure the monster would use its next trick.

He was right again. That whale-like monster sank into the ground like it was water and disappeared. It was like a real whale in the sea. It's most lethal factor wasn't this, but its ability to attack without making a single sound.

That was why Ibro tried to evade the previous attack like this. He wanted to direct that monster to attack from a certain spot. It wouldn't decrease that monster's attack strength but it would affect its lethality.

After all, surprise attacks were always lethal. Ibro hit the ground strongly with both of his legs, then he bent his body as if he was about to unleash an arrow.

He focused on the ground around him in full concentration. With the slightest tremble of the ground, he let the arrow go. His body moved at a faster speed to the front.

He evaded the sudden emergence of this huge full opened jaw with few centimeters only. This wasn't the end of this attack, as that mouth tilted and roared again.

Another beam of light appeared from it heading towards Ibro trying to claim his head. This time Ibro used both of his legs and bent them to stop his momentum and jump backward.

All of this occurred in nearly a friction of a second… one second was what it mattered between life and death. This time, he was alone in the face of this undefended monster.

He had paid a lot of trouble to gain this slim chance of success. He knew his enemy was underestimating him. It didn't know that Ibro was aware of all his tricks, but now it knew.

If he let this chance slip from his hands, he wouldn't have it ever again. His fate would be really sealed. He didn't waste any seconds and used the simplest move to hit that monster with his sword.

He just inserted the tip of the sword into its body accompanied by the detonation of one of his Omega's balls. That explosion was really intense, as it caused the monster to lose focus for a second.

That strike caused a deep wound into this huge body, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough even to cause a massive injury to this monster.

"Now you have all the fun you want, it's now my turn."

Ibro knew he failed. He had lost this slim hope. He gritted his teeth. If he had to die, then he would die trying. He wouldn't hold it back anymore. He crazily did the most unexpected thing ever; he combined all the remaining Omega's balls together.

His previous capacity was to merge two balls to form only a single Mega Omega ball. But now, he was trying to mix over 200 Omega balls together at the same moment.

He knew deep inside this was a suicidal move, but he would die and bring this monster down with him. Two balls merged to form one Mega Omega ball. Two Mega Omega balls merged together to form a bigger Mega Omega ball. He kept merging all the balls like a mad man.

'What is this crazy boy doing?'

'Can he merge his balls together?'

'No one can control such pure huge energy. His body will explode.'

'He will die.'

'He will die and kill a lot of our disciples with him.'

'We should stop him immediately.'

'It's too late; he had merged over 50 balls already.'

'Let's protect our kids then.'