Chapter 174: Heaven Defying Sect part 3

Name:Rioneed: VRMMORPG Author:ranmaro
Rineo seemed not affected by the speaker's words as he said loudly:

"This young man I found in the forest. He lost his memories. He isn't my representative but I wanted to enlist him as an outer sect disciple."

"Hahaha, do you still believe yourself an inner disciple hall master?"

"Until this challenge ends I'm still the inner sect disciple hall master."

Ibro felt the anger in Rineo's voice and the hatred in his speaker tone. It seemed he appeared here at a very tense moment.

"You know the rules Rineo, we can't accept any passerby. He needs to pass our admission and evaluation tests."

Rineo looked at his speaker and she was one of the two ladies that was flying in the air. Rineo spoke in a more respectful tone:

"Fire peak master, I know the rules. This young man just lost his memories so he can't fight properly."

"I have sensed him. He had no power at all. How can we waste our sect resources over some loser like him? He must have lost a fight and got crippled. We don't accept any cripple."

Rineo sighed. He was afraid that would be the reaction of his superiors. He knew that Ibro seemed crippled but he had witnessed his powers. While he was thinking of a way to help Ibro, Ibro took a few steps forward while saying loudly:

"I'm ready to take that admission and evaluation test of the sect."

That woman looked at Ibro with interest looks while asking:

"Are you sure? You know, we the peak masters decide the nature of the admission test of new disciples. As regard to the time isn't the regular schedule admission test, so we will choose some hard test for you. Are you sure you want to have this test?"

Rineo looked at Ibro who replied without hesitation:

"I accept."

Ibro wasn't that rash. He wasn't that weakling they thought, he had some strength left in him. He also had his new Omega balls.

"As you wish my dear."

She then stopped talking. Ibro didn't know what was going on but the whole place fell in a strange silence. Ibro looked towards Rineo in question but he just motioned him to keep silent.

"We have discussed your case and with regard, you came under Rineo recommendation then we decided that you will take part in the challenge against Rineo. Either you two win and live or you two lose and be expelled."

Ibro didn't understand what was going on exactly here, but when Rineo heard that he said at once:

"He is just a beginner cultivator. How can he face such a challenge?"

"It's been decided Rineo. Now it's up to your disciple to stand for both of you in the arena."

Ibro looked at the frustrated face of Rineo. He had no power in this matter now.

He wanted to help Ibro but he ended up dragging him in his mess.

"Can someone tell me please what this test is about?"

"Rineo inner disciple sect hall master has lost an important battle against another sect. the ones who defeated his disciples had crippled them all and left him alive.

To atone himself he needed to prove his worth as a hall master. He had to find a disciple to fight under his name.

No one had accepted to fight under him, so he went outside the sect looking for those disciples who are training in the wild. He then returned with you, so you will fight as his disciple."

Ibro understood the whole picture now. He then asked:

"Who will be my opponent?"

"It will be me."

That was a familiar voice. A long slim young man appeared in the arena looking in disdain towards Ibro. Ibro recognized his voice, he was the one who was mocking Rineo at the beginning.

"He is one of the team who defeated Rineo's disciples. He agreed to come and be a challenger here. Now come out to the arena and have your test."

Ibro looked at that lady who just spoke to him. He looked again towards his challenger and pointed out to him saying:

"If I have slain him, would I be only an outer sect disciple?"

"What do you mean?"

"He is way stronger than me. He managed to cripple inner sect disciples. So my point here is this test is higher than just an admission to the outer sect, right?"

She looked at Ibro with calm looks but Ibro felt suddenly tense.

"All sword cultivators are really idiots. You have no say here crippled person. You fight for your own life on the line here. Do you think that you can really kill me?"

Ibro looked at that youngster. He had experienced a lot in his life, so he hadn't fell into his provocation, instead, he said in provocation:

"Who are you to have a word in this matter? You are just an outsider. At least I'm here to join the sect while you are the one who killed sect disciples."

The lady interfered at once by saying:

"Your request is fair. If you manage to kill him then you will become an inner sect disciple."

Ibro then nodded. He started to move towards that arena. It actually had long stairs actually.

"He is a monster cultivator, so be careful from him."

"What do you mean?"

"He can summon and control monsters. He is very strong."

Ibro smiled and moved towards the arena. He started climbing the stairs. What Rineo told him was critical information. His opponent is a long-range attacker.

As any long-range player, he must be weak at close range fights. Both are each other's nemesis. His own previous experience at battling such kinds of players appeared in his mind. Although he was in a strange world now, the fight principles were the same, right?

"Prepare to be crippled. I won't show mercy on you and let you die. I will let you live in disgrace for your whole life."

Once Ibro reached the top of the arena he heard these words from his opponent. Ibro didn't bother him. He knew that old boring provocative tactic.

He wasn't a novice but could be considered a veteran. He moved to the middle of the arena. Around him, there were rows of seats that were suspended in the air.

On these seats, all the sect disciples sat there. Ibro noticed the peak masters were still standing in their places. He felt they didn't care about this fight as if his fate was sealed.

Ibro started to watch his enemy closely. That man was trying to distance himself from Ibro. Each step Ibro took to the front, he took another to the back. That made him feel more comfortable with his own judgment. What he needed to know now was the real power of this man.

"Start the fight."

This order came from the lady up in the sky. At once that young man moved his hands to form some kind of seal while saying:

"Prepare to be crippled… arise my monsters."

Ibro felt a threat coming from this man. Suddenly, his body shone with a strange dark green color followed by the emergence of gas with the same color from him.

In seconds, five huge shapes of monsters appeared in front of Ibro.

"Moleecian monsters?"

Suddenly the vibe of Ibro transformed once he saw these monsters. He had met these monsters before at his battle with the Gornatians.

He didn't expect to meet these monsters here. These monsters were always the frontlines of these nasty people behind them. The huge hatred inside him towards these monsters and the ones behind them had been ignited and burned very lively inside him.

He didn't stop in his tracks and started to move with steady heavy steps towards these monsters. That change on him didn't escape the keen senses of the peak masters up in the air.

'What is going on here? Isn't this kid crippled?'

'I don't know, but I can sense his strength is increasing in a strange way.'

'I can also sense it. It's a strange kind of energy.'

'It might be strange as he doesn't have any meridians to circulate it.'

'I also can't feel his dantian at all.'

'This is a strange kid indeed. I'm getting interested in this fight.'

'Are you kidding? Even if he had his power doubled he won't be able to defeat Droak.'

'Ah, you are supporting that outsider then?'

'Both are outsiders to me. I don't care who wins and who loses.'

No one had heard this mind talking between those peak masters. Ibro didn't realize the sudden interest he gained from those people. All he was focused on was these monsters.

His hatred had escalated inside him driving him to go near these monsters. Droak laughed widely as he said:

"you want to be crippled this badly. I will fulfill your wish then."