The demonstrators at the Pentagon soon dispersed, and the Defense Department was their financier. Caspar Weinberg's face should be given to everyone, especially at this moment.

It's okay. No one wants to march in the past. It's all forced by life. At this time, the money has arrived, and the employer agrees that they leave. Why not!

GM and Ford, though reluctantly. But I also know that relying on demonstrations can't bring much trouble to the black cloud group. It's better to wait for the next instructions of the Ministry of defense.

More than 20 companies participated in the bidding, all from the United States. However, the first requirement of the Ministry of defense caught many enterprises unprepared and even angry, because similar things had never happened before.

Ian Wright said to representatives of more than 20 automobile enterprises: "all bidding enterprises must be headquartered in the United States. The parent company cannot be registered in tax avoidance islands such as Cayman Islands, Virgin Islands and Bermuda. "

"Not only that, other branches cannot be registered in the above places. In other words, auto companies must not have any connection with tax avoidance islands, otherwise they will not be able to participate in this bidding. "

This is a heavy bomb, which can't beat many car companies. At the same time, they all hate baozixuan. If this boy didn't talk nonsense at the airport, how could the Ministry of national defense introduce such a policy.

In the United States, many large enterprises will register one or more companies in Virgin Islands and other places for the purpose of reasonable tax avoidance. Isn't the Ministry of national defense cutting off people's financial resources!

In fact, this is not the most terrible. Many enterprises can not deal with the government or the military. This hole can't be opened. It will be done in all bidding in the future. How can people live.

Hearing the news, GM's Mike Donald was very tangled. GM has two branches registered in the Cayman Islands, but the parent company did not dare to move out. After all, when GM was founded, these islands were still in a semi primitive society.

Look at the posture. If the two companies are not cancelled, it is difficult to get orders from the Ministry of defense. He still clearly remembers the call between general Ian Wright and himself last night and has made things very clear.

The president was involved this time, and the Defense Department was only ordered to act. It's time to make a statement, otherwise the military vehicle order may really make wedding clothes for others.

Before Mike Donald spoke, a representative of an automobile company said, "general Ian Wright, why didn't we have such regulations before? What should we do now. It was more than ten years ago to register in the Cayman Islands. During the Vietnam War, the company also provided high-quality vehicles for the military. "

"National policies cannot be changed day and night, or how to convince the public."

Seeing that someone has made a bird, everyone is waiting for the news. Look at the reaction of the Ministry of defense. Is it thunder and rain? It's just trying to scare timid enterprises.

Ian Wright smiled and said, "Mr. Walton, you can leave. In other words, your company is out. I think what I said is clear enough. "

It's impolite to let people leave directly. Ian Wright has a good temper. How can he be so unreasonable that people can't understand it.

Seeing that Wharton was expelled, he wanted to argue a few more words. Ian Wright said bluntly: "military purchase orders, products should not only have the best performance, but also enterprises should make significant contributions to the country."

"At least I doubt how well an enterprise that thinks about tax evasion every day can do its products. Compared with other countries in the world, taxes in the United States are not high in itself. But many people still want to take advantage of it, which is a bad idea. "

"Although we are soldiers, we don't want to care about economic affairs. However, national defense expenditure needs to be provided by taxes. You didn't pay taxes. Fortunately, you came to the bidding meeting. "

"At least it can't pass the pass in the Ministry of defense, even if it is reported to your Excellency the president. The United States and the Soviet Union need to compete on all fronts, and defense spending needs a lot of money. You are the elite of the United States. Don't trust the country. "

Hearing what Ian Wright said so frankly, everyone present felt that it was true this time. Unexpectedly, it was not the tax department that took the lead, but the military procurement.

In fact, this is very normal. It is impossible to kill all enterprises with one stick. If you target all enterprises in the United States at once, a bad situation will have serious consequences. Being able to register enterprises in the past Virgin Islands and other places is not a simple owner. Even as president of the United States, I dare not offend people to death at one time.

Every presidential election requires huge funds. Reagan still wanted to do something and was sure to seek re-election. For these super rich, there can't be much action at present.

Fortunately, Reagan was born as an actor, and Hollywood supported him very much. Otherwise, even military procurement may not dare to advance so rashly. After all, this represents a political signal.

A signal that the White House wants some businesses to change, at least on taxes.

Mike Donald stood up and said, "gentlemen, general Ian Wright is right. Too many enterprises in the United States are registered in the Virgin Islands and other places; We are all smart people. I don't need to say more. We all know why. "

"But our main market is in the United States, and everyone is American. It is impossible not to contribute to the country at all, but to let the country pay unconditionally for you. "

"Before, GM also had a registered company in the Cayman Islands, which is not only a disgrace to the company, but also a disgrace to all GM employees. We should remember this day because GM will write off two offshore companies. "

"GM will never harm the overall national tax situation for a small profit."

Let other business representatives know Mike Donald's statement. The boy must have got the news in advance, otherwise he couldn't have said so high sounding. It seems that general motors is bound to win orders for military vehicles, otherwise Mike Donald would never dare to say so. The board of directors can't let him go without an order. It can be said that if he doesn't succeed, he will become benevolent.

Henry Ford II smiled and said, "Ford has always been committed to the development of the United States. At present, it has not registered a company in the Cayman Islands and other places."

"Therefore, there is no problem as general Ian Wright said. The state provides protection for enterprises, and it is normal for us to pay taxes for the state. Ford has never thought about tax avoidance since the day it was founded. "

Ford thinks he is an American automobile aristocrat and has not really registered any enterprises on tax avoidance islands. Therefore, Ford II dared to make such a statement, and his words made everyone at the scene hate and admire.

I hate that the old man is a full man. I don't know that the hungry man is hungry. Ford has a long history and rich family heritage; To put it bluntly, it's money. Other enterprises don't make so much money. Who doesn't want to save taxes. It's embarrassing for Henry Ford II to say that now!

Admiration is the symbol of feeling that Ford is an American car, which can really play a leading role. Reasonable tax avoidance is not necessary. Ford is indeed a responsible enterprise.

Ian Wright didn't expect the Ford family to be so awesome. It seemed that they were belittled before. So he said, "Ford is proud of the American automobile industry. Ford directly entered the second round of bidding."

"As for other enterprises, if they have no relationship and involvement with tax avoidance islands. You can submit information to the Ministry of defense and enter the second round of bidding. "

"But first, let's make it clear to you that if there is any involvement, just say no. That is, not paying attention to the US military will not only directly cancel the bidding qualification. At the same time, it will be blacklisted by the Ministry of defense and will not be able to participate in the bidding business of Defense orders in the future. "

"If there are companies registered in the Cayman Islands and other places, we hope to complete the processing within three days. The Ministry of defense will launch the second round of bidding in three days. Don't even have admission qualification at that time. "

Although the three-day time is very short, it can be for these large enterprises. The cancellation of Companies in the Cayman Islands is absolutely sufficient, as long as the management expenses are made up. As for other tax avoidance islands, they don't care at all.

Everyone on the scene knows that if you want to take orders from the Ministry of defense, you must do as general Ian Wright said. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to the Ministry of defense in the future, because people can't give you a chance at all.

Are faced with choices to measure whether it is cost-effective to write off companies in the Cayman Islands. If you don't get an order from the Ministry of defense, you will be very passive in the future. But fortunately, no one is stupid enough to really want to deceive the military. After all, they can't afford this crime.

Moreover, the army is followed by the CIA, and few people can deceive the world's most famous intelligence organization.

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