After a day in the office, baozixuan finally thought of the priority development direction of the layout of heiyun group in the next step. He was ready to make children's money to the end.

At present, heiyun toy company has only one fist product - transformers, although it has set off a storm of Autobots all over the world. However, it is impossible for all children to like a toy, and toy products should be innovated and upgraded in time.

Now cartoon companies produce a large number of copyrights every day. Heiyun toy company can make good use of the benefits brought by these copyrights, but baozixuan doesn't have the idea of producing plush toys by itself. After all, it doesn't match with technology companies.

Many plush toys are produced by other factories. Baozixuan has never thought of establishing a toy factory in Xiangjiang. The land price and labor are not very cost-effective. We can only wait two years to build factories in the mainland.

Baozixuan's next plan has been figured out, that is to go to Europe to find two toys that have not been paid attention to and get their authorization, no matter how much it costs.

Hungary is still a Warsaw Pact country. It was difficult to come here as Xiangjiang company of heiyun group. However, with the deepening of the business of heiyun group and the whole Warsaw Pact countries, they also expanded their business here.

Baozixuan took his bodyguard and Yamashita Hengyi to Budapest Institute of architecture in Hungary by plane. He originally wanted Yamashita Hengyi to lead the team. After all, this is only a small project. But now he is only a young man who has graduated from University for less than a year, and he is promoted by himself, so he must take him on a journey; As for the future, it depends on his own strength and efforts.

Yamashita Hengyi is very excited. After all, he is on a business trip with the president. Very excited all the way. Seeing this, baozixuan thought that he was still a young man's state of mind. He didn't know whether he was right or not.

Bao Zixuan only arranged this time for a week. After all, it was Li Yulin's birthday at the end of this month. He had never given his mother a good birthday. He must make up for it this time, so time was very tight.

In a cafe in Budapest, baozixuan met the person he wanted to see this time, Professor Erno Rubik of pudapes Institute of architecture.

Erno Rubik, born on July 13, 1944, is a Hungarian inventor, sculptor and professor of architecture. He is known to the world because he invented the mechanical puzzle toy magic cube in 1974. Soon, the Rubik's cube became popular all over the world, and there were many evolved versions. Therefore, he was known as the "father of the Rubik's Cube". In addition, Rubik 360, magic board, magic watch, magic ruler and other interesting intellectual toys are also made by him.

Rubik's cube, also known as Rubik's cube, is called magic cube in Taiwan and twist dice in Hong Kong. Rubik's cube racing is an extreme hand sport.

The purpose of Bao Zixuan's trip is to come for the Rubik's cube. The Rubik's cube in the general sense refers to the third-order Rubik's cube in a narrow sense. The third-order cube shape is usually a cube, made of elastic hard plastic. The conventional racing method is to disrupt the cube and recover in the shortest time.

Baozixuan wants to produce this magical toy to exercise his intelligence. When he looks at the father of the magic cube, Erno Rubik is also looking at her.

Steamed stuffed bun Xuan smiled and said to Erno Rubik, "Hello, Professor Rubik. I'm baozixuan from Xiangjiang. I'm interested in a patent you have. I hope I can pay for it and promote it all over the world. "

After hearing the name of baozixuan, Erno Rubik suddenly thought of something and said, "you are baozixuan of MIT, the initiator of industry 4.0 theory."

In fact, what baozixuan doesn't know is that he is now a model of entrepreneurial success in front of people all over the world. However, in the academic circle, his industry 4.0 theory can attract the attention of scholars. Many universities in Europe and America have discussed his theory, and many universities have defined industry 4.0 as a subject direction.

Bao Zixuan: "yes, I didn't expect Professor Rubik to know me. It's my honor."

Professor Rubik: "I think you should come for Rubik's box. To be honest, it's just a small toy. Why are many companies optimistic about him!"

Bao Zixuan: "you are an artist and don't know much about business. I'll give your Rubik's cube a nice name - Rubik's cube. This magic cube will become an ideal toy for children to develop their intelligence and greatly improve their interest in mathematics and spatial stereology. "

Professor Rubik: "Rubik's cube is very appropriate, big name; A company in Budapest has paid for10 million, but I didn't promise. I think the price is too low. "

10 million forint is about 100000 US dollars. Baozixuan knows it well. But at the same time, he also regretted. I'll tell you what the cube does. If the cooperation fails, I'll help my opponent provide creativity!

Bao Zixuan: "the price is easy to discuss. After all, I want to cooperate with you for a long time. You should know that the Hungarian company does not have the ability to bring the Rubik's cube to the world, but the black cloud group fully has this condition. "

Professor Rubik: "how much money are you willing to pay and how to cooperate for a long time."

Bao Zixuan: "I don't like to tangle in negotiating prices. I can only make an offer once. I can sign a contract if I can't. I'll leave. $600000, and we will entrust you to design a work. "

"The infrastructure project of heiyun group this year has been designed. I promise you to give you the design right of a building in Xiangjiang. Six years, if I break my promise. I'm paying you $200000 in compensation. "

"At the same time, I hope you should develop more order Rubik's cube. And you can develop other things you are interested in. "

Professor Rubik was a little silly when he heard about $600000. After all, he had given him up to 3 million forint before. He said that 10 million was just trying to raise his value.

After all, he is an architecture professor. He is very excited to hear that he can dominate the design right of a building. If the design is good, it can be remembered in history.

Professor Rubik: "there's really $600000. You're not kidding."

The overall income level of Hungary is not very high. Even university professors are only half the income level of ordinary workers in the United States.

Bao Zixuan: "it's not 600000 dollars, it's 1 million dollars. I also want to entrust you to design a building. The design fee is 400000 dollars. If I don't entrust you with the design, I will compensate you $200000. You'll get $800000 anyway. As for your other inventions in the future, I will determine the price according to the performance of the product in the market. "

Rubik and many people have talked about the authorization of the Rubik's cube, but none of them has steamed stuffed bun Xuan. In the past, Hungarian local companies came to negotiate. They basically had no strength. Even if they had strength, it was difficult to sell the cube to the world. Black cloud opened up the markets and contacts of many Warsaw Pact countries because of its trade with the Soviet Union, so that he could meet Professor Rubik directly.

Professor Rubik: "according to the price you said, the Rubik's cube is yours."

At this time, the lawyer who had been waiting in the cafe drafted the contract as agreed by the two people.

When Bao Zixuan came to Hungary, he found a lawyer familiar with patent law through Larry Brown.

After signing the contract, Bao Zixuan came to the Hungarian national savings bank and remitted US $600000 to Professor Rubik's account.

The lawyer appointed by Larry Brown with the contract baozixuan applied for a patent for the Rubik's cube all over the world. In the past, Professor Rubik only applied for a domestic patent in Hungary. Later, he didn't get any actual benefits. Now it's in the hands of black cloud group. This situation can't happen again. In the future, no one is allowed to produce Rubik's cube except heiyun toy company. If you want to produce Rubik's cube, you have to pay a patent fee.

After explaining Professor Rubik's next research and development direction, baozixuan is going to the next country in Europe.