"Socrates, a famous ancient Greek philosopher, once said that the best way to get rid of weeds in the wilderness is to plant crops on it. Similarly, the best way to keep the soul free from trouble is to occupy it with virtue.

I am honored to stand here today to witness the launching ceremony of the shimmering prairie fire plan with you.

Seven years ago, I opened the only library in the village in my own supermarket. I hope the children in the village can have their own library like the city people. I hope even the farmers who work in the fields every day can slowly develop the habit of reading.

Because I know that reading can change a person. Even if he doesn't necessarily learn anything from the book, the thought and culture in the book will imperceptibly affect him.

I remember once, an outsider came to our village. When he was shopping in my small supermarket, he told me that the children in your village are different from other villages. I said why?

He said that the children in your village are more polite. They know how to say hello when they see people. I said that older and sensible children will ask. He said that it is different. Even very young children in your village will ask. They speak very politely.

I was very happy when I heard it. I don't know whether they were influenced by my small shimmering bookstore, but I know that if we can create a good growth environment for children, even if they can't become talents, they won't go astray.

As the old saying goes, trees grow in ten years and people grow in a hundred years. Maybe a small shimmering bookstore can hardly have much impact on children in a few years, but ten, hundreds and thousands of shimmering bookstores will affect generations for decades and hundreds of years. They will start a prairie fire like a single spark, creating a good growth environment for many rural children and making them slow from childhood Slowly cultivate the good habit of loving reading.

A little glimmer is a little hope. Thousands of glimmers are thousands of hopes. I hope every child in rural areas can become different because of the emergence of glimmer bookstore.

Thank you, thank you“

On the rostrum, Li Cuili, the founder of the first Twilight bookstore, the fire source of the twilight prairie fire plan, made an opening speech for the guests present.

Warm applause rang out under the stage, which excited Li Cuili who had just stepped down. Seven years ago, I'm afraid she never dreamed that one day she could make an opening speech in such an honorary and face-saving place as the National Library in front of so many big people and leaders.

Even though she was nervous on the stage and her non-standard Mandarin had a strong Henan flavor, no one in the guests and audience looked down on her. On the contrary, many people looked at her with respect.

After Li Cuili stepped down, under the introduction of the host, Rao Quan, director of the National Library, and Zhu Dongbin, deputy director of the Ministry of education, spoke on the stage one after another.

"A school in a library is far better than a library in a school." Rao Quan, the curator, praised Li Cuili's shimmering bookstore. He taught the children through various amateur activities such as small speakers and scientific experiments, which made Fang Zhe's memory fresh.

After Zhu Dongbin stepped down, it was Fang Zhe's turn to take the stage.

As the founder of Huizhong and the richest man in the world, Fang Zhe is one of the most watched and well deserved focuses no matter when, where and on any occasion.

Everyone under the stage looked eagerly at the young man on stage and said that the person who should be most grateful for the launch of the shimmering prairie fire plan was Fang Zhe.

If the twilight Bookstore founded by Li Cuili is a fire, Fang Zhe is Prometheus, the "fire thief" in the Greek mythology, because he brought the fire to the world, making the original little Twilight become a prairie fire.

Li Cuili looked at Fang zhe with burning eyes. She knew that the man in front of her was a well-known and well-known richest man in the world. Even the children in their village said that their ambition when they grew up was to become the richest man in the world like Fang Zhe.

What Li Cuili didn't expect was that Fang Zhe, who was unattainable in her eyes and had a huge identity gap, was very approachable. Just like her neighbor's eldest brother, he took the initiative to take a group photo with her before the ceremony.

Looking at Fang Zhe's confident and calm speech on the stage, Li Cuili had more admiration and respect for him from the bottom of his heart.

"Books carry our knowledge, culture, thought and even civilization. Reading is the best way to inherit all this.

On world reading day last year, on a whim, I sent tens of millions of copies of Fortress Besieged to the people all over the country, hoping to stimulate or arouse everyone's reading desire and hobby. However, after our questionnaire and various surveys, less than one fifth of those who received the books actually read them.

There are even many people who resell this book at a low price or sell it to the waste recycling bin as junk. From last year to this year, one of the most books received by the national waste recycling bin is the book besieged city I sent out last year.

Such a thing, like a slap, hit me hard in the face.

Books are a valuable resource. In order to inherit civilization, our ancestors did not hesitate to spend a lot of time and energy carving words on stones and writing on bamboo slips. However, today, because of the progress of science and technology, books are easier to print and civilization is easier to spread. However, our respect for books and civilization is getting lower and lower. There is a huge waste of book resources in the whole society.

I have always advocated that public welfare should also be calculated carefully, and the smallest resources should be used to achieve the maximum effect. In this way, the cost and cost of public welfare will be reduced, public welfare will last and flow, and public welfare will help more people.

Sister Li Cuili's shimmering Bookstore woke me up and gave me great inspiration. Compared with the extravagance and waste of sending Fortress Besieged, spending these money and resources on the shimmering prairie fire plan, building shimmering bookstores all over the country, and recycling and sorting out old book resources all over the country is the public welfare with the best cost performance.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. The dim light gathered together can be as bright as the sun. I hope that in 10 or 20 years, one or even two generations will fall in love with reading because of what we do today.

Thank you! "

Applause surged off the stage. With Fang Zhe's status and infinite wealth, he could personally tell the embarrassment that tens of millions of besieged cities he sent last year became one of the most books received by the waste recycling bin. It can be seen that Fang zhe admitted that his actions last year were a little reckless and thoughtless, which was a huge disrespect and waste of books and social resources.

Fortunately, Fang Zhe's family has an outspoken internal help. He also happens to know the better public welfare model of shimmering bookstore. He believes that after the shimmering prairie fire plan is slowly carried out throughout the country, it will certainly help more people who really want to read.

That night, the launching ceremony of the shimmering bookstore and the shimmering prairie fire plan spread to the whole Internet with the spread of media and celebrities, which attracted the attention and hot discussion of netizens all over the country.