After the discussion of many Xiaomi executives, the eyes of many executives quietly gathered on Fang Zhe, the figure sitting on the right of President Lei.

If Lei is always the founder and backbone of Xiaomi, Fang Zhe, the co-founder and chief consultant of Xiaomi, is Xiaomi's sea god needle. Since Xiaomi was founded, no matter how many difficulties and problems, they can be solved as long as they are put in front of Fang Zhe.

Many executives muttered that if the first generation Xiaomi pad product seminar party was not always present, why would the first generation Xiaomi pad fail?

Mr. Lei is also aware of the changes in the look and attitude of the executives, but he has long been used to it in his heart. Don't mention them. Even himself is waiting for Fang Zhe to give his opinions. Otherwise, why bother to invite Fang Zhe to come here.

If Fang zhe feels any change in the attitude of the executives, when the discussion in the conference room is quiet, he slowly opens his mouth and says:

"What you discussed just now is very reasonable. Before analyzing the product positioning of Xiaomi pad, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever heard of or used the Kindle?"

"Kindle? Is Fang always talking about Amazon's e-book reader?"

"Of course I have. I use it to read e-books for half an hour every noon. Now it's on my desk!"

"Yes, it's very useful."

"The Kindle doesn't support e-books very well. It has the texture of paper books."

When it comes to the Kindle, many executives are full of praise. The Kindle's e-book reading experience is much more powerful than any iPad and all kinds of pads.

At the same time, some executives also had doubts in their hearts. President Fang, don't you want Xiaomi pad scholar Kindle to be an e-book reader?

"It seems that many people know that the Kindle is an excellent e-book reader, but in fact, we can also regard it as a sub category of pad. Apple's iPad has ignited the pad Market, but no one stipulates that the design, system, content and other aspects of pad should follow Apple's iPad!" Fang zhe said.

Many executives are thoughtful and listen to Fang Zong's meaning. Fang zhe prefers Xiaomi pad to make a breakthrough from a sub category or a sub function like a Kindle.

"There are two ways to make products, one is to add and the other is to subtract.

Adding is big and comprehensive, hoping to meet the needs of all users. Such products become more complex and cumbersome. After so many years of iterative updating, both Android system and IOS system have derived too many redundant things.

We bought a new iPad with 80% of the original applications and functions we can't use.

Subtraction seeks the minimalist model and focuses on the core functions. Steve Jobs, the founder of apple, was a person who focused on the minimalist model. Many of Apple's early designs can be called a model of the minimalist model.

The most classic is the Apple iPhone, which first abandoned the mobile phone button and retained only one home button, which was an extremely bold and classic innovation in the global mobile phone industry at that time.

The two product ideas of addition and subtraction have their own advantages and disadvantages. The former is suitable for a product to meet the core needs of users and slowly meet the redundant needs of users, while the latter is suitable for the design and production of a product from scratch.

As we all know, the first generation MIUI of Xiaomi was made with the product idea of subtraction! "

Fang zhe mentioned the history of MIUI, which resonated with some veteran Xiaomi executives.

When Xiaomi started a business, they had nothing but a group of people. They could only make it easier to do MIUI operating system first, and then hardware. It was also not easy to do MIUI system. The Android system has so many functions. It was developed by several engineers in their team. Without a year and a half, how can they make a complete Android system?

Therefore, at the beginning, the design idea of MIUI was subtraction, and all core functions urgently needed by non users were not done!

Therefore, the first generation MIUI was made in just a few months. Later, because of its minimalist mode, it was widely praised by many brush lovers. Later, when Xiaomi mobile phone 1 was released, MIUI had accumulated millions of users around the world, which laid a great foundation for the popularity of Xiaomi mobile phone.

"Make Xiaomi pad with the idea of subtraction!" many executives thought about Fang Zhe's sentence.

Fang Zhe's idea is not innovative or bold. You know, the mainstream pad in the current market is almost made according to the model of Apple iPad. The pad uses the same operating system as the mobile phone. The pad is almost a large screen and castrates the mobile phone with some functions. If you subtract according to president Fang? What should we do?

"In my opinion, Xiaomi pad only needs to meet the core needs of most pad users. There is no need to care about and meet other needs.

What are the main needs of users to buy pad in the current market? Who can tell me the answer? " Fang zhe asked.

"Play games!"

"Watch the video!"



Different executives gave different answers. Fang zhe raised his hand and pressed down the chaotic answers of the executives. He named the head of Xiaomi marketing department and said, "for you, I think you should have done Market Research in advance?"

The person in charge of Xiaomi's marketing department nodded and said, "yes, just before this seminar, we also randomly conducted a questionnaire survey on 2000 tablet computer users of different brands.

Among them, 57.1% of users mainly use tablet computers to watch videos. Mobile games and online shopping rank second and third respectively. Among female users, 68.3% mainly use tablet computers to watch videos. "

Hiss! 68.3%. When the head of the marketing department said this, many resourceful Xiaomi executives had guessed what president Fang wanted to say.

Watch videos! This is the main purpose for users to buy tablets at present!

Looking at the thoughtful appearance of Xiaomi executives one by one, Fang zhe said:

"Many users, especially female users, buy pad mainly to watch videos. The mobile phone screen is too small and the computer is inconvenient to carry. Pad is the best tool to watch online videos. You can use pad to catch up with videos at home, in the company, on the subway, in bed, on the sofa, even in the bathroom, and anywhere with Internet.

Therefore, the demand and product positioning of Xiaomi pad are very clear. It is specially used to watch videos and chase dramas. As long as this content is done well, Xiaomi will be able to gain a firm foothold in the market and even make great achievements! "

Xiaomi pad is specially used for watching videos and chasing dramas?

Fang Zhe's product positioning of Xiaomi pad has aroused discussion and heated discussion among Xiaomi executives.