Rachel Morgan has now entered a world of narcissism and has often been in a trance recently. I still can't let go. I often wonder if Xiangjiang steamed stuffed bun Xuan will marry her now! This past will not let the family shame, always thinking every day, always do not have the courage to move forward.

Seeing that his sister was distracted, William Morgan quickly called and said, "Rachel, are you listening!"

When someone called herself, Rachel Morgan said, "sorry, I was just thinking about something else; Go on! "

William Morgan: "the bulls are not releasing Hong Kong dollars, that is to say, no matter how much money we spend, we can't buy Hong Kong dollars on the market and exchange them with any foreign exchange. After the closure of HSBC for rectification, only heiyun bank in Xiangjiang has huge Hong Kong dollar reserves. "

"If it can't close its position now, Morgan bank is likely to be punished. It's not certain whether it can keep its securities trading qualification at that time; The Morgan family can't afford to lose this man. "

If old Morgan doesn't threaten his opponent, there is still room for relaxation. The stock exchange is willing to move or dare not move Morgan bank. But now the whole world knows that the Morgan family has violated the rules, and the president pays special attention to it. At this time, we can only do business. We must give an explanation to the public.

Hearing that the matter was so serious, Rachel Morgan said, "what do you want me to do?"

William Morgan: "I want you to call Xiangjiang baozixuan and hope he can exchange some Hong Kong dollars for Morgan bank. Now he can only listen to what you say. This face should give you. Besides, we don't want it in vain. We will take out the same amount of currency for exchange. "

Rachel Morgan doesn't want to talk to baozixuan about these things. He hasn't called each other. It's not easy to call and even ask others for work. There's no such reason in the world.

However, as a member of the Morgan family, we should also consider for the family. Besides, William Morgan is still his brother. We can't just look at his brother's bad luck and be indifferent.

Rachel Morgan: "how much Hong Kong dollars do you need now? I'll be prepared."

William Morgan: "we need HK $160 billion. The amount of short this time is a little large."

He was too brave to hear that his brother could not close his position with HK $160 billion. In fact, William Morgan also played a trick. Many hedge funds on Wall Street need to close their positions in Hong Kong dollars. If they can exchange more, can they earn a price difference, and let other funds see that the Morgan family has paid a great price for them.

Rachel Morgan: "we haven't been in touch for a long time. I don't know if he will agree. I can only ask for you. "

William Morgan: "as long as my sister comes forward, baozixuan will agree. I'm very confident about that."

Seeing her brother's worried expression, Rachel Morgan took out her mobile phone and made countless calls she wanted to make and put down.

A familiar voice came out from the opposite side: "Hello, who is it?"

It's not too late now. You must be an acquaintance if you can call your private mobile phone. So baozixuan answered the phone without hesitation.

Rachel Morgan thought for a moment and said, "bag, isn't it! I'm Rachel. Xiangjiang should be at night now! "

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan didn't expect Rachel Morgan to call him at this time, but he thought he was the eldest lady of the Morgan family after all. Now many hedge funds on Wall Street can't close their positions because they can't get Hong Kong dollars, and Morgan bank, as the leader of short Hong Kong dollars, certainly can't close their positions. US dollars can be printed by themselves, but they have no way to print Hong Kong dollars.

Bao Zixuan: "Rachel, why did you suddenly think of calling me. Is there something wrong? We are friends. If you have any problems, just say it. "

Hearing Bao Zixuan speak so politely, Rachel Morgan's heart is like a knife; But these are caused by their own lack of persistence, and they can't blame others.

Rachel Morgan: "you should know that Morgan bank participated in the short of Hong Kong dollar. Now there is no way to close the position because there is no sell-off of Hong Kong dollar in the market. So I hope you can exchange some Hong Kong dollars so that Morgan bank can tide over the difficulties. "

Bao Zixuan: "give me a reason. They have turned the Xiangjiang River upside down. It's impossible to bear the price at all."

