Baozi Xuan has been awesome enough to answer emotional questions. It can be said that it is better than Jenny's imagination, and has already exceeded expectations.

It's almost time to start asking about the future development direction of the company and baozixuan's views on the development trend of science and technology. Now baozixuan is definitely an authority in the field of science and technology. Jenny also wants to have a good communication with baoshoufu. These are invisible wealth.

Jenny: "at present, it can be said that the development prospect of black cloud group is bright, and many technologies are ahead of this era. Everyone is very curious. As a young man who has started a business for just five years, you did so. What's more, the group will develop in that direction in the future. Of course, what's your favorite project? "

This is a very big topic, which has risen to the whole group. It seems that this reporter wants to summarize, but it's good. He doesn't have so much time to waste.

Grab, grab. Bao Zixuan: "the prospect is bright. Where to start? I always think that heiyun group is only 37 months away from bankruptcy. If a technology enterprise does not make innovation and change within 3 years, it is likely to be overtaken by its competitors. Therefore, the black group's annual R & D investment accounts for more than 50% of the profits. Only through continuous innovation can it be invincible in the market.

"Science and technology investment needs to be sustained. Rome can not be built in a day. I don't think an enterprise can develop better products without investing anything, unless there are geniuses inside the enterprise. "

"Black cloud group is a high-tech company, and this positioning will not change. Therefore, what we need to do is to persevere in the research and development of new products and new technologies. To tell you the truth, if the Hong Kong government didn't need me, I really didn't want to enter the banking industry. I'm not interested in anything except industry. "

"As for the future development direction of black cloud, there is only one way to constantly explore new technologies, new materials and new technologies. This direction of development will never change, and we should always stick to it. "

"I may enter some fields that do not make money but can contribute to human development, such as immigrating to Mars and developing space mining business."

"Human beings are very small in the vast universe. I want to go to outer space to see if there is alien technology. Moreover, the earth can not exist indefinitely. Mankind should not give up space exploration just for immediate interests. "

Fortune reporter was silly to hear that baozixuan wanted to explore outer space. This is a very money burning activity. The investment of a lunar landing project in the United States cost nearly $100 billion, and it was 10 years ago. Now it's better than that the United States and the Soviet Union dare not over explore space. After all, it costs too much money and has no economic benefits. But Bao Shoufu actually thought of immigrating to Mars. It seems that people's minds are really different from what they think.

Said Jenny with a smile“ Looking forward to that day, I also want to go to Mars. "

Bao Zixuan: "at present, everything is just fantasy, but I think it will be realized in the future."

Jenny: "one last question, are you worried about the anti-monopoly investigation of blackcloud group due to its large volume and high market share?"

After all, Fortune magazine is one of the most authoritative publications in the world economic circle. I'm sure I can understand some trends of the US government, and may even have an interest spokesman in the government.

Jenny asked that the US Department of Commerce had not made up its mind or found evidence, but there were signs to see how she reacted. However, baozixuan knows that anyway, the identity of heiyun group is very embarrassing, and the assistance that the state can provide is very limited. Now it seems that everything can only rely on itself.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "how to explain the so-called antitrust investigation? Heiyun always produces the most high-end products in the same category. Many enterprises have no R & D capability and want to eat ready-made food. There is no such reason in the world. "

"I always believe that antitrust investigation should not appear in enterprises bent on increasing scientific research investment. Developing a product requires huge R & D funds. If we can't occupy the market, how can we produce benefits? Without benefits, how can we have funds to continue R & D? "

If the enterprises that want to engage in R & d give up, how can human society progress. Therefore, black cloud group is not worried about antitrust investigation, but more worried that some people with ulterior motives will slander you behind“

”If one day to face antitrust charges, the black cloud group will not wait to die. Any law firm in the world can help win a lawsuit. I don't recommend paying the highest lawyer's fee ever“

It can be said that baozixuan's answer was domineering, which let Jenny know that the young man was definitely not as harmless as he showed.

The interview was basically over. The photographer of Fortune magazine took several photos of Bao Zixuan and went back to screen the one that could be used as the cover of the magazine.

巘 fyncoo&# 戅. At noon, everyone walked towards the restaurant. After seeing the food of black cloud, Fortune magazine staff thought that the simultaneous interpreting of the black cloud is as legendary as it is.

Jenny: "Mr. Bao, I have long heard that the food of heiyun employees is very good, comparable to five-star hotels. It seems that what you said is true. It's very happy to work here. It seems that we should communicate with the company and improve our treatment after we go back. "

Bao Zixuan: "the black cloud employees here work very hard. Overtime is a common thing. I always believe that no one can change the world by working only 40 hours a week. It's not that I want to deliberately exploit employees, it's because if the development of science and technology does not advance, it will fall back. If we can't work hard, it's normal to be surpassed by others who work harder than us. "

Although baozixuan said something reasonable, many people still couldn't understand it. The high cost of labor in Europe and America also has a lot to do with the high cost of overtime. Otherwise, it is impossible to transfer industry to Asia in this era.

Jenny: "what products are mainly produced here? Can we go to the workshop this afternoon?"

Bao Zixuan: "no problem, of course. It mainly produces ground effect aircraft. But heiyun has bought all the land nearby. When the drawings come out, the plant will be expanded. I'm going to make this an exclusive black cloud area. "

"In the future, it will become the headquarters of the whole black cloud group, but the design scheme is not very satisfactory; It didn't achieve the expected effect, so it hasn't started yet. "

Jenny didn't expect that baozixuan dared to invest heavily at this time. At present, the situation of Xiangjiang is not optimistic.

Jenny: "as far as I know, the situation in Xiangjiang is not very clear. Is it risky to invest too much at this time?"

Grab, grab. Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "there is no risk. If enterprises want to develop, they can't have too many concerns. Otherwise, we will never achieve anything great. There is no perfect place in world; Xiangjiang has a relatively good surrounding environment. "

巘 bxwx. O 戅“ With convenient transportation and pleasant climate, it is very suitable for work and life. Although we should consider political factors in doing business, we can't be controlled by politics. No matter when or which country needs industrial support. "

"A lot of things have been destroyed, just build again, and a lot of experience has been accumulated during the second construction. It may be more reasonable than the previous construction, which is also a kind of progress. "

Jenny found that the spirit of baozixuan was really unmatched by ordinary people. It was difficult for ordinary people to have this courage alone. It may also be that he doesn't panic when he has money in his hand. Money and talent are his strength.

Baozixuan can't say that there will be no more war between China and Britain. Xiangjiang's return will be very peaceful on the surface. Moreover, it will be better to have Chinese support for development after the return. It's not nothing to look for!

After lunch, the staff of Fortune magazine began to visit the production workshop of ground effect aircraft. Bao Zixuan did not accompany them. He wants to go to the weasel factory to learn about the situation, because at this time, the R & D team encounters a technical bottleneck and urgently needs his help to solve it. When the reporters saw the assembly of three ground effect aircraft, it was very spectacular. These products can be piled up with money, and the black cloud group may be stronger than anyone imagined.

One or two can be analyzed from the assembly of ground effect aircraft alone. The degree of workshop automation is too high. Fortune magazine reporters have also been to many factories. They have never seen any factory with more advanced and intelligent equipment than the black cloud group.

Baozixuan has developed many professional CNC machine tools and manipulators in order to liberate labor. After all, he knows the direction of the factory in the future, and now he is also trying to seize the mountain. If you don't do it yourself, you will regret when you pay patent royalties to Japanese and German enterprises.