"Dad..." Han luofan begged him, "I don't want to recognize that person as a mother. My mother is CAI Jie, not yuan Ting!"

"... good."

At this moment, Han Bing can clearly feel Han luofan's pain. He is suffering now, just as he was many years ago when he learned of Han luofan's existence.

Worried that the father and son would fight, CAI Jie went upstairs to spy on the situation. Seeing that father and son were hugged together, she was stunned and then relaxed. That's good. It's like a family.

Han Bing didn't go to work that day.

For the first time, he asked for leave because of Han luofan.

Han luofan didn't stay in the room. He went downstairs to play a few games of chess with Han Bing. CAI Jie poured water for them and let them play chess with their father and son. After dinner, Han Bing receives a call from Chu Jian and has to go to the police station.

After he left, Han luofan stood up and went to the kitchen to help CAI Jie share part of the housework.

CAI Jie looks at the big man beside her in a trance.

In my impression, when Han luofan was a child, he liked to walk around with her. Later, when the child grew up, her heart was wild and she was not sticky. For so many years, CAI Jie was used to the day when she was alone at home.

Han luofan knows that CAI Jie is looking at himself, and his washing is a little stiff.

CAI Jie has a lot to say, but she doesn't know where to start.

Finally, Han luofan took the lead in breaking the awkward silence. He said, "I'm really... Her child?"

CAI Jie gave a gentle hum. After answering, she turned her head and looked at Han luofan, paying attention to Han luofan's expression. Finding that Han luofan didn't have a particularly shocked reaction, CAI Jie was relieved. Han luofan will clean the last bowl, suddenly bowed his head and said, "these years, to your chaos."

The sound of "you" brings alienation and sadness.

CAI Jie suddenly became helpless.

"Xiao Fan, don't say that..."

Han luofan broke her words, "from small to large, I am very skinny, add a lot of chaos to you, never thought, between us..." Han luofan's voice was quiet. Just when CAI Jie and Han luofan wanted to say "cut off the love between mother and son", they heard Han luofan say, "since you decide to be a mother, you have to be a mother for your whole life. It's irresponsible to escape halfway. "

He looked at CAI Jie with his eyes slightly red. He said, "Mom, I'll recognize you as a mom."

The man choked a mother, listen to CAI Jie can't help but wipe tears.

See CAI Jie hastily wipe tears, Han luofan heart is also very bad taste.

He didn't care to clean his hands, so he leaned over and held CAI Jie in his arms. He remembered his mother's arms and warmth, no perfume, but a faint scent of Lavender's washing liquid.

"Well, it's time to let go. Mom, clean the bowl." CAI Jie also feels embarrassed, this kind of moving scene, she does not adapt.

Han luofan released her and said, "I'll wash it."

He went to the sink to wash the dishes.

Han luofan is very tall. The dishwasher is built according to CAI Jie's height. Han luofan stands there with his head bent. CAI Jie saw that her son was quite skilled in washing dishes, so she took a wet towel to wash the Liuli table. As she scrubbed, she said, "Xiao fan can do housework like this, and then your daughter-in-law will be blessed."

Han luofan snorted and said, "if you don't have a daughter-in-law, you'll be single all your life."

"Didn't you talk about a girlfriend?"

Han luofan added, "who knows where to go."

"Ah, you young people, it's better to be more affectionate, like your father..." after half of the speech, CAI Jie realized that this topic is not suitable to talk about. When Han luofan heard this, he suddenly asked CAI Jie, "Mom, when you married my dad..."

After a moment's hesitation, Han luofan asked, "do you have any feelings?"

CAI Jie thought about it and told Han luofan truthfully.

"Your father and I have been married for more than 30 years. In fact, in the first 14 years, we were not even husband and wife. At that time, I was a babysitter to take care of you and him. "

Han luofan is an adult and naturally understands the meaning behind CAI Jie's words.

That is to say, they have been married for more than 30 years and haven't slept in the first 14 years! The way Han Bing and CAI Jie get along with each other refreshes Han luofan's world outlook. He was shocked, and regardless of his identity, he asked in surprise, "for 14 years, you have never done it in the same bed!"

CAI Jie's face is a little red.

She is a simple and virtuous woman. She is shy to talk about such a private topic.

However, seeing that her son was so old, CAI Jie told Han luofan about those things. She said, "when we got married, Bingge said that he might not be interested in me for the rest of his life. He married me just because you need a mother and the city officials need a wife. "

"In addition, at that time, my love life was not smooth, and I met... Scum man." Those unhappy things in those years, now mentioned, can also be ordinary. CAI Jie continued, "our marriage is like a cooperation. Although I fell in love with your father first, I still remember what he said

"I thought we'd be like this in our lives."

Han luofan asked, "what caused the change in your relationship?"

CAI Jie said, "do you remember when you were 13 years old, your father took me to Shen Guanshan's birthday party. On the way, our car had a brake problem and crashed into a lorry with gravel. I didn't think much about it at that time. I just thought that Bingge could not die, so I saved him at all costs. "

"Later, when the hospital woke up, Bingge's attitude towards me slowly changed."

These years, things like Han Bing and CAI Jie sound very simple, but how can they be summed up in a few words after so many years of company. Han Bing is not really hard hearted, he also has a heart, CAI Jie's good, he all see in the eyes, CAI Jie more than 10 years of company and pay silently, Han Bing's heart even if it is ice, also give Wu melt.

He can't help but get emotional.

As time goes by, this is right, at least for them.

Smell speech, Han luofan smile, say, "also quite romantic ha, put those romance novels, you are the standard man and woman Lord."

CAI Jie just laughed and was rather embarrassed.

Han luofan thought of something, frowned and said, "Dad, he's now... Now he's full of justice for that woman. Aren't you angry?"

"Listen to the truth?"

Han luofan wiped his hand and gave CAI Jie a look.

CAI Jie said, "as a wife and a woman, of course I will eat." She added, "but I also understand that Ji Yue is a nightmare in Bingge's heart. In the case of knowing that Ji Yue's disappearance has another secret, if he doesn't avenge Ji Yue, he will not be able to let go in his life. "