Rachel Morgan: "if there is not enough Hong Kong dollars to close the position, Morgan bank may be punished. In addition, the person in charge of this operation is my brother and the successor of the Morgan family. I will try my best to maintain his successor qualification. "

Baozixuan was much pleased to hear that Rachel Morgan kept emphasizing the Morgan family and the problem of heirs. If such a woman really marries back, she will not get peace. When heiyun has a conflict of interest with the Morgan family, she may not stand on her side. It seems that separation is not necessarily a bad thing.

Bao Zixuan: "it's reasonable that I shouldn't agree. Cutting down the roots is the best choice. But since you have said so, I can't lose face at all. "

"How much Hong Kong dollars do Morgan bank want? I can change it for you. However, I hope to exchange it according to 1:3.8, which is a reasonable figure. "

Rachel Morgan has been driving hands-free, so William Morgan listens very clearly. Steamed stuffed bun porch is too dark. It has to exchange 1 US dollar for HK $3.8, which is higher than the current exchange rate of Hong Kong dollars. However, the current situation does not allow William Morgan to hesitate; So he nodded at Rachel Morgan.

Rachel Morgan: "no problem, just do what you say! Morgan bank needs HK $160 billion and will come up with the corresponding US dollars. "

Bao Zixuan: "I heard that Morgan bank has a mortgage loan in HSBC, which can be transferred to black cloud processing. At the same time, I need Morgan bank to give 20 bank outlets to heiyun in the United States. "

"In other words, black cloud bank will set up 20 flagship branches in the United States. I hope Morgan bank can help."

When he heard that he needed the loan certificate from HSBC, William Morgan agreed without hesitation. As for the 20 business outlets, he did not refuse. These requirements are not excessive, and it is also a good thing to be able to deal with HSBC loans to heiyun. Morgan bank has nearly $20 billion as collateral at HSBC, so they can save a lot of trouble.

The two sides then talked about some details, and the rest can be handled by the following people.

As she was about to hang up, Rachel Morgan suddenly asked, "have you talked about girlfriends lately?"

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan didn't hide it and directly replied, "there is a favorite girl. At present, the communication between the two sides is still relatively happy."

Hearing this, Rachel Morgan didn't say anything more and hung up. This is not only to hang up the phone, but also indicates that the emotional entanglement between the two people has been hung up.

Rachel Morgan is not a fool. She knew the result when she decided to make this call for her brother. In fact, she was very reluctant to make this call, but she chose to compromise for the sake of her family and her brother. Now she can only wish baozixuan happiness. It can only be said that the two people were predestined!

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan can't eat alone. He immediately contacted the Rothschild family and the Middle East Royal family. The three parties decided to eat the 160 billion Hong Kong dollars together; The two families have made great efforts this time. If they eat alone, who dares to help you.

After discussion among the last three, black cloud bank obtained the right to dispose of HSBC loans and 20 bank outlets. At the time of the loan, the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar was relatively low, and now it has nearly doubled. And baozixuan knows that HSBC can't give us dollars at all. This time, he will definitely peel off Shen Bi.

It is equivalent to that black cloud bank paid HK $60 billion and received US $15.5 billion in cash; Evidence of Morgan bank's loan of HK $100 billion to HSBC and 20 banking outlets in the United States. Although the location of the network is not very good, it has also established a banking network in the United States, which has taken a big step in the globalization process of black cloud bank.

As for the loan of HSBC, baozixuan will not calculate according to the current exchange rate. At that time, he will directly send HK $100 billion to HSBC to see if Shen Bi can take out the mortgaged US dollars.

Therefore, baozixuan generously recognized the interest. The interest for one and a half months is HK $1.5 billion. So it seems that Shen Bi is also very cruel, but now that the loan certificate has come to Bao Zixuan, HSBC may not be able to get anything.

The remaining HK $100 billion was shared equally between the Rothschild family and the Middle East royal families. This time, they helped Xiangjiang save the market and each family also made billions of dollars. It was an unexpected joy. However, offending the Morgan family has worried the Middle East Royal family. They still need to rely on the United States for many things, and even are still in contradiction.