Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen ridiculed themselves as businessmen and couldn't do anything without business. Even if they had a good relationship with Mordy, they hoped that Huizhong's development in the Indian market would be smooth.

In the eyes of outsiders, Fang Zhe is not just a businessman. At least many things he does are things that a businessman who only wants to make money will not do.

For example, on world reading day last year, Fang zhe sent a copy of Fortress Besieged to tens of millions of people across the country on a whim, which broke the Guinness world record and created a festival such as "world reading week".

This year's world reading day and world reading week have already passed for nearly a month. Because of Fang Zhe's agitation and drive last year, this year, we pay attention to world reading day and world reading week, and the number of people who buy books during this period is far higher than in previous years.

Many netizens are also looking forward to Fang's richest man, who is so angry that he can send another wave of books to everyone this year. Even, many netizens are gearing up to leave a message under Fang Zhe's microblog or @ Fang Zhe's quick action, etc.

Unfortunately, Fang zhe seems to have forgotten his microblog account and this matter. The latest microblog is the Spring Festival. I wish you a happy new year. Now the world reading day has passed for nearly a month, and Fang Zhe's microblog hasn't moved. Netizens understand that Fang zhe won't send any books this year. Last year, it was purely a whim of Fang Zhe.

Until the end of May, there was still 3 days before the June 1 children's day. Fang zhe signed up to micro-blog and forwarded a short video of public welfare.

The name of the short video is "Weiguang bookstore". It tells about Li Cuili, a rural woman who runs a small supermarket in Nanhe province. Since 2008, she has opened a free library in her own small supermarket. No matter adults and children in the village or passers-by, they can borrow books in this small library called Weiguang Bookstore free of charge.

The short video tells the story of Li Cuili's founding of Weiguang bookstore.

One day in 2008, when there was a temple fair in Li Cuili's village, a song and dance troupe from the nearby village to catch up with the temple was invited to perform in the village. Li Cuili also went to see the performance with his children under the age of 6.

At the beginning, the performance of the song and dance troupe was very fresh and fashionable. Li Cuili and many neighbors were happy. However, later, some vulgar yellow jokes gradually appeared in the performance of the song and dance troupe, and the dancers began to show off, so that the men in the village looked straight and kept pushing forward.

With her children, Li Cuili became uneasy and uneasy. Her children grew up in such an environment. Won't they whistle and play hooligans in front of a coquettish dancer in the street like the men in the village?

Li Cuili, who had a writer's dream since childhood, tossed and turned when he returned, and gradually had the idea of running a small library in the village.

Just do it.

At the beginning, Li Cuili picked up two or three hundred old books from the old book stall and the homes of relatives and friends, made a small space in the supermarket as a small library, and gave the library an elegant name, shimmering bookstore.

Li Cuili thinks that such a small and humble library is like a glimmer of light. As long as someone is willing to borrow books, it is a glimmer of light and a little hope.

However, the start was not as smooth as Li Cuili thought. Few people in the village came to borrow books from her. Some people borrowed them and may not return them.

Li Cuili doesn't care much about not returning the borrowed books, because there are only a few such people, and the books in the library are old books, which are not worth much money, as long as someone is willing to read.

But the problem is that few people in the village are willing to borrow books to read. At that time, it's better to play mahjong twice.

In order to change this situation, Li Cuili began to encourage children in the village to borrow books in the shimuang library by rewarding worthless gadgets such as pencils, erasers and ball pens.

Slowly, the twilight Bookstore became a gathering place for many children in the village to borrow and read books. Li Cuili also raised old books in various ways. Many kind-hearted people and public welfare organizations who knew Li Cuili and the twilight Bookstore also donated a lot of books to fill the twilight bookstore.

Today, in addition to being a reading paradise for the children in the village, the shimmering Bookstore often holds activities such as small speakers, old thing transformation, folk custom inheritance and small scientific experiments to enrich the children's amateur life.

The children who studied in the twilight bookstore a few years ago are now grown up and sensible. They often volunteer to help in the twilight bookstore in winter and summer vacation, help organize activities, read and tell stories to the children, and so on.

Last year, after Fang zhe sent tens of millions of "Fortress Besieged" in the moat, his wife Feng Xue mentioned the shimmering bookstore. Compared with his reckless and extensive delivery of tens of millions of books, the public welfare model of shimmering bookstore is a longer-term, more continuous and good public welfare model that helps people develop good reading habits.

Since last year, Huizhong public welfare has formulated the "Twilight prairie fire plan" with reference to the model of Twilight bookstore.

Every rural area must have a small supermarket to meet people's daily life. This supermarket is one of the places where adults and children in the village have the most contacts. The twilight prairie fire plan is to follow the public welfare model of Twilight bookstores and strive to establish one by one Twilight bookstores in hundreds of thousands of rural supermarkets across the country to let rural children all over the country, They all have their own libraries like city people.

Since last year, Huizhong commonweal has begun to prepare for the twilight prairie fire plan, including contacting relevant government units such as national or regional education bureaus, libraries and National Book commonweal organizations, and gradually establishing a huge old book recycling network covering the whole country.

These old books will be collected, disinfected, sorted and verified by cooperative public welfare organizations and relevant volunteers all over the country, and finally distributed to shimmering bookstores to be gradually established in rural areas all over the country.

Similarly, in order to encourage children or adults in rural areas all over the country to borrow books and read, according to the actual situation, a reward mechanism similar to the shimmering Bookstore founded by Li Cuili will be adopted to help children all over the country gradually cultivate good reading habits.

Fang Zhe, Huizhong public welfare and all connected public welfare organizations will pay for the whole huge shimmering prairie fire plan!

On the afternoon of the day Fang zhe forwarded this public welfare video, Fang Zhe, the cultural exchange center of Yanjing National Library, Rao Quan, the curator of the National Library, Zhu Dongbin, deputy director of the Ministry of education, Wang Zizhou, Professor of Yanjing University, the person in charge of Huizhong public welfare, the person in charge of various public welfare units, and Li Cuili, the founder of the first shimmering bookstore and the protagonist of the public welfare short film, attended the meeting The press conference of the official launch of the "Twilight prairie fire plan".