The total bonus of US $100 million, let alone in China, has never been so high in the countless entrepreneurship competitions held over the years, even in the world!

Needless to say, the prize money of this entrepreneurship competition is mainly from the richest man Fang and Huizhong. Other Internet companies such as bat and Sina Netease are nothing more than the face of the seller Zhe and Huizhong.

The news of the entrepreneurship competition has just been released, which has aroused heated discussion in many forums and news websites at home and even in the world.

"I'm rich, 100 million dollars! Is Fang's richest man rich? There's no place to spend. If there's no place to spend, I don't want much, 1 million or 108 thousand!"

"I heard that the $100 million prize of this competition was $95 million from Huizhong alone, and the remaining $5 million was from companies such as Baidu, Tencent and Alibaba. I really don't understand what Fang Zhe, the richest man, thinks in his head. Is it too much money?"

"Let's not say that they are the richest people in China. You are a bunch of poor people who can talk and talk. If the rich throw 100 million out, you can get 1 billion back. As long as you can throw 100 million US dollars into a company valued at several billion US dollars, boss Fang will make sure that he won't lose! What games the rich play can you poor people understand?"

"Listen to the tone upstairs, it seems to be very rich?"

"Shit, why is the entrepreneurship competition with such a high bonus only held in China? Huizhong claims to be a world-class company. Why not hold the entrepreneurship competition all over the world?"

"Agree, it's fuck to give so much money to Chinese entrepreneurial teams and companies!"

"A world-class entrepreneurship competition? Just gather people? Where do the faces of Google, IBM, Microsoft and apple go?"

"No matter where they put their faces, just take the money. The company I opened with my friends is just looking for angel round financing. It would be nice to participate in this entrepreneurship competition! Fuck, a careful Chinese!"

Different from the domestic media and public opinion, many overseas media and netizens are amazed and optimistic about the entrepreneurship competition. While reporting relevant news one after another and expressing their envy, they also inevitably have jealousy and hope that they will have the opportunity to share the bonus of up to US $100 million.

However, Chinese mainland China Internet entrepreneurs competition is the name of the competition. The rules of the competition have clearly stated that the participants can be individuals who have identity certificates in Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, entrepreneurial teams, small and medium-sized Internet Co or overseas Chinese who have lived in China for more than three years. But I don't have the qualification for this competition!

And this is indeed Huizhong, the leading organizer of this competition, or Fang Zhe, Huizhong's boss, who deliberately did it!

Fang zhe took the lead in putting forward the concept of o2o at the IT summit at the beginning of the year. So far, wechat has only launched mobile payment and red envelope functions in China. One reason is that Huizhong, as a Chinese company, has the convenience in terms of domestic financial system and policies. Another reason is that Fang zhe hopes to take advantage of this to help start, Let domestic entrepreneurs and the Internet industry take a step ahead of the world!

Even if Fang zhe wants Huizhong to become a world-class multinational company, Huizhong's headquarters and biggest backstage are still a strong China.

The reason why the United States can produce so many powerful world-class giant companies is not unrelated to the strong national strength of the United States to dominate the world. The strength of the country is the strong background of enterprises, and the strength of enterprises supports the strength of the country. The two are directly related to each other and complement each other!

Therefore, even if the public opinion of the competition is mixed in the world, the news media and entrepreneurs in many countries accuse Huizhong of favoring China, and Fang Zhe and Huizhong just don't see it.

Even the world's top companies such as Google and Microsoft, which are more powerful than Huizhong, have not held any entrepreneurship competitions around the world. If Huizhong comes out like this, wouldn't it be in the limelight to beat them in the face? Besides, if Huizhong doesn't attract Google and Microsoft to participate, it can't be regarded as the world's top entrepreneurship competition on the Internet. If Huizhong attracts these companies to participate, How can Huizhong be the boss?

No matter how many reasons and considerations behind the holding of the "China Internet entrepreneurship competition", it is an excellent opportunity for the domestic Internet industry and many entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized Internet companies who have no way to start a business and invest!

The registration time of this competition lasts for one month from May 25 to June 25. In addition to the requirements for the qualification of contestants, contestants also need to register for entries.

To the surprise of domestic Internet users and many viewers who have seen entrepreneurship competition programs, the requirements of the participating projects are very simple, as long as they are related to the Internet. Whether you are doing e-commerce, group buying or even opening Taobao store on the Internet, they are in line with the qualification of the participating projects. For the specific project content, The conditions are so low that as long as you can make a business plan or PPT, you can participate in this competition!

This appalling low entry condition has made Internet entrepreneurs, Internet people and even many Taobao shopkeepers all over the country enthusiastically sign up!

The audition of the entrepreneurship competition began nationwide from the first day of registration on May 25. In the first ten days, more than 20000 Taobao shopkeepers registered in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai in the South alone, including more than 2000 who passed the audition.

As of the deadline for registration on June 25, a total of 250000 individuals, groups or small and medium-sized Internet companies have signed up for the competition. Finally, more than 50000 people have passed the audition!

More than 200000 people signed up for an entrepreneurship competition, which has never been seen in China or in the world. This number scale is not much worse than the talent shows such as super female voice in China!

In fact, in order to expand the influence of this entrepreneurship competition, this entrepreneurship competition is indeed used as a TV talent show to organize and select excellent entrepreneurs or entrepreneurship teams.

Since the audition, the entrepreneurship competition has been broadcast live across the country on seven or eight Star TV stations such as CCTV set 1o, Yanjing satellite TV and Oriental satellite TV. On the one hand, it is to show the openness and transparency of the competition, on the other hand, it is also to expand its influence and call on more entrepreneurs to participate in the competition.

All kinds of wonderful entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship projects, while being filtered out by the audition, also amused the audience watching the entrepreneurship competition all over the country.

After the audition, 50000 people entered the top 5000, the top 5000 entered the top 500, and the top 500 entered the top 50. Until the last 50 competed for ranking, they allocated up to US $100 million in bonuses and entrepreneurial support resources of Huizhong bat and other large companies, which were all used as live TV programs and enjoyed by viewers all over the country!

On August 25, the third month after the start of the competition, on the morning of the finals, Fang Zhe, the big boss of Huizhong company, as the behind the scenes organizer of the entrepreneurship competition sweeping the country, and the top leaders of bat and Netease Sina, who were invited to participate, made their first appearance and appeared on the live broadcast of the competition. Facing the national audience, they decided to be the last five in the competition